Author Topic: Lot of 19 Wyse Keyboards ~$100 and other finds (G80s, etc)  (Read 1537 times)

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Offline nubbinator

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Lot of 19 Wyse Keyboards ~$100 and other finds (G80s, etc)
« on: Thu, 16 January 2014, 00:52:36 »
If you want some Wyse caps, Cherry stabilizers, and a bunch of MX Blacks, this is a good deal:

If I weren't so busy with other projects and work, I would probably pick it up myself.  You could either sell individual boards whole for a few bucks ($10 + shipping a board would cover your costs and earn you a profit), you could buy the boards, desolder the switches, and sell them cheap ($0.15-0.20 each) and come out ahead before even touching the cap sets, and so on.  And if there are any screw in PCB mount Cherry stabs, I call dibs on ~10 of them.

There's also a nice Omkikey Northgate for cheap right now:

G80-8963LUBUS for ~$50 shipped (how has this not sold yet?):

G80-11900LPMUS-2 $50 shipped:

G80-11900LTMUS $40 shipped:

Offline ebacho

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Re: Lot of 19 Wyse Keyboards ~$100 and other finds (G80s, etc)
« Reply #1 on: Thu, 16 January 2014, 00:55:32 »
Also, for those who don't know, Soarer recently came out with a WYSE converter, making them even more attractive if you don't just want to rip the boards apart:

Offline berserkfan

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Re: Lot of 19 Wyse Keyboards ~$100 and other finds (G80s, etc)
« Reply #2 on: Thu, 16 January 2014, 01:58:49 »
These things haven't sold, because I am not located CONUS and would die from the shipping.


Yes, I wanted the G80 also. But shipping would tack on another $40 to my costs. So I remain a window shopper  :(

If you want some Wyse caps, Cherry stabilizers, and a bunch of MX Blacks, this is a good deal:

If I weren't so busy with other projects and work, I would probably pick it up myself.  You could either sell individual boards whole for a few bucks ($10 + shipping a board would cover your costs and earn you a profit), you could buy the boards, desolder the switches, and sell them cheap ($0.15-0.20 each) and come out ahead before even touching the cap sets, and so on.  And if there are any screw in PCB mount Cherry stabs, I call dibs on ~10 of them.

There's also a nice Omkikey Northgate for cheap right now:

G80-8963LUBUS for ~$50 shipped (how has this not sold yet?):

G80-11900LPMUS-2 $50 shipped:

G80-11900LTMUS $40 shipped:
Most of the modding can be done on your own once you break through the psychological barriers.

Offline jdcarpe

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Re: Lot of 19 Wyse Keyboards ~$100 and other finds (G80s, etc)
« Reply #3 on: Thu, 16 January 2014, 06:50:59 »
FYI, those WYSE are not very good for harvesting keycaps and stabilizers. All the modifiers are 2-units or less in size, and use no stabilizers. The only stabilizer you get is the screw-down PCB mount on the 9.75-unit spacebar. The keycaps are really only good for the alphas and F-keys, and need lots of help for the mods, etc.

Desoldering the switches is also a pain, since every second switch likely has the pins bent to the PCB before soldering. :(

I know these things from experience.
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Offline nubbinator

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Re: Lot of 19 Wyse Keyboards ~$100 and other finds (G80s, etc)
« Reply #4 on: Thu, 16 January 2014, 08:57:38 »
I had one of those before and it wasn't that bad.  Not the easiest, but not that bad. It looks like someone grabbed the lot though.  And I think people pretty much expect you needing a moogle and/or a completely different set of mods when you buy a Wyse board.  There are only a few that really work well as donor boards.

Offline dorkvader

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Re: Lot of 19 Wyse Keyboards ~$100 and other finds (G80s, etc)
« Reply #5 on: Thu, 16 January 2014, 19:21:40 »
FYI, those WYSE are not very good for harvesting keycaps and stabilizers. All the modifiers are 2-units or less in size, and use no stabilizers. The only stabilizer you get is the screw-down PCB mount on the 9.75-unit spacebar. The keycaps are really only good for the alphas and F-keys, and need lots of help for the mods, etc.

Desoldering the switches is also a pain, since every second switch likely has the pins bent to the PCB before soldering. :(

I know these things from experience.

On mine it was every single swithc that was bent over before soldering. It made it a lot harder to desolder.

I had one of those before and it wasn't that bad.  Not the easiest, but not that bad. It looks like someone grabbed the lot though.  And I think people pretty much expect you needing a moogle and/or a completely different set of mods when you buy a Wyse board.  There are only a few that really work well as donor boards.

The WYSE moogle kit didn't cover all the caps required for this KB.