Author Topic: Hello from a Florida Man  (Read 829 times)

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Offline JedTheMaker

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Hello from a Florida Man
« on: Wed, 28 April 2021, 17:25:09 »
I just wanted to make the damned Caps Lock key into shift+tab for quickbooks and excel without having to ditch the numpad. Seems like a pretty easy proposition, but then it wasn't.

They call them rabbit holes to prevent you from running, they are really filled with demons who pull you in should you get too close. You try to solve one problem and realize there's a better way to solve a problem you didn't know you had. Then you solve the first only to break the solution to the second you just discovered. Now three years later I'm here because no one in the everyday world knows about the particular breed of insanity that comes from mixing min-max brain with computer peripherals and OCD.  How many of you have tried explaining this hobby to anyone else and get that look that asks, "do you store your urine in glass jars in your media room too?" Do you know how hard it is to get someone to give you that look when male in Florida?