Author Topic: Need a cherry mod keycap set for all stabilized keys  (Read 1415 times)

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Offline chesterMcFeathers

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Need a cherry mod keycap set for all stabilized keys
« on: Mon, 02 May 2016, 21:47:52 »


I have just started scrounging for keycaps and I have found a few non-cherry keyboard with keys that fit on cherry keyboards. The
only problem is with the stabilized keys since they are not compatible. That means space bar, shifts, enter, backspace and the
two number pad keys ( + and enter ).

What I was hoping to find is a place to get all the stabilized keys and the small inserts that I would need to use the standard stabilizer
bars. And in doing this I was hoping to come under budget of just getting a new set of keys. So I was able to find a mod set from WASD
that has the shift,ctrl,alt keys in red,green and blue that will compliment the older yellowed beige keycaps that I am trying to use. They also
have spacebars in beige, grey etc to match. So that gets me close. The last part is the enter. back space, and the two number key
pad keys, again our friends at wasd can supply those keys but they are blank and 2.50 a pop.

So the total wasd key mod pack that I need will run me about $22 or I could just get one of the 45 key mod sets for $30 and grab a
space bar for 3 more bucks which makes that $2 thift store gateway 2000 keyboard with the perfectly yellowed keys seem like not
such a good deal after all.

Has anyone successfully used a set of old non cherry keys and made it look good for under what a decent set of new keys would cost?

Cheaply yours,
