Author Topic: HELLO from North Carolina! Help if you can!  (Read 1676 times)

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Offline sour_sake_

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HELLO from North Carolina! Help if you can!
« on: Fri, 12 June 2020, 09:55:03 »
What's up geekhack! Hope you can help a newbie out!

Just discovered this hobby about 4 months ago and well, what can I say, it's just a TON of fun. Picked up a Ducky Miya Pro as my first board and have been enjoying the lovely new feels but as you all know that was just the tip of the iceberg. Fast forward a few switch testers and about 30 hours on youtube later and I'v just purchased a Drop Alt with Box Whites to try out clicky switches (can't wait to upgrade to Box Jades) and also a ten pack of Zeal Roselios to lube up and mount and see if I fall for silent Linears for when the office opens back up. I'm also stoked to learn to lube and replace stabs, insert foam, and do all the other little things required to take the Alt board from good to great.


As far as plate mounted stabs go, is genuine cherry truly the way to go? is getting them gold plated actually worth it? what about Zeal or Durock stabs? I've read conflicting things and since I know the Alt stabs are trash, I wouldn't mind paying a premium to make sure I'm getting a great product. Any insight would be great!

Did I go overboard jumping right to Zeal switches? I only ordered one pack, but I hear Gateron Silent Inks are also very good (I know this is subjective but the split here in opinions is wild, it seems both sides are super adamant about their pick) I'm looking for a deep, quiet, thick thock, and sound tests are great but the mic is so close I feel like its not completely accurate.

Lastly, and most important - I am looking to secure my first GMK set and start to get pieces together for my first DIY custom board. (I know how long GBs are now and how long it takes to restock things so I wanna get started early) - Can someone help me with suggestions for products to build a 65% board with a white case? Aluminum or brass plate. I'd love the PCB to be hot swap-able but not a complete necessity. (saw a nice PCB actually in stock on on KBD, the 67mk2, is that a good pick?) My price range is medium to high (I am lucky enough to afford more than entry level, but not anything super crazy) I saw Novel Keys has that excellent mid range starter kit but case doesn't come in white. Would it be smart to try to acquire that set, sell the case on mechmarket, and find a white case elsewhere?

Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

Offline Maledicted

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Re: HELLO from North Carolina! Help if you can!
« Reply #1 on: Mon, 22 June 2020, 18:23:53 »
Hi sour_sake_. Welcome to geekhack.

Sorry about how late I am on this one, I haven't had a lot of time for Geekhack lately. I'll start out by saying that for more specific really in-depth perfectionist kit building stuff, you may want to post in the Keyboards or Making Stuff Together! sections. It will get more traffic, and hopefully some very informed opinions. I have never done the whole kit thing yet, and I actually don't even much like Cherry stabilizers, so I'm strange.

What switches did you get in the Miay Pro? Sharp-looking boards, and I do like how they actually have dedicated arrow keys. Box whites are some wonderful switches for a first experience with clickies. They're light on the tactility for me, less tactile even than some medium tactility tactile switches, but the tactility that they have is smooth and crisp every time. A real pleasure. I don't know the Alt all that well, though I have considered it many times. Can it not be ordered with jades, of all things? The king of the modern MX-compatible clickies?

I'm a clicky guy, and haven't really bought any expensive/boutique switches myself.

I like Costar stabilizers, and am not even particularly a fan of the Cherry type. I often wonder if that's partly a clicky person thing. I don't lube them either, just let them rattle around like they were meant to. lol.

I haven't tried either switch, though I would like to eventually, especially the Gaterons as I have heard wonderful things about them, and I already particularly like Gateron as a company. When you're comparing things like silent inks vs sakurios, I think you may be reaching some diminishing returns. I think any time you've got a huge group of people that live a given switch in a category, there's usually a good reason for it. I doubt you would go wrong with either, but I'm not really much of a linear guy outside of gaming, and I still settle for my old MX reds for that. One thing I will say, if you're used to lighter switches, they may be pretty stiff for you, so maybe getting some lighter springs too may not be a terrible idea.

I am somewhat biased, but I think my favorite linears of those I have felt so far are Matias quiet linears. I haven't felt those in a board yet though either. You say DIY custom board and then you immediately mentioned a group buy. Do you still mean some sort of kit board, just an exotic/exclusive/limited run one?

65% is a weird zone where there's obviously a lot of demand, but very little supply. If you want it for the arrow keys, you may want to try to drop back to 60%, which is way more common for case options, etc.

Again, this is all from someone who is very much not following the usual keyboard enthusiast trends and goes their own way entirely. YMMV. If I were you, I would get a tester with a bunch of switches in it first, then worry about the rest later once you've used it to decide what switch types you prefer and what it is you like about some of the possible characteristics of a given switch type.

Otherwise, for the nerdy perfectionist stuff, you should probably post in one of the sections mentioned above. Good luck on your journey to keyboard nirvana.