Author Topic: Comparing IMSTO PBT color with SP... anyone with a color wheel and imsto keys?  (Read 1111 times)

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Offline sth

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i am getting an old set of imsto's white+grey blank PBT sets (the ones we all used to love a year or two ago) and i would like to set up either an hhkb or a winkeyless layout. for that i will need to buy some 1.5 mods and a 7x spacebar.

does anyone know what the closest color code in SP's color wheel is to imsto's grey keys? if you have a color wheel or a key, can you compare? or, if not, when i get the keys i could send you one of each of the white and grey to compare to a color wheel if you have one of those. any help is appreciated and i will send you something silly if you can find out the color codes.
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