Author Topic: Can someone check these Alps68 plate dimensions? (for Tada68 cases)  (Read 3812 times)

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Offline M4dn3ss

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  • Posts: 17
  • Location: Oz
Hey everyone,

I'm planning a 68 key Alps build for Tada68 cases based on LFKeyboards' SMK65 PCB. I have no CAD experience so I used ai03-2727's Voyager65 plate ( as a base. However since I wanted a 1.25/1.25/6.25/1/1/1/1/1/1 bottom row (1.25 LCtrl, Win, LAlt / 6.25 Space / 1u RAlt, Fn, RCtrl / 1u arrows) I also generated a plate using Swill's tool and tried to copy the bottom row and screw holes into the right positions using QCAD.

My proposed plate design is in the attachment (DXF), it would be fantastic if someone could check all the dimensions including plate size, switch cutout positions, and if the screw holes line up with the Tada68 case screw holes. It looks right to me but given that a millimetre off in the wrong spot could cause the whole thing not to fit properly, it would be great to get a second opinion from someone who knows more than I do. And if it's all good, we have a new 65% Alps plate for you all to use, if you wish!

N.B. - note on stabilisers: I have Alps stabiliser cutouts but also a Cherry stabiliser cutout at the spacebar, so if I want I can switch between spacebars that use Alps stabilisers and spacebars that use Cherry stabilisers. The other Alps stabilisers should also work with Cherry-stabilised keycaps if I use the excellent Nexus stabiliser inserts.