Author Topic: Should I go forward with this 1u plates for a PCB-mount keyboard idea?  (Read 1085 times)

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The idea: 3d-print very basic 5/5.2mm height, 15mm square enclosures for each switch to hold the switch top firmly, instead of a plate, just solder these individually plated switches
The cause/reasoning: To make it simpler to switch between costar/cherry stabs (Costar stabs as a larger/complete 1u plate that includes the switch and stab cutouts) - mainly to make the PCB-mount cherry stabs more accessible + laziness / the need to experiment

1) The bottom-down sounds could be bad, with 5mm plates they are just so deeply awesome
2) I'm not sure whether some switches would become crooked after a while
3) Removing keycaps could warp the PCB/individual switch

1) Very practical for a custom keyboard, getting a plate done is challenging, the stabilisers also rarely play along
2) (compared to a regular pcb-mount setup) The switches won't get torned open during keycap removal

Making these tiny plates 5.2mm would make them contact the pcb, making them 5/4.8mm would let the switch touch the PCB, I guess 4.8mm is more risk-free, as there won't be height discrepancies

I have 0 experience with PCB-mount keyboard, I would appreciate some insight/advice
Endgame | 1.25 Cmd for GMK Sets Please | Or Just 1.25 Blanks Like The Good Old Days