Author Topic: The slow start of a PT TKL custom pcb keyboard  (Read 2259 times)

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Offline senso

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The slow start of a PT TKL custom pcb keyboard
« on: Thu, 14 January 2016, 11:38:41 »
Good evening, so after reading a bit, wandering around the forum and the Reddit sub for Mechanical keyboards I have some doubts, that I hope dont get you guys upset because they will be pretty dumb and most likelly already answered in some sticky post  :-X
If I have no forgotten any alternate function this is the basis of a TKL with a PT layout.

I also tried the CAD generator and got this output:

And now here comes the doubts, I would like to put an RGB led under each key, but this brings two problems, one is that the switch needs to be clear and clear case switches are a bit on the rare side, or am I wrong?
The other is that keycaps with some translucent part is also rare, even worse to find a PT set, but even with black keycaps it might look ok-ish, maybe some white/clear keycaps might look OK.
Why RGB led's, I would like to make some python scripts doing screengrabs to produce effects in the keyboard given some program/game, also, I love rgb leds, just make then fade through a HSV table with 0.01º resolution   :D

Next question, I know that there are Kicad libs, but I never used kicad and I find it a bit confusing, I'm using Altium and I just love it, is there a pad to extract the measures to make a footprint, and also a 3d model of the switches so I can then hop to Solidworks to try to design a case?

Where can I find the switches, stabilizers and maybe keycap sets, switches I have seen them on ebay, but the prices are a bit high, on Aliexpress they are cheap but I suspect they might be almost all fakes..
In the electronics side I will probably aim to the usual Atmega32u4 plus a PSoC4 to drive the rgb leds, using addressable/serially controlled WS2812S leds, maybe on a small separated pcb because I dont know if/how well the atmega can handle data out and in to the keyboard.

I think I'm missing some more lame doubts, but thanks in advance for your time for now.
Best regards.

Offline regack

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Re: The slow start of a PT TKL custom pcb keyboard
« Reply #1 on: Thu, 14 January 2016, 11:58:50 »
So, I don't have anything other than a small working prototype, and no photos online, but you can actually fit WS2811 SOIC8 chips on the board itself and have those controlling 0606 RGB LEDs under the switches.  It would obviously be easier to just use the WS2812 LEDs, but you'll have to figure out some creative way of mounting those. 

I don't have any clear/translucent Gateron switches yet to test with, but it does work just fine with the Cherry MX 'RGB' ones (harvested from a Corsair K65 RGB TKL).  I'm not sure where to find the RGB Cherry switches at this point other than harvesting. 

Power delivery will probably be the biggest hurdle.  The Corsair K65 RGB uses two USB conections - 1 for power, one for data & power.  I haven't made anything with more than 34 switches., and my tester only has 4 LEDs on it.

I used these 0606 RGB LEDs :

I know that Wilba here on GH has experience with Altium, and used it to design the beautiful Planck PCBs, as well as some other things.  Cherry has the footprint data for their switches in PDF format on their website.  I think I've seen some 3D models floating around, but I don't know about their accuracy.  Hopefully someone else will come along with more help or information for that.

Offline senso

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Re: The slow start of a PT TKL custom pcb keyboard
« Reply #2 on: Fri, 15 January 2016, 05:46:09 »
USB allows for up to 500mA, allow some cable dropout, some margin for the micros, and that will leave us lets says 400mA, my idea was to either throw in a shunt resistor and a INA169 to measure the current that is flowing to the leds and let the PSoC4 just low brightness of the leds to keep a power budget or just do an estimative in software and never go over X brightness in each led, but this is just ramblings/imagining things.

Those leds are nice and pretty small, I have made some 10x10cm pcb's with 16 rgb leds controlled by a TLC5940, some multiplexing and with rs-485, but to toy around with the idea, but adding a multiplexed rgb led array into an already multiplexed keyboard would force me into a 4 layer pcb, and although that is nice/fancy it gets pretty expensive with a pcb the size of a keyboard, other (crazy) ideia could be mounting the leds flush with the pcb, milling a hole for each led and leave the solder pads on the bottom, they have about 1.61mm thickness from a fast google search so they would sit flush with the pcb, soldering them would be a nice exercise of patience, but I would also loose a lot of pcb area with that many holes from the leds and the switchs stem, might force me to go the 4 layer route as well.

I had already searched for clear switches and they are indeed rare :(