Author Topic: Is it possible to put topre switches in custom korean kb case and pcb ?  (Read 2719 times)

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Offline Yuuki

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I saw that :
And i wondered if its possible to take a realforce apart; and put the domes, switches and spring on a custom korean kb like a lz with a trik pcb
I know it's will be very expensive but I want a 87u with a metal case (not the digilog).
My "dream" keyboard will be something like a lz red with the never-released topre Red alert set...

Offline daerid

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Doubtful. The PCB for Topres is a pretty complicated beast, and is totally incompatible with anything else.

Offline Yuuki

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don't say that please :-(
So you need to have case specifically designed for the 87u pcb ?
If yes, it means i'm stuck with all that empty space above the F row (because the pcb actually extends there I think)

Offline esoomenona

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I think the biggest problem with a custom Topre board is that the domes and springs aren't easily available. If they were, I'm sure someone would work on a PCB to make one.

Offline Photekq

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« Last Edit: Mon, 06 May 2013, 13:56:12 by Photekq »
discord: hi mum#5710

Offline daerid

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Not only that, but the way the switch works is significantly different from other point-contact mechanical switches. I'm not an EE at all, but as far as I know the controller detects an analog capacitance level for each switch, and only fires off the scan code after it reaches a certain threshold.

And yeah, I just popped the top off my 87U, and the PCB does extend all the way up to the top of the lip. It would be one hell of an endeavor getting a RF PCB in a smaller case.

Offline esoomenona

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Well it seems the PCB is in use up there. They probably could have gotten around that by implementing a daughterboard connected by ribbon cable, folded under the PCB. But then that provides a weak point. And for the price of RF boards, I don't think they would want to do that. Besides, it isn't even really all that much space!

Offline Yuuki

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Said that I don't want that one :D
Thx anyway

I'd like the inputs of a specialist here :D. If it's theorically possible to put a topre switch on a "standard" pcb, maybe using some unknown tricks. I don't think i'll have the skill anyway, even if such a trick exists.

The other solution is designing a case around the 87 pcb. But one that is more beautiful than the digilog one. Not sure if a lots of 87u owner will buy it tho. So I don't think someone will do it :-(

Offline tipo33

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Not only that, but the way the switch works is significantly different from other point-contact mechanical switches. I'm not an EE at all, but as far as I know the controller detects an analog capacitance level for each switch, and only fires off the scan code after it reaches a certain threshold.

And yeah, I just popped the top off my 87U, and the PCB does extend all the way up to the top of the lip. It would be one hell of an endeavor getting a RF PCB in a smaller case.
That is correct, It would be difficult for the same reasons that Model F mods are so difficult.
KM4COL    R.I.P.  SmallFry

Offline Yuuki

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awwww :-(
I'd be up for trying it as I have a "spare" 87u, but if it's not possible at all I give up.

And even if someone like lz or boost decide to do an IC for a metal 87u case, I'm not sure how the designer will be able to do some good aesthetics with the pcb size constraint.
The digilog one isn't bad, but I saw only 2 reviews about it (in korean) and they didn't seem that pleased so...

Offline calavera

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If the smaller size is the main goal, making an alu case for a FC660 would be the easiest route. But custom alu cases will cost hundreds of dollars. Just look at all the custom GH60 alu case projects for reference. I have yet to see a custom RF that goes beyond key caps and cases.