Author Topic: Greetings from ZA  (Read 1328 times)

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Greetings from ZA
« on: Wed, 25 December 2013, 15:38:12 »
Hey all,

So this is that slightly strange first post thing wherein I describe myself a little, or at least, the keyboard side. So let's see...

I've always fancied the idea of a mechanical keyboard but until about two weeks ago I left it at just that. I somehow happened across /r/mechanicalkeyboards while looking for something about unicomp and I was hooked. Since then I have immersed myself in the, erm, literature (if you will) and have now decided to take the plunge. I plan to purchase a Poker II black (non-backlit pref) with blues (I would there were greens available, but alas) as my first mech. Naturally, with my superb timing this was bound to happen over a weekend, before christmas. Needless to say (but I shall anyway), no stock/shipping (*)/foo/bar or some other problem and I'm still mechless. If anyone reading this knows a place that ships to ZA and has stock, or a good condition second hand, please let me know!

On the layout side, I've tried a few. Obviously, I started on Qwerty and then progressed to Dvorak (overworked pinky), before trying out Colemak for some time. I messed around briefly with one from the Carpalx suite before doing an analysis of my own and settling on a layout I call ISR (**). I do, however, want to try one that I coaxed a GA into creating as well as one I modded specifically to promote inward rolls (everyone's favourite). Most of these layouts can be found on my tweaked comparison app and the ISR specific stuff is here. A new keyboard will herald in a change of layout too, even though I ultimately prefer blanks -- I've taped out/scratched out the lettering on my cheapo dome kbd currently.

Finally, I'd describe my usage as primarily coding/typing but I do (and certainly used to) game with a not-so-insignificant frequency. Nevertheless, the 60% layout appeals to me the most at this point. If someone knows something perhaps slightly more exotic looking with a comparable compactness (oh how I desire an ergodox), I'd be very interested. After all, what is this if not something of an esoteric pursuit both representative and supportive of the development of our quirks. The desire to be discerned as individual is certainly a driving force around these parts, and I like it!

* This seems to be a real problem for me down here in ZA. There is basically one retailer that I can find and they only have QFR's, nothing more. Everyone else either doesn't believe that there are keyboards here or doesn't ship by default. I'm hoping for some replies from qtan, elitekeyboards, mechanicalkeyboards on the matter soon.

** For this layout I went ahead and changed just about everything, instead of just swapping key positions. For instance, ! and ? are the same key now, and , is with ( etc.