Author Topic: Hello  (Read 988 times)

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Offline meidodoragon

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  • Posts: 13
  • ren, they/them
« on: Sun, 10 February 2019, 03:02:18 »
Hi everyone, I'm Iza/Ren (either name works). I'm new to geekhack, but got into this hobby a few months ago and started on reddit. My username there is the same, so you may recognize me from a few comments or some impulse purchases on mechmarket. :b
It's only been a few months, but my wallet's taken quite the hit (I'll have to read that WalletHack post).
I started with an ikbc MF87 with GMK Laser (the set that got me into the hobby...), and bought a couple pre-built boards from mechmarket. Now I'm working on getting the parts for two future builds: a bento box with GMK Bento and something around GMK Solarized Dark. I had given up on that kit because of the prices but.... saw someone selling it and I couldn't resist.
And of course I've been buying artisans in between, thanks to my good friend who got me into the hobby. lol

I still have yet to learn to solder, but I already find myself pondering about making builds for friends and family. (Does anyone else think about this???) I think I may just want to spread the hobby, haha.
I also really enjoy learning about keyboards; I don't usually watch youtube videos other than music videos now that I don't have much time, but I've found that keyboard videos really capture my interest. I think I like this hobby so much because I can partake in it at work (since I do software), and it has actually helped a lot. I don't experience pain in my finger joints and wrists from long typing sessions as much anymore, so I think the extra travel has helped a lot.

Anyways, thanks for reading my rambling on why I love mechanical keyboards, and I hope to make some other friends in this hobby. [: