Author Topic: Heeeello  (Read 1709 times)

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Offline 9999hp

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  • Posts: 157
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« on: Fri, 18 August 2017, 12:19:53 »

   I'm pretty new to the whole scene, I've been lurking on the site for a little bit now. Maybe a month, if that?

       My intro to keyboards came after I finally built my own desktop, and was in the market when I stumbled upon both keyboard communities. I was pretty fascinated and impressed with all the creative possibilities people had put into their boards. Don't get me started on artisans, I'm an artist by compulsion so I found a new form of art that I wanted to be a part of. I haven't delved into key capping making yet, I feel like I should participate more in the community before hand.

      My first purchase before I discovered the "meta" was an MK Fission with blues from mechanicalkeyboards. It was in my budget and I had read that they are made at the Ducky factory so they had to be of decent quality. I fell in love with the click-clack, it felt sooo good. Anyway, shortly after I purchased a galaxy set from pheilicia through massdrop. Then came the artisans. Then I joined a drop for the Vortex Core with silvers, which at this moment I'm still trying to get used to.

     I recently took my first steps to putting together my own custom keyboard which hopefully by Oct I'll have most if not all the parts for it. I still haven't found suitable keycaps. I'm thinking I'm going to have to finagle some weird custom buy from WASD to get the look I would like. I'm also missing the USB cable but as far as I can tell those seem to be fairly easy to come by to get a cool one.

     Outside of this, I'm a lab tech by day and a bunch of different things at night. I'm into fitness, which at the moment I've retired myself to kettlebells and bodybuilding variations of it. I draw and paint, drawing mostly with things like microns and painting with oils. Currently, I'm in the process of illustrating a children's book for a friend. I also am in the beginning stages of learning to program. Right now, my intentions with it are just for hobby, so with that said I am learning Haskell, which of course I understand is not beginner friendly but with my other pursuits, if it's not difficult I won't stay interested for long. I also would play games, but I'm not really interested in much available currently. I'm waiting for Monster Hunter Worlds to come out, and maybe Dauntless. I'll probably also try to play Destiny too, as I am an admitted loot fiend.

Well that seems to cover a little bit of everything. Any questions, ask away. See ya around.