Author Topic: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Discussion SPOILERS  (Read 3055 times)

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Offline lishi

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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Discussion SPOILERS
« on: Fri, 25 March 2016, 02:18:34 »

Warning there are going to be SPOILERS in this thread.

It's clear that there's a good movie in there somewhere, maybe even a great movie. But the problem is that there's not just one great movie in there, there's two- maybe even three great movies trying to say their piece, but with 2.5 hours there's no way that was going to happen.

Wonder Woman
80-20 split on liking Lex Luthor
Batman v Superman Fight
Some of what the movie was trying to do

Didn't like:
The editing and pacing
That Doomsday fight
Lois and Clark's romance jesus christ

JL Setup
Last shot of the movie

Score and Audio

Overall it's a 6.5-7/10 for me. Granted, I'm a fan of MoS and I quite liked a lot of the references (especially the Flash in the Knightmare sequence) I can totally see why non-DC fans would give this a 3 or 4/10

All the kustom 60s

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Discussion SPOILERS
« Reply #1 on: Fri, 25 March 2016, 02:43:46 »
i thought ben affleck's batman was really really good

the actual batman v superman fight was also great. just badass as hell

my biggest regret was having watched the trailer beforehand. really gave away so much of the movie... wonderwoman, doomsday etc

Offline raymogi

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Discussion SPOILERS
« Reply #2 on: Fri, 25 March 2016, 03:45:18 »
I watched it for Gal Gadot. She looks really good there. Such a good fit for Wonder Woman.

Oh and btw, did I see John Stewart there as the Green Lantern?
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Offline calavera

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Discussion SPOILERS
« Reply #3 on: Fri, 25 March 2016, 04:38:10 »
-Awesome action scenes. They really felt comic like in the way they fought, the speed, motions..etc. Although occasionally you can't shake that weightlessness of CGI, overall it was fantastic.
-Wonder woman kicking ass. Showing just enough to make people curious and excited. This sets up her stand alone movie nicely.
-Lots of homages to Frank Millers DKR and nod to DC fans. The "dream" sequence with Omega/Darkseid and Flash? hinting at whats to come.
-A dark and cruel Batman not afraid of borderline killing people.

-Disconnected story telling that made it more complicated than it should. Like...whats the motive behind Lex Luthor's pitting Supes against Bats?
-Did we really need Louis Lane's investigating side story?
-Ballsy move to take a new direction for Lex Luthor but I'm not sure it's working.
-Doomsday. Why'd he have to look like a retarded troll? I was hoping at least his face would grow those claw like things when he changed near the end. But nope.
-Supes fights Batman because Lex tricked them. wtf

I would have been totally fine with the final act being just Superman fighting Batman. As it is now, the movie should be titled Dawn of Justice (featuring Superman and Batman)

I think they crammed in so much to set up for future sequels that it hurt the overall experience for the average movie goers. But still overall it was very entertaining and I hope it becomes a financial success so that we see DC's universe expand on the silver screen in the future.

Offline lishi

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Discussion SPOILERS
« Reply #4 on: Fri, 25 March 2016, 10:50:15 »
Zach Snyder has a tendency to try and be innovative and unique with storytelling. We’ve seen it in MoS with the flashbacks and Sucker Punch with his dance/fight sequences which I consider to be basically his only original works (300 was a direct translation of comic to screen and Watchmen was pretty darn close as well). Whenever he tries to craft stories himself, you can see that he’s trying to not be bland, to not be conventional. Unfortunately, I think it’s time for him to be boring and create an easy 3-Act structure with an A plot and a B plot. I appreciate his ambition, and to some degree it works if you’re lenient, but it’s just not for everyone and it’s so hard to get right you might as well not try.

The movie as a whole though can probably be summed up as, wow that editing. There's an A plot, a B plot, a C plot, D plot, and an E plot: Batman's plot, Superman's plot, Wonder Woman's plot, Lex's plot, and the Lois/Supporting characters’ plot. That's too much. That's way too much. It felt like every time we got close to a satisfying conclusion to one thread we were immediately ejected into another storyline.

And that’s only one issue. The next problem with this is that Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice isn’t just one movie. It’s two movies, maybe 3 movies in one. We get the introduction of Batman and his conflict with Superman. That’s enough for a whole film right there. We could’ve left the film with them finding common ground or working it out. That by itself would’ve been enough for most moviegoers. Instead, we’re treated to Snyder’s adaptation of The Death of Superman, complete with funeral and all. That right there could’ve been the set up for Justice League. Depending on how you spin it, BvS could have been a Batman movie, a Batman v Superman movie, and then finally a Trinity Movie: The Death of Superman.
All the kustom 60s

Offline Air tree

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Discussion SPOILERS
« Reply #5 on: Fri, 25 March 2016, 13:30:04 »

« Last Edit: Fri, 25 March 2016, 13:31:52 by Air tree »

Offline slip84

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Discussion SPOILERS
« Reply #6 on: Fri, 25 March 2016, 18:29:50 »
Wow. It has 30% on Rotten Tomatoes. That's impressive.