Author Topic: Hello All  (Read 913 times)

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Offline DelKey

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Hello All
« on: Fri, 15 November 2013, 22:20:05 »
Hello everyone. I've been lurking silently, absorbing, learning, and of course spending $s for about 8 months. I stumbled upon geekhack while innocently looking for a compact keyboard that would allow me to use my mouse in a more ergonomic position. I quickly learned the term tenkeyless and the fact that I knew nothing about keyboards. Though I didn't know why, I felt strangely compelled to delve into the subject and I don't have to tell any of you what I found. Like so many people, I used a keyboard every day but had no idea that it could be anything other than an input device. I wonder how I didn't notice the nuances before. It's like wearing a new pair of glasses and seeing what you have missed that was right in front of your eyes the whole time.

It has been eight months since I started that search for a keyboard. I now own six! Also, I have ordered an LZ-FE, purchased 7 or 8 complete sets of keycaps, innumerable smaller kits/ individual keycaps, bags and bags of o-rings, 2 Vortex metal cases, an assortment of keycap pullers rivaling a granny's spoon collection, and have participated in enough resent group buys that I'm not really 100% sure what is coming in the mail in the next few weeks/ months. Who needs a savings account anyway! Recently, my significant other asked me "how many keyboards do you need?!" My reply was "that's exactly what I'm trying to find out!" When this all began, I had no idea what these communities were like and set up accounts here and there at first just to get information, then to purchase stuff, but never dreamed of participating. Now, I'm all in and started this new account with the same username as the one I have been lurking under at Deskthority. Here I was using pbooras when participating in buys. Anyway, that's me and I thank you all for helping me learn and become obsessed with  keyboards.

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Re: Hello All
« Reply #1 on: Sat, 16 November 2013, 04:19:09 »
You lucky guy who got your hands on a LZ-FE! :)
Welcome to Geekhack!
Very busy with studies atm.