Author Topic: Bromono's Beer Corner - Reviews, Giveaways, and Nonsense  (Read 6990 times)

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Bromono's Beer Corner - Reviews, Giveaways, and Nonsense
« on: Sat, 27 February 2016, 15:16:28 »
First thing first, some mood music:

I have been wanting to do this for awhile. I am a huge beer fan and constantly on the hunt for good beers. I recently have started trading beers and have found a couple local places around where I live that give me the hookup on new releases as they come out. Also, since my girlfriend travels for a living, I always have her bring me back some beers from anywhere she goes. I am by no means a professional beer taster but I do appreciate all beer styles and can distinguish a high quality beer over a mass produced beer. I only drink one day a week (got to keep my abs for the summer  :-*) and when I do, I plan on drinking some of my great exclusives! With that being said, Let us continue to:

Bromonos Beer Corner!

Here is a great site to learn about all the different types of beer:

Every weekend I will review a couple of new beers and give my honest opinion on them. There are so many awesome micro breweries out there that many people will never hear about. My goal is to maybe intriege someone on some of these beers and open the world of Austin beers to people! I also plan once a month to send some of my favorites to some people for them to try themselves.

First two people on my list:

Tribade <- This dude hooked me up with some Pliney way back. He didnt even want anyhting in return. A true gentelman and scholar
Nubbinator <- This dude seems to know his way around beer. I am hoping to blow his mind with some Pfriem I will be reviewing soon.

Round 1 FIGHT!

The first beer of this review:

Rogness Brewing Company Gigantophis Imperial India Pale Ale

I will admit, IPA's are probably my favorite type of beer (Porters coming in a very close second) So I will probably have some biased towords these. I will try my best to critic it as best as possible. The guy at my local beer store really talked this up so I had to buy it and try it.




Appearance: Pours a very deep amber with a thicker head then I was expecting. Lots of carbonation can be seen. 

Smell: A nice spice smell, almost peppery with some hints of pine.

Taste: Definitely a hoppy beer with a bitter finish, though kinda watery for being an Imperial. I get hints of pine, a little grapefruit and some peppery after notes.

Overall: 5/10

Nothing that really makes this beer standout. A very generic IPA that leaves me dissatisfied. I will not be sending this guy to anyone that is for sure.

« Last Edit: Wed, 02 March 2016, 14:58:57 by Bromono »

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Re: Bromono's Beer Corner - Reviews, Giveaways, and Nonsense
« Reply #1 on: Wed, 02 March 2016, 15:42:41 »
This is awesome! Look forward to future reviews and such

If you'd be at all interested in a fresh Cellarmaker growler for review purposes let me know ;)

Offline kolyz

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Re: Bromono's Beer Corner - Reviews, Giveaways, and Nonsense
« Reply #2 on: Wed, 02 March 2016, 15:48:05 »
Great idea! I love beer, definitely looking forward to more reviews :)

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Re: Bromono's Beer Corner - Reviews, Giveaways, and Nonsense
« Reply #3 on: Thu, 03 March 2016, 19:50:46 »

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Re: Bromono's Beer Corner - Reviews, Giveaways, and Nonsense
« Reply #4 on: Thu, 03 March 2016, 19:53:48 »
I just went to this micro-brewery deep in the mountains, it has a wonderful full taste and finishes dry. I usually have to camp outside BevMo for 4 days to get a shot of grabbing a sixer but it's well worth it:

Offline Bromono

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Re: Bromono's Beer Corner - Reviews, Giveaways, and Nonsense
« Reply #5 on: Thu, 03 March 2016, 20:00:58 »

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I just went to this micro-brewery deep in the mountains, it has a wonderful full taste and finishes dry. I usually have to camp outside BevMo for 4 days to get a shot of grabbing a sixer but it's well worth it:

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I hate you

Offline nubbinator

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Re: Bromono's Beer Corner - Reviews, Giveaways, and Nonsense
« Reply #6 on: Thu, 03 March 2016, 22:01:51 »

Appearance:  Pours a deep amber typical of double IPAs and has a thick foamy head that doesn't hold out for too long.  I'm used to beers having tighter bubbles in the head, so I was surprised with how foamy this was. Minimal alcohol lacing despite being a 9% ABV beer.

Aroma:  My nose is a little stuffed up, so I did what I could.  Aroma had definite tropical fruit notes.  Been a while since I've had some of these, but it reminded me of papaya with hints of passionfruit or mango.  It also had that sweet yet citrusy scent of pineapple and notes of citrus zest bitterness.  As it warmed up, it picked up more hop dankness with that nice wet hop smell that always reminds me a little of marijuana (not skunky though).

Taste:  Despite being a 9% beer, you really don't notice the booze.  It's a mild, balanced IPA after the East Coast style, but slightly more aggressive.  At first it has mild tropical fruit and citrus notes, both sweet citrus and citrus zest.  As it warms up, it picks up more of that wet hop dankness flavor.  It's on the sweet side and the finish is slightly bready with a mild resinous and citrus zest hop bitter finish.

My overall thoughts is that this is a solid Double IPA that would be a perfect example to give to someone as an example of the style.  I would definitely recommend it to others and it's true to the style with it's slight sweetness and hoppy characteristics from sip to swallow. 

That said, I'm not sure it's in my top 10.  I think I need a few more bottles to really tell how I feel about it.  I'd definitely grab it over Pliny the Elder or Sculpin, but I tend to think those beers are overrated.  I probably wouldn't grab it over a Racer 5 if it cost more.  It might grow on me with time, but I tend to I gravitate more toward the aggressive West Coast Style IPAs and love heavy herbal notes and being kicked in the face with hops.  This does get more hop forward and aggressive as it warms.  Definitely a beer worth trying and a beer that you could use as a fantastic example of a particular style.

Overall: 8.5/10

It would be completely unfair to rank a beer lower because it's not in the style or flavor profile I prefer.  It's a beer that you should definitely grab if you ever have the chance as it's definitely a good beer.  Unfortunately, I'm jaded due to where I live and grew to love West Coast Style aggressiveness.

Bromono, since you like this beer, hopefully you'll love the Dan K IPA I sent you.  I haven't had it in a while, so I can't promise that things haven't changed, but the last time I had it, it was in a similar vein to what you sent me, but with more hop assertiveness.

Edit:  The more I sip the beer, the more I'm conflicted.  I think it really is a beer that I think would grow on me as I drink it more.
« Last Edit: Fri, 04 March 2016, 02:05:55 by nubbinator »

Offline Bromono

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Re: Bromono's Beer Corner - Reviews, Giveaways, and Nonsense
« Reply #7 on: Fri, 04 March 2016, 06:24:01 »
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Appearance:  Pours a deep amber typical of double IPAs and has a thick foamy head that doesn't hold out for too long.  I'm used to beers having tighter bubbles in the head, so I was surprised with how foamy this was. Minimal alcohol lacing despite being a 9% ABV beer.

Aroma:  My nose is a little stuffed up, so I did what I could.  Aroma had definite tropical fruit notes.  Been a while since I've had some of these, but it reminded me of papaya with hints of passionfruit or mango.  It also had that sweet yet citrusy scent of pineapple and notes of citrus zest bitterness.  As it warmed up, it picked up more hop dankness with that nice wet hop smell that always reminds me a little of marijuana (not skunky though).

Taste:  Despite being a 9% beer, you really don't notice the booze.  It's a mild, balanced IPA after the East Coast style, but slightly more aggressive.  At first it has mild tropical fruit and citrus notes, both sweet citrus and citrus zest.  As it warms up, it picks up more of that wet hop dankness flavor.  It's on the sweet side and the finish is slightly bready with a mild resinous and citrus zest hop bitter finish.

My overall thoughts is that this is a solid Double IPA that would be a perfect example to give to someone as an example of the style.  I would definitely recommend it to others and it's true to the style with it's slight sweetness and hoppy characteristics from sip to swallow. 

That said, I'm not sure it's in my top 10.  I think I need a few more bottles to really tell how I feel about it.  I'd definitely grab it over Pliny the Elder or Sculpin, but I tend to think those beers are overrated.  I probably wouldn't grab it over a Racer 5 if it cost more.  It might grow on me with time, but I tend to I gravitate more toward the aggressive West Coast Style IPAs and love heavy herbal notes and being kicked in the face with hops.  This does get more hop forward and aggressive as it warms.  Definitely a beer worth trying and a beer that you could use as a fantastic example of a particular style.

Overall: 8.5/10

It would be completely unfair to rank a beer lower because it's not in the style or flavor profile I prefer.  It's a beer that you should definitely grab if you ever have the chance as it's definitely a good beer.  Unfortunately, I'm jaded due to where I live and grew to love West Coast Style aggressiveness.

Bromono, since you like this beer, hopefully you'll love the Dan K IPA I sent you.  I haven't had it in a while, so I can't promise that things haven't changed, but the last time I had it, it was in a similar vein to what you sent me, but with more hop assertiveness.

Edit:  The more I sip the beer, the more I'm conflicted.  I think it really is a beer that I think would grow on me as I drink it more.

I am happy you liked it :) it deffinetly grows on you as you drink it more. For a 9% beer I was amazed how smooth and fruity it was. I have killed maybe 3 bottles of it so far and I keep craving it. I do have their other beers too but I have not yet had the chance to try them yet.

I missed the delivery yesterday because I was at work and Ms. Bromono was sun bathing, but she assured me she wouldn't miss it today. She will imedialty throw it in the fridge so I can try it when i get home today!

I'm glad you liked it :)

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Re: Bromono's Beer Corner - Reviews, Giveaways, and Nonsense
« Reply #8 on: Sat, 05 March 2016, 02:35:33 »
I am now monitoring this thread. Will report back with more.

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Re: Bromono's Beer Corner - Reviews, Giveaways, and Nonsense
« Reply #9 on: Sat, 05 March 2016, 06:24:54 »
I would like to review beer too, but I'm not too experienced in doing so, nor comparing the specific characteristics.

So I'll just sit here, drinking and monitoring the thread, maybe joining the beer trading, if something like this will take place here!

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Re: Bromono's Beer Corner - Reviews, Giveaways, and Nonsense
« Reply #10 on: Sat, 05 March 2016, 16:52:44 »
Okay, here goes nothing.  I've been asked for a review for Bromono (little did he know his mistake at the time) and I'm honored.  I've never actually reviewed a beer before outside of my circle of friends.  You know, the usual "Hey this beer is delicious, this beer is turr-ible".  So here goes my first attempt at an actual review of beer.  We'll see how it goes.  Full disclosure--I'm writing this during the drinking of the Heretic and I underestimated how strong the first two were.  Damn, son.  I didn't grab a Pliny, because most people have tasted it and those that haven't can read reviews on it from much more reliable sources than me.  Oh, and also my methodology for this was to open the first two nearly simultaneously and enjoy a glass of the first and then a glass of the second and then back and forth so I could taste differences between the two. 

The Setup:

I decided to do this down at the kitchen table and enjoy some counter-strike at the same time.  I could've done this whole shebang on my desktop but this is a nicer room and I get a constant reminder that it's raining out and I shouldn't be doing anything more productive with my life.  The idea what to pick two other double IPAs to drink with the pFriem in order to prime my palate.  Pretentious, right?  But I don't want to taste toothpaste when I taste a beer I may never taste again!  I chose the Heretic and the Drake's because I'm sure that I like both of them.  That was my impression at the time, at least.

The Beers In All Their Glory

The Hamm's Goblet is older than I am and I love it.  I have about seven or eight and they're great.  They give meaning to the saying, "16oz curls".  Damn these things are heavy.  And they aren't even 16 ounces.  But the pFriem Bromono sent recommends a goblet so here I am!  I bet they were thinking of this goblet in particular, right?  Here's the first beer!

Drake's Hopacalypse

Literally as I was working on this I got sniped by nubs  :)) :))  such is life.  I chose it because it provides an amazing base for what a double IPA should taste like.  Although I noticed that when you taste it fresh on draft it's even better.  Hit me up nubs  ;)  I know a place that isn't San  Leandro.  It's great.  Very strong,  very hoppy, almost zero metallic taste on the finish.  And I definitely hit some hints of citrus every time I drink it.  It's solid as hell, although if you aren't used to doubles stay the hell away.  The bitter finish is long and strong.  You'll find yourself having another sip before the finish has tailed off simply because you want some more citrus.  If I hadn't been accustomed to the taste of strong beers I wouldn't be willing to drink it (and hell, I had a highly thought-of bourbon stout recently and hated it, so clearly I'm not an aficionado).  it's a great beer.  Drake's IPA and 1500 are actually my go-to six packs. 

My Overall Score
Probably an 8.5/10
Love the beer, but it's a baseline for a reason.  It doesn't quite realize its potential.  I personally couldn't find as many citrus notes as Nubs.   But is is more than solid:  It's a wonderful beer and I love it for a reason.

As a bonus, here's His Holiness, Popener John Paul II, bought in Rome right near the Vatican back when I was younger(and when he was still alive):

Let's move on to the main show, shall we?
pFriem Double IPA

Damn.  Seriously, damn.  I actually had to take notes for this beer.
I have never experienced a double with this kind of flavor to it.  It's sweet!?  Seriously, what the ****.  How do you get 9.0 percent out of a beer that tastes like tropical fruit, while still being so clearly an IPA.  And it isn't like this is a grapefruit sculpin.  There's nothing fruity about this beer when you open that bottle and take a long sniff.  I got so much guava when I took that first sip.  And who actually agrees with tasting notes on a bottle?  In this case I do.  I taste papaya.  Incroyable.  There is an incredible amount of fruit on this beer.  I mean, I was trying to pick apart this beer because what can really measure put to what we have in the Bay, but I couldn't.  Literally the only fault I found with the beer was that it has (sorry to borrow wine terminology) a very, very short finish.  It all falls away to a metallic finish after not much time at all.  I got that coppery after taste that so many IPAs have after they run out of hops.  In this case all it did was make me want to drink more, because it was such a different experience, but usually that's a detriment to the beer.  If I get too used to it it could be an issue.  Instead the only issue was that I finished the bottle even faster than I would have expected.

My overall score
I've never experienced an IPA that allowed such a sweet-fruit flavor while still staying true to being an IPA.   Don't let the not-perfect score fool you, I've had grail beers and hundreds of other styles and I absolutely rank this in my top ten.  It's an amazing beer that endeavors to put flavor in a double that I've never seen before and it blew me away.  If you take the nose of this beer in and then take a sip you'll won't be able to believe your nose again.   It smells like hops and delivers Costa Rica.  Never mind that Costa Rica actually only has Imperial  ;D

Quick thoughts on the Heretic

To be perfectly up front I've had contact with their beer since they were a tiny brewery.  And I love them, although not as much as Henhouse.  I've met the master brewer, etc.
That being said.  I truly dislike their beers.  To me they seem to be pulling a Stone Brewing of Northern California beer.  This one is immediately full of metal.  There is far too much copper for a decent double IPA.  I mean, the whole art in making a double IPA is that you can find a way to mitigate the metallic taste of concentrated hops.  I think that new breweries are better off tackling and finding their own way around common brews.  That doesn't mean that it isn't worth drinking.  I just think that compared to breweries like Russian River and Drake's, it's very difficult to compete when they've had decades to experiment. 

Overall Rating:
It's a good beer, but it's just not ready to be with the other two.  There's nothing subtle about it.  It's just hops and fermentation and presents itself as such.  And in my mind the only art to making an amazing double IPA is making sure it's subtle.  Otherwise it tastes like an overdone IPA.

The saddest picture.  Empty bottles!
I unfortunately finished this content in a day and I'm questioning that decision at this point, but I also can't think of any obligations today so why the hell not.  If you guys have suggestions for my reviews let me know.  Bromono I hope you enjoyed it.  Your beer was incredible.  Let me know if you want anything else from around here.  I have some interesting beers ready for you.
« Last Edit: Sat, 05 March 2016, 16:55:51 by tribade »
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Re: Bromono's Beer Corner - Reviews, Giveaways, and Nonsense
« Reply #11 on: Sat, 05 March 2016, 16:58:36 »
and hell, I had a highly thought-of bourbon stout recently and hated it, so clearly I'm not an aficionado

Was it Founder's KBS?  I had one and was completely unimpressed by it.  I thought their regular stout was better.

On Hopocalypse, it's not so much a fruity citrus flavor, more of the grapefruit zest (rind).  That could be the bitter you're talking about.  I didn't notice much juicy citrus flavor, but a ton of that bitter zest flavor that can be great.

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Re: Bromono's Beer Corner - Reviews, Giveaways, and Nonsense
« Reply #12 on: Sat, 05 March 2016, 17:07:25 »
I would like to review beer too, but I'm not too experienced in doing so, nor comparing the specific characteristics.

So I'll just sit here, drinking and monitoring the thread, maybe joining the beer trading, if something like this will take place here!

I wouldn't worry too much about experience.  I am more used to reviewing wine but you can totally steal terms from wine.  The finish is how long you have a taste stay on the tongue, the weight is (kind of self-explanatory) how heavily you taste certain flavors.  I genuinely think one should smell a beer before they taste.  Get that nose of the beer.  That's part of the reason that I was so amazed at what I tasted in the pFriem; because from the nose I was expecting a more typical bitter double IPA.  What it really comes down to, though, is that you need to drink a bunch of beer and think critically about it.  There's no wrong answer.  What you taste is what you taste.  If it tastes like orange to you, it tastes like orange.  Someone else may taste something entirely different and they aren't wrong, but neither are you.  The same applies to wine tasting.  Nobody is wrong, although some people may be more experience than you, and have a more sensitive palate.  But again, if they disregard your opinions they are absolutely wrong to do so. 

Anyway, shoot Bromono a message.  In my opinion there's no reason you shouldn't review on this thread unless you haven't had a bunch of beer.  I mean, I even bought a couple double IPAs to support my findings.  It's hard to always be able to remember flavor profiles.  Hell, I actually know a master somme and he bull****s all the time.  I tend to make sure I have a reference when I'm tasting. 
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Re: Bromono's Beer Corner - Reviews, Giveaways, and Nonsense
« Reply #13 on: Sat, 05 March 2016, 17:10:04 »

Brava, the beer of summer. 5/7

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Re: Bromono's Beer Corner - Reviews, Giveaways, and Nonsense
« Reply #14 on: Sat, 05 March 2016, 17:10:26 »
and hell, I had a highly thought-of bourbon stout recently and hated it, so clearly I'm not an aficionado

Was it Founder's KBS?  I had one and was completely unimpressed by it.  I thought their regular stout was better.

On Hopocalypse, it's not so much a fruity citrus flavor, more of the grapefruit zest (rind).  That could be the bitter you're talking about.  I didn't notice much juicy citrus flavor, but a ton of that bitter zest flavor that can be great.

You're right.  I agree that I get more of that grapefruit zest flavor than the fruit.  What it most reminds me of is a cocktail such an old fashioned, where you get an orange peel that is (hopefully) squeezed into the drink and rubbed around the edge of the glass.  It has that strong grapefruit aromatic that comes through the strong hops of the beer.  If that makes sense.
KMAC mini w/ blacks | Realforce 87uw 55g w/ Digil0g case | KMAC w/ blacks | Duck Viper w/ clears

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Offline Bromono

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Re: Bromono's Beer Corner - Reviews, Giveaways, and Nonsense
« Reply #15 on: Sat, 05 March 2016, 17:12:51 »
Okay, here goes nothing.  I've been asked for a review for Bromono (little did he know his mistake at the time) and I'm honored.  I've never actually reviewed a beer before outside of my circle of friends.  You know, the usual "Hey this beer is delicious, this beer is turr-ible".  So here goes my first attempt at an actual review of beer.  We'll see how it goes.  Full disclosure--I'm writing this during the drinking of the Heretic and I underestimated how strong the first two were.  Damn, son.  I didn't grab a Pliny, because most people have tasted it and those that haven't can read reviews on it from much more reliable sources than me.  Oh, and also my methodology for this was to open the first two nearly simultaneously and enjoy a glass of the first and then a glass of the second and then back and forth so I could taste differences between the two. 

The Setup:
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I decided to do this down at the kitchen table and enjoy some counter-strike at the same time.  I could've done this whole shebang on my desktop but this is a nicer room and I get a constant reminder that it's raining out and I shouldn't be doing anything more productive with my life.  The idea what to pick two other double IPAs to drink with the pFriem in order to prime my palate.  Pretentious, right?  But I don't want to taste toothpaste when I taste a beer I may never taste again!  I chose the Heretic and the Drake's because I'm sure that I like both of them.  That was my impression at the time, at least.

The Beers In All Their Glory
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The Hamm's Goblet is older than I am and I love it.  I have about seven or eight and they're great.  They give meaning to the saying, "16oz curls".  Damn these things are heavy.  And they aren't even 16 ounces.  But the pFriem Bromono sent recommends a goblet so here I am!  I bet they were thinking of this goblet in particular, right?  Here's the first beer!

Drake's Hopacalypse
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Literally as I was working on this I got sniped by nubs  :)) :))  such is life.  I chose it because it provides an amazing base for what a double IPA should taste like.  Although I noticed that when you taste it fresh on draft it's even better.  Hit me up nubs  ;)  I know a place that isn't San  Leandro.  It's great.  Very strong,  very hoppy, almost zero metallic taste on the finish.  And I definitely hit some hints of citrus every time I drink it.  It's solid as hell, although if you aren't used to doubles stay the hell away.  The bitter finish is long and strong.  You'll find yourself having another sip before the finish has tailed off simply because you want some more citrus.  If I hadn't been accustomed to the taste of strong beers I wouldn't be willing to drink it (and hell, I had a highly thought-of bourbon stout recently and hated it, so clearly I'm not an aficionado).  it's a great beer.  Drake's IPA and 1500 are actually my go-to six packs. 

My Overall Score
Probably an 8.5/10
Love the beer, but it's a baseline for a reason.  It doesn't quite realize its potential.  I personally couldn't find as many citrus notes as Nubs.   But is is more than solid:  It's a wonderful beer and I love it for a reason.

As a bonus, here's His Holiness, Popener John Paul II, bought in Rome right near the Vatican back when I was younger(and when he was still alive):
Show Image

Let's move on to the main show, shall we?
pFriem Double IPA
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Damn.  Seriously, damn.  I actually had to take notes for this beer.
I have never experienced a double with this kind of flavor to it.  It's sweet!?  Seriously, what the ****.  How do you get 9.0 percent out of a beer that tastes like tropical fruit, while still being so clearly an IPA.  And it isn't like this is a grapefruit sculpin.  There's nothing fruity about this beer when you open that bottle and take a long sniff.  I got so much guava when I took that first sip.  And who actually agrees with tasting notes on a bottle?  In this case I do.  I taste papaya.  Incroyable.  There is an incredible amount of fruit on this beer.  I mean, I was trying to pick apart this beer because what can really measure put to what we have in the Bay, but I couldn't.  Literally the only fault I found with the beer was that it has (sorry to borrow wine terminology) a very, very short finish.  It all falls away to a metallic finish after not much time at all.  I got that coppery after taste that so many IPAs have after they run out of hops.  In this case all it did was make me want to drink more, because it was such a different experience, but usually that's a detriment to the beer.  If I get too used to it it could be an issue.  Instead the only issue was that I finished the bottle even faster than I would have expected.

My overall score
I've never experienced an IPA that allowed such a sweet-fruit flavor while still staying true to being an IPA.   Don't let the not-perfect score fool you, I've had grail beers and hundreds of other styles and I absolutely rank this in my top ten.  It's an amazing beer that endeavors to put flavor in a double that I've never seen before and it blew me away.  If you take the nose of this beer in and then take a sip you'll won't be able to believe your nose again.   It smells like hops and delivers Costa Rica.  Never mind that Costa Rica actually only has Imperial  ;D

Quick thoughts on the Heretic
Show Image

To be perfectly up front I've had contact with their beer since they were a tiny brewery.  And I love them, although not as much as Henhouse.  I've met the master brewer, etc.
That being said.  I truly dislike their beers.  To me they seem to be pulling a Stone Brewing of Northern California beer.  This one is immediately full of metal.  There is far too much copper for a decent double IPA.  I mean, the whole art in making a double IPA is that you can find a way to mitigate the metallic taste of concentrated hops.  I think that new breweries are better off tackling and finding their own way around common brews.  That doesn't mean that it isn't worth drinking.  I just think that compared to breweries like Russian River and Drake's, it's very difficult to compete when they've had decades to experiment. 

Overall Rating:
It's a good beer, but it's just not ready to be with the other two.  There's nothing subtle about it.  It's just hops and fermentation and presents itself as such.  And in my mind the only art to making an amazing double IPA is making sure it's subtle.  Otherwise it tastes like an overdone IPA.

Show Image

The saddest picture.  Empty bottles!
I unfortunately finished this content in a day and I'm questioning that decision at this point, but I also can't think of any obligations today so why the hell not.  If you guys have suggestions for my reviews let me know.  Bromono I hope you enjoyed it.  Your beer was incredible.  Let me know if you want anything else from around here.  I have some interesting beers ready for you.

+DDD glad you liked it!!!

Great reviews!

The only down side to the Pfriem is that after 2 of them you are like "WTF have I done...."

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Re: Bromono's Beer Corner - Reviews, Giveaways, and Nonsense
« Reply #16 on: Sat, 05 March 2016, 17:18:44 »
It actually wasn't the Founders.  At my local Safeway I noticed that they were selling individual bottles of Goose Island Bourbon Stout.

One of my weird quirks about beer is that I don't want to a huge alcohol taste in it.  I look for it in my whiskeys, but wine and beer need to be understated in my opinion.  And that's probably what makes a Triple IPA impressive in my opinion.  If they can produce a beer that is more than ten percent that gives me flavor and not just alcohol and bourbon while accentuating  the hope flavors of a beer I'm in heaven. 

I don't know whether I can explain it adequately right now.
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Re: Bromono's Beer Corner - Reviews, Giveaways, and Nonsense
« Reply #17 on: Sat, 05 March 2016, 17:22:23 »
Okay, here goes nothing.  I've been asked for a review for Bromono (little did he know his mistake at the time) and I'm honored.  I've never actually reviewed a beer before outside of my circle of friends.  You know, the usual "Hey this beer is delicious, this beer is turr-ible".  So here goes my first attempt at an actual review of beer.  We'll see how it goes.  Full disclosure--I'm writing this during the drinking of the Heretic and I underestimated how strong the first two were.  Damn, son.  I didn't grab a Pliny, because most people have tasted it and those that haven't can read reviews on it from much more reliable sources than me.  Oh, and also my methodology for this was to open the first two nearly simultaneously and enjoy a glass of the first and then a glass of the second and then back and forth so I could taste differences between the two. 

The Setup:
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I decided to do this down at the kitchen table and enjoy some counter-strike at the same time.  I could've done this whole shebang on my desktop but this is a nicer room and I get a constant reminder that it's raining out and I shouldn't be doing anything more productive with my life.  The idea what to pick two other double IPAs to drink with the pFriem in order to prime my palate.  Pretentious, right?  But I don't want to taste toothpaste when I taste a beer I may never taste again!  I chose the Heretic and the Drake's because I'm sure that I like both of them.  That was my impression at the time, at least.

The Beers In All Their Glory
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The Hamm's Goblet is older than I am and I love it.  I have about seven or eight and they're great.  They give meaning to the saying, "16oz curls".  Damn these things are heavy.  And they aren't even 16 ounces.  But the pFriem Bromono sent recommends a goblet so here I am!  I bet they were thinking of this goblet in particular, right?  Here's the first beer!

Drake's Hopacalypse
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Literally as I was working on this I got sniped by nubs  :)) :))  such is life.  I chose it because it provides an amazing base for what a double IPA should taste like.  Although I noticed that when you taste it fresh on draft it's even better.  Hit me up nubs  ;)  I know a place that isn't San  Leandro.  It's great.  Very strong,  very hoppy, almost zero metallic taste on the finish.  And I definitely hit some hints of citrus every time I drink it.  It's solid as hell, although if you aren't used to doubles stay the hell away.  The bitter finish is long and strong.  You'll find yourself having another sip before the finish has tailed off simply because you want some more citrus.  If I hadn't been accustomed to the taste of strong beers I wouldn't be willing to drink it (and hell, I had a highly thought-of bourbon stout recently and hated it, so clearly I'm not an aficionado).  it's a great beer.  Drake's IPA and 1500 are actually my go-to six packs. 

My Overall Score
Probably an 8.5/10
Love the beer, but it's a baseline for a reason.  It doesn't quite realize its potential.  I personally couldn't find as many citrus notes as Nubs.   But is is more than solid:  It's a wonderful beer and I love it for a reason.

As a bonus, here's His Holiness, Popener John Paul II, bought in Rome right near the Vatican back when I was younger(and when he was still alive):
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Let's move on to the main show, shall we?
pFriem Double IPA
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Damn.  Seriously, damn.  I actually had to take notes for this beer.
I have never experienced a double with this kind of flavor to it.  It's sweet!?  Seriously, what the ****.  How do you get 9.0 percent out of a beer that tastes like tropical fruit, while still being so clearly an IPA.  And it isn't like this is a grapefruit sculpin.  There's nothing fruity about this beer when you open that bottle and take a long sniff.  I got so much guava when I took that first sip.  And who actually agrees with tasting notes on a bottle?  In this case I do.  I taste papaya.  Incroyable.  There is an incredible amount of fruit on this beer.  I mean, I was trying to pick apart this beer because what can really measure put to what we have in the Bay, but I couldn't.  Literally the only fault I found with the beer was that it has (sorry to borrow wine terminology) a very, very short finish.  It all falls away to a metallic finish after not much time at all.  I got that coppery after taste that so many IPAs have after they run out of hops.  In this case all it did was make me want to drink more, because it was such a different experience, but usually that's a detriment to the beer.  If I get too used to it it could be an issue.  Instead the only issue was that I finished the bottle even faster than I would have expected.

My overall score
I've never experienced an IPA that allowed such a sweet-fruit flavor while still staying true to being an IPA.   Don't let the not-perfect score fool you, I've had grail beers and hundreds of other styles and I absolutely rank this in my top ten.  It's an amazing beer that endeavors to put flavor in a double that I've never seen before and it blew me away.  If you take the nose of this beer in and then take a sip you'll won't be able to believe your nose again.   It smells like hops and delivers Costa Rica.  Never mind that Costa Rica actually only has Imperial  ;D

Quick thoughts on the Heretic
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To be perfectly up front I've had contact with their beer since they were a tiny brewery.  And I love them, although not as much as Henhouse.  I've met the master brewer, etc.
That being said.  I truly dislike their beers.  To me they seem to be pulling a Stone Brewing of Northern California beer.  This one is immediately full of metal.  There is far too much copper for a decent double IPA.  I mean, the whole art in making a double IPA is that you can find a way to mitigate the metallic taste of concentrated hops.  I think that new breweries are better off tackling and finding their own way around common brews.  That doesn't mean that it isn't worth drinking.  I just think that compared to breweries like Russian River and Drake's, it's very difficult to compete when they've had decades to experiment. 

Overall Rating:
It's a good beer, but it's just not ready to be with the other two.  There's nothing subtle about it.  It's just hops and fermentation and presents itself as such.  And in my mind the only art to making an amazing double IPA is making sure it's subtle.  Otherwise it tastes like an overdone IPA.

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The saddest picture.  Empty bottles!
I unfortunately finished this content in a day and I'm questioning that decision at this point, but I also can't think of any obligations today so why the hell not.  If you guys have suggestions for my reviews let me know.  Bromono I hope you enjoyed it.  Your beer was incredible.  Let me know if you want anything else from around here.  I have some interesting beers ready for you.

+DDD glad you liked it!!!

Great reviews!

The only down side to the Pfriem is that after 2 of them you are like "WTF have I done...."

Trust me, I'm right there with you.  I was going to drive down to my friend's but damn walking is the only option right now.  It was a truly great beer if you ask me!  Thank you so much for sending it to me!  I can send you more beer if you want!  Just let me know.  You probably haven't tried Drake's, Almanac, or Lagunitas's new blood orange pale ale.  I have a growler of it waiting for me. 
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Re: Bromono's Beer Corner - Reviews, Giveaways, and Nonsense
« Reply #18 on: Sat, 05 March 2016, 17:24:34 »
Makes perfect sense.  You want a beer that tastes of beer without a strong boozy taste or heat and that's balanced.  I hated Founder's KBS because it had an overpowering bourbon flavor with an overpowering booze heat.  If someone offered me one, I'd turn it down for that reason.  Barrel aged can be awesome if it imparts flavor that's balanced with the beer, not if all it does is add heat and an overpowering taste.

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Re: Bromono's Beer Corner - Reviews, Giveaways, and Nonsense
« Reply #19 on: Sat, 05 March 2016, 17:29:32 »
You put it more eloquently than I could.  I think that barrel aging serves a purpose, and that some amazing beers can be made incredible by barrel aging and/or cellar aging.   But sometimes for me it seems as though beers are being barrel aged for the sake of acquiring that high ABV and not for the more subtle oak/wine/bourbon flavors that can be imparted on a beer without letting it get overly alcoholic in the process. 

I think some of the Almanac sours, and of course Russian River's limited releases, like the most recent Beatification and Sonoma Pride show that off. 
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Re: Bromono's Beer Corner - Reviews, Giveaways, and Nonsense
« Reply #20 on: Sat, 05 March 2016, 17:41:49 »
These pictures make me thirsty, Will be watching this thread!
Uh, stuff.

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Re: Bromono's Beer Corner - Reviews, Giveaways, and Nonsense
« Reply #21 on: Sun, 06 March 2016, 15:28:45 »

I sropped by a local family owned market today and discovere that they have hundreds of bottles of craft beer (think a wine isle at the market, but beer!).  Figured I would grab a couple double ipas that I havent tried before and give them a go. 

Up first.

Old Orange Brewing Co. : Thumb Masrer Double IPA.

This beer is very close to being very good.  Head is light bubbles that dissipate to traces around the perimeter and on the glass.  Color is a medium gold with minimal transparency.  Mouth feel is about medium with a slightly crisp feel.  The initial nose is a light floral with traces of malt and lots of yeast.  Taste is lightly hoppy with a hint of citrus peel and lots of yeast.  It hides the 8.5 ABV very well and is not as agressive as most west coast doubles.  This beer is very easy to drink and would be much better without the overpowering yeast finish.  As the beer warms, the floral nose fades to almost entirely yeast, but more of the hops come out in the flavor. 
Overall about a 6.5 for me. 

Coming later:  Weins Cellars Black Double IPA.
wut. i'd buy a ****ty IBM board for that green V2

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Re: Bromono's Beer Corner - Reviews, Giveaways, and Nonsense
« Reply #22 on: Sun, 06 March 2016, 15:32:28 »

I sropped by a local family owned market today and discovere that they have hundreds of bottles of craft beer (think a wine isle at the market, but beer!).  Figured I would grab a couple double ipas that I havent tried before and give them a go. 

Up first.

Old Orange Brewing Co. : Thumb Masrer Double IPA.

Show Image

This beer is very close to being very good.  Head is light bubbles that dissipate to traces around the perimeter and on the glass.  Color is a medium gold with minimal transparency.  Mouth feel is about medium with a slightly crisp feel.  The initial nose is a light floral with traces of malt and lots of yeast.  Taste is lightly hoppy with a hint of citrus peel and lots of yeast.  It hides the 8.5 ABV very well and is not as agressive as most west coast doubles.  This beer is very easy to drink and would be much better without the overpowering yeast finish.  As the beer warms, the floral nose fades to almost entirely yeast, but more of the hops come out in the flavor. 
Overall about a 6.5 for me. 

Coming later:  Weins Cellars Black Double IPA.

Never heard of the brewery. Is it local? any other beers worth looking at?

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Re: Bromono's Beer Corner - Reviews, Giveaways, and Nonsense
« Reply #23 on: Sun, 06 March 2016, 15:38:08 »
They are in Orange, Ca.  Not far from me.  More in Nubbinators neck of the woods.  This is the first time I had heard of them.  They had a couple other beers from them, but this seemed the most interesting to me.  Also, I was in a double ipa mood.  Beer Advocate has most of their beers in the 3 to 3.5 range, so its hard to say if they have any standouts. 
wut. i'd buy a ****ty IBM board for that green V2

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Re: Bromono's Beer Corner - Reviews, Giveaways, and Nonsense
« Reply #24 on: Sun, 06 March 2016, 22:40:02 »
Beer #2 for today.
Wiens Brewing Co.:  Deprivation Double Black IPA.

This one is a bit interesting.  It says its a Double IPA, but it feels more like a Chocolate Porter with heavy roasted malt and a little hoppiness on the finish.  The initial pour produced a thin head of light foam and a very dark opaque color.  Definitely on the syrupy side, with a thick mouth feel that is nicely covered with a bit of the citrus zest that I like about IPAs.  This quickly passes for very heavy chocolate malt flavors with a significant amount of roast.  Lingering mouth taste is similar to a cup of black coffee, but with the light hops keeping it from feeling too roasted.  I am actually a bit confused about this beer.  The first taste left me feeling like it was overly roasted and with very little to back it up.  By the second glass, I am really starting to come around to it and taste a lot more of the hops and light citrus.  It is probably too complex for my meager pallet, but having tasted it, I would recommend it to those that like a dark beer with heavy chocolate and roasted malt flavor, but want it a bit brighter.  It was actually a perfect beer for a rainy day like today. 
Overall score is 7.5, would buy again.   
« Last Edit: Sun, 06 March 2016, 22:50:56 by Badwrench »
wut. i'd buy a ****ty IBM board for that green V2

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Re: Bromono's Beer Corner - Reviews, Giveaways, and Nonsense
« Reply #25 on: Mon, 07 March 2016, 12:26:45 »
In celebration of my 1000 post I am doing a large beer review post =D

Over the weekend I had the opportunity to drink a lot of beer lol. As I was tasteing it I wrote down all the tastets, smells and thoughts on the beer.

Here they are:

Dank K IPA


Appearance:  Pours a nice somewhat cloudy orange. Not much foam on the top. A really good looking IPA. This is what I imagine IPAs should look like (Would love to see a beer clack made in this color)

Aroma:  This thing smells dank as ****. It has a lot of hop smell with some citrus.

Taste:  The smell is almost spot on with the taste. The hops are the prominent taste with a subtle citrus overlay. Every sip I felt like I was getting some other kind of citrus. Went down smooth and was very drinkable despite it being so hoppy. 

I like this beer a lot. This is the type of beer I will go for when I am craving a solid over all IPA. I do love my Fruity American style IPAs, but sometimes I just crave a really dank IPA and this suits those needs.

Overall: 9/10

Next up: Ape Snake


Appearance:  Pours a solid black with a big tan head that goes down fast. Strong lacing with the appearance of a typical porter.

Aroma:  It has a funky citrus smell to it. Which surprised me, I was thinking I was going to get malts and chocolate. Had to read the label again on the beer to see what the hell this was.

Taste: wow... This is exactly what i expect from Prairie. Their beers are so complex in flavor. It starts off with that creamy porter texture but then fades away into a slight IPA dankness. Super Refreshing and very light, despite its porter looks.

I love this beer. I am putting this one in my top 10. I sent one of these to Nubs, I think he will be able to get the flavors done even more on this one. A very unique beer!

Overall: 9.5/10

Last but not least: Sticky Hands

I forgot to take a picture for this but here is a stock photo


Appearance:  A nice gold and orange, it changes depending on the angle. Very nice head and lacing.

Aroma: Another dank citrusy smelling beer. (My favorite smell, I seriously need a candle of this)

Taste: Mango, grapefruit and orange at the beginning that fades into a nice pine hoppy end.

I was very surprised by this beer. When I traded for my Pfrieum beer the guy threw this inside for free and told me I needed to try it. Well he was right. I am thinking this is probably my number 1 IPA right now. I am incredibly sad he only threw one in the box. I am now going to track this down again in some future trades. If you have the opportunity to taste this, please do so. You will not regret it.

Overall: 10/10

« Last Edit: Mon, 07 March 2016, 12:29:28 by Bromono »

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Re: Bromono's Beer Corner - Reviews, Giveaways, and Nonsense
« Reply #26 on: Mon, 07 March 2016, 13:40:59 »
Some good beer reviews in here. I know what I'm doing after work.

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Re: Bromono's Beer Corner - Reviews, Giveaways, and Nonsense
« Reply #27 on: Sat, 12 March 2016, 23:23:03 »
Alright, this one came from Bromono.  Prairie Ape Snake a Dry Hopped Dark Farmhouse Ale.

Appearance: Tight, lacy head that develops as you pour.  Good head retention.  Minor alcohol lacing. Dark opaque brown not dissimilar to Coke or Root Beer.

Aroma:  This thing is hard to peg.  I noticed some barnyard funk, grass, pine resin, hints of floral notes, some spice that my head kept identifying as clove since it had that slightly holiday smell to it.

Taste: Once again, this thing is really tough to nail down.  You have some bitter citrus zest, grassy hops, roasted malt, brett funkiness, and a hint of clove or other spice all up front.  That mellows into a grassy, resinous finish with still present funkiness and a mild clean lactic sour with slightly chalky roasted malts, maybe even some roasted rye malts.

Score: 8/10

Overall a good beer that's just a little too complex.  I'm not even sure I got the flavor profile of this thing right since my mind was running in circles trying to identify everything I was tasting.  It's one of those beers where it's best to just enjoy it and not think about it as you do so.

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Re: Bromono's Beer Corner - Reviews, Giveaways, and Nonsense
« Reply #28 on: Sun, 13 March 2016, 16:37:52 »
Neuzeller Kloster-Bräu - Schwarzer Abt
Black beer - Alc. 3,9% vol.

I can't remember if I had this beer before, so I was quite suprised about how much I liked it. At first there is the dark color, a deep reddish brown which hints the fruitiness, and whets ones appetite for this brew.
It has got quite a nice access, clearly a sweet touch, giving it a taste that I'd describe as fruity. The initial carbonation gives just the right kick to spread the taste around.
The body of the beer is at first really soft and malty, developing a slight bitterness, finishing in a sour note. Finishing interestingly the carbonation splashes the roof of the mouth, underlining the maltiness.
The aftertaste is sweet, happy, with a hoppy shadow.
While I quite like this taste and the sweet round, it could be a tad more sour, what would give it an even more refreshing design.

This was my first attempt on a beer review and actually I've been more busy with thinking than drinking. I guess I'll get a second bottle next time, for enjoyment.
Also the glass makes it really hard to get the head right, but it was the biggest clear glass around.

Someone run an IC on beer glasses please, thank  you.

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Re: Bromono's Beer Corner - Reviews, Giveaways, and Nonsense
« Reply #29 on: Sun, 13 March 2016, 16:44:02 »
Neuzeller Kloster-Bräu - Schwarzer Abt
Black beer - Alc. 3,9% vol.

Show Image

I can't remember if I had this beer before, so I was quite suprised about how much I liked it. At first there is the dark color, a deep reddish brown which hints the fruitiness, and whets ones appetite for this brew.
It has got quite a nice access, clearly a sweet touch, giving it a taste that I'd describe as fruity. The initial carbonation gives just the right kick to spread the taste around.
The body of the beer is at first really soft and malty, developing a slight bitterness, finishing in a sour note. Finishing interestingly the carbonation splashes the roof of the mouth, underlining the maltiness.
The aftertaste is sweet, happy, with a hoppy shadow.
While I quite like this taste and the sweet round, it could be a tad more sour, what would give it an even more refreshing design.

This was my first attempt on a beer review and actually I've been more busy with thinking than drinking. I guess I'll get a second bottle next time, for enjoyment.
Also the glass makes it really hard to get the head right, but it was the biggest clear glass around.

Someone run an IC on beer glasses please, thank  you.

Funky glass lol.

I liked the review. What would you give it on a scale of 10?

I have spoken to Binge about making a gb for some glasses with his art on it.

It is still in the talking stages and he is currently tied up with a lot of other projects so it might me awhile.

But yes I have thought about this as well =)

Alright, this one came from Bromono.  Prairie Ape Snake a Dry Hopped Dark Farmhouse Ale.

Show Image

Appearance: Tight, lacy head that develops as you pour.  Good head retention.  Minor alcohol lacing. Dark opaque brown not dissimilar to Coke or Root Beer.

Aroma:  This thing is hard to peg.  I noticed some barnyard funk, grass, pine resin, hints of floral notes, some spice that my head kept identifying as clove since it had that slightly holiday smell to it.

Taste: Once again, this thing is really tough to nail down.  You have some bitter citrus zest, grassy hops, roasted malt, brett funkiness, and a hint of clove or other spice all up front.  That mellows into a grassy, resinous finish with still present funkiness and a mild clean lactic sour with slightly chalky roasted malts, maybe even some roasted rye malts.

Score: 8/10

Overall a good beer that's just a little too complex.  I'm not even sure I got the flavor profile of this thing right since my mind was running in circles trying to identify everything I was tasting.  It's one of those beers where it's best to just enjoy it and not think about it as you do so.

Happy to know I want the only one that thought it was super complex.

Your description is way more on point then mine though lol.

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Re: Bromono's Beer Corner - Reviews, Giveaways, and Nonsense
« Reply #30 on: Sun, 13 March 2016, 17:22:51 »
Funky glass lol.

I liked the review. What would you give it on a scale of 10?

I have spoken to Binge about making a gb for some glasses with his art on it.

It is still in the talking stages and he is currently tied up with a lot of other projects so it might me awhile.

But yes I have thought about this as well =)

Thank you! It's hard to rate it since I usually just drink, without analyzing too much. It's definitively above average for me, 7 or 8/10.

Also these are great news! A DrunkFi on a glass would be awesome.  :)

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Re: Bromono's Beer Corner - Reviews, Giveaways, and Nonsense
« Reply #31 on: Wed, 16 March 2016, 00:10:43 »
And another beer from Bromono.  This time Prairie Bomb! an aged Imperial Stout.

Appearance: Dark brown, reminiscent of coke syrup with no real light showing through.  Short, thick, lacy head.  Leaves heavy lacing when swirled.

Aroma:  Nutty dark roast coffee, cocoa, slight and subtle chile heat that can easily be mistaken for a bourbon booze burn.  Definitely some minor alcohol smell to it, but predominantly coffee and cocoa aromas.  Pepper does not smell overly spicy, but like chile de arbol used in moderation or a meatier, sweeter roasted chile pepper like an ancho.

Taste:  big dark roasted coffee notes coupled with cocoa and balanced out with vanilla.  Caramel malt sweetness.  Mild chile pepper heat.  I'm having a really hard time nailing the pepper, but it definitely reminds me of a roasted pepper with medium heat, like an ancho or maybe chile de arbol used in moderation.  It doesn't have the smokiness of chipotle, but the slightly sweeter and mellowed heat of other roasted chile peppers.  Slightly chalky mouthfeel at the end, but incredibly smooth and creamy.  You can't tell it's a 13% beer.

Score: 9.5/10

Victory Storm King is what got me into stouts back in undergrad and I never quite let go of the love for Imperial Stouts. This definitely ranks as one of my favorite Imperial Stouts.  It's a little too sweet at times for me, but overall is fantastic and well balanced.  I'd still probably take Pretty Things Barbapapa over it (just personal preference), but it's a wonderful stout that's worth trying if you see it...and if you can justify the price for the size of the bottle.
« Last Edit: Wed, 16 March 2016, 00:12:46 by nubbinator »

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Bromono's Beer Corner - Reviews, Giveaways, and Nonsense
« Reply #32 on: Wed, 16 March 2016, 00:48:30 »
And another beer from Bromono.  This time Prairie Bomb! an aged Imperial Stout.

Show Image

Appearance: Dark brown, reminiscent of coke syrup with no real light showing through.  Short, thick, lacy head.  Leaves heavy lacing when swirled.

Aroma:  Nutty dark roast coffee, cocoa, slight and subtle chile heat that can easily be mistaken for a bourbon booze burn.  Definitely some minor alcohol smell to it, but predominantly coffee and cocoa aromas.  Pepper does not smell overly spicy, but like chile de arbol used in moderation or a meatier, sweeter roasted chile pepper like an ancho.

Taste:  big dark roasted coffee notes coupled with cocoa and balanced out with vanilla.  Caramel malt sweetness.  Mild chile pepper heat.  I'm having a really hard time nailing the pepper, but it definitely reminds me of a roasted pepper with medium heat, like an ancho or maybe chile de arbol used in moderation.  It doesn't have the smokiness of chipotle, but the slightly sweeter and mellowed heat of other roasted chile peppers.  Slightly chalky mouthfeel at the end, but incredibly smooth and creamy.  You can't tell it's a 13% beer.

Score: 9.5/10

Victory Storm King is what got me into stouts back in undergrad and I never quite let go of the love for Imperial Stouts. This definitely ranks as one of my favorite Imperial Stouts.  It's a little too sweet at times for me, but overall is fantastic and well balanced.  I'd still probably take Pretty Things Barbapapa over it (just personal preference), but it's a wonderful stout that's worth trying if you see it...and if you can justify the price for the size of the bottle.

Oh wow! A beer that I've actually tried, and on tap! I'm not too remembering of anything except that it was indeed delicious! Great review nubs!

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Re: Bromono's Beer Corner - Reviews, Giveaways, and Nonsense
« Reply #33 on: Fri, 18 March 2016, 16:22:47 »
And another beer from Bromono.  This time Prairie Bomb! an aged Imperial Stout.

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Appearance: Dark brown, reminiscent of coke syrup with no real light showing through.  Short, thick, lacy head.  Leaves heavy lacing when swirled.

Aroma:  Nutty dark roast coffee, cocoa, slight and subtle chile heat that can easily be mistaken for a bourbon booze burn.  Definitely some minor alcohol smell to it, but predominantly coffee and cocoa aromas.  Pepper does not smell overly spicy, but like chile de arbol used in moderation or a meatier, sweeter roasted chile pepper like an ancho.

Taste:  big dark roasted coffee notes coupled with cocoa and balanced out with vanilla.  Caramel malt sweetness.  Mild chile pepper heat.  I'm having a really hard time nailing the pepper, but it definitely reminds me of a roasted pepper with medium heat, like an ancho or maybe chile de arbol used in moderation.  It doesn't have the smokiness of chipotle, but the slightly sweeter and mellowed heat of other roasted chile peppers.  Slightly chalky mouthfeel at the end, but incredibly smooth and creamy.  You can't tell it's a 13% beer.

Score: 9.5/10

Victory Storm King is what got me into stouts back in undergrad and I never quite let go of the love for Imperial Stouts. This definitely ranks as one of my favorite Imperial Stouts.  It's a little too sweet at times for me, but overall is fantastic and well balanced.  I'd still probably take Pretty Things Barbapapa over it (just personal preference), but it's a wonderful stout that's worth trying if you see it...and if you can justify the price for the size of the bottle.

I missed this. I'm glad you liked it! Prairie does their stuff right. Except that one beer that tasted like straight up carbonated honey. I can go without that one.

I'm getting some jester King this weekend. I have a couple people to send it out to. Hope you guys like sours.