Author Topic: phruitpie's Attempt at Making Caps  (Read 6223 times)

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Offline phruitpie

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phruitpie's Attempt at Making Caps
« on: Mon, 11 January 2016, 15:19:38 »
How's it going Geekhack?

Casting Process
A couple weeks ago I decided to finally take a stab at resin casting. Just thought I'd share some progress pics even though I feel like I failed to document the process thoroughly.


This was the start of the first mold I made. I wasn't sure if I was going to lose any caps to the mold making process, so I went with DSA blanks as they were the only spares I had. Since then I've learned that the silicone does no harm to the keys and I'm pretty confident about using caps from real sets now. Rather than use a clay base as I saw others do, I figured why not just hot glue the keys down so that they don't float up during the curing process. Man was that a mistake! The edges of the keys don't form a perfect seal against the cardboard base, leaving just enough room for some silicone to creep in and make a mess that needed to be cleaned up with an exacto. I used some sculpey clay for the alignment pins, which actually seemed to work pretty well.


Here's right after pouring the first mix of silicone. It's a Shore 30A silicone, which I initially thought would be too flexible after doing some research. However, I've found 30A hardness to be a good middle ground, more than suitable for casting. The silicone also has a long pot life, which left me plenty of time to work out any bubbles without pressure or vacuum. A little trick I learned was to leave the poured silicone on top of a dryer while it's running, the vibrations help agitate the silicone and cause any bubbles to rise and pop.


Jumping ahead, I needed to construct my own box this time since I realized the box I used previously was way too shallow for another pour. I essentially re-purposed an amazon box and used some hot glue to seal the pieces together. What's not shown here is the process of spraying the mold release. I can't begin to tell you how essential this is, mold release is the best thing to happen since chocolate cream pie. Before spraying the release out of its aerosol can, I placed a few pieces of tape over top of the keycaps so as to not get any mold release on them. After a few light, even coats she was good to go.


Here she was after the second pour. As you might notice there are some white sticks sticking out of the mold. These are some q-tips with the ends cut off, which act as sprues for excess resin and air to escape. Initially I thought to use the sprues to introduce resin into the mold, but later on I realized it's much more effective to pour resin into the two mold halves and then sandwich them together. If you're wondering, the q-tips were hot glued to the corner edges of the keycaps. Sadly, stock DSA keycaps aren't nice and thick so it was difficult to place the q-tips properly and I ended up with a mess of hot glue.


When all was said and done I was left with this. Of course I immediately grabbed some resin and attempted my first cast. Unfortunately, I wasn't aware of all the issues that came with using Alumilite Clear to gravity cast. I bought it because it's a urethane resin rather than epoxy, it's a Shore 78-80D, and it has a decent 7 minute pot life. This resin also boasts a 2-3 hour demold time, however I quickly learned that is only the case when curing the resin in an oven at 140 °F. Otherwise it takes around 12 hours to demold at room temperature and about 24 hours to reach full hardness. Also keep in mind that if using Alumilite Clear, the B side will gel up if exposed to any temperature below 65 °F. So before doing a cast make sure to heat up the B side by submerging it in a bowl full of hot tap water for 15 minutes or so. Alumilite Clear can also only be mixed 1:1 by WEIGHT, not volume :( I encountered some problems when I tried to use a scale that wasn't precise enough and ended up with some dud casts that never fully cured.


Voila, my first successful cast. While the tops are almost where I would like them to be, the bottoms could use a lot of work. This is because sprue removal proved to be a much bigger pain than I anticipated, it was quite difficult cutting away the excess with the tools I had on hand. But, the thing I'm most happy about is the way the stems turned out—all of these keys fit perfectly on my MX board with no issues. They actually make a pretty okay WASD or arrow set if DSA is your profile of choice.


Here is another set that didn't turn out as well. It has all kinds of coloring issues due to using high amounts of dye with a small batch of resin. On top of that, all kinds of little micro bubbles formed on the surface.

So what's the plan for the future?

Well, I don't really like DSA profile all that much, but if anyone has an interest I'd be glad to continue making some. I've recently just finished up a new mold featuring my first sculpted cap, a topre esc blank, and two more DSA blanks (see below). I did a few things differently this time around, most notably I went with a clay base so that I could get a nice seal around the edges of the keys. I also opted to leave out the sprues, since they were only a hassle in the previous mold. We'll see how that goes, honestly I'm not sure if it'll work out. I'm really big on topre and love my HHKB to death, so I really hope these esc blanks turn out okay enough to use. After I get enough decent casts I'll probably try and make one big mold with tons of goodies in it. That way I can churn out more stuff and work with larger batches of resin, allowing me to change up the colors a bit more.


Anyways that's all for now, any constructive criticism or comments are greatly appreciated. Look out for some updates after this next batch is finished curing. Oh and a huge, HUGE shout out to all of the folks whose works helped me along the way: Booper, Binge, Katz, RP, KeyKollectiv, and _joe_king are just a few I can think of off the top of my head, thank you guys so much!

Update 1

The first topre esc blank seemingly turned out much nicer than I expected. Looks nice on my HHKB next to KeyKollectiv's CMYKeys hehe
There will be many more of these to come, stay tuned!


Something heart... something something cap.... I have yet to give this an official name :p Turned out okay for the first cast, but ran into some issues with the white resin leaking over top of the heart. That most likely happened because I wasn't careful and the heart plopped out of the mold before the second pour. Placed it back in of course, but the ever so thin seal that was there before was no longer. Ended up having to scrape off the leaked resin, which is why the surface of the heart is a bit rough.


Side profile.


Just showing the surface imperfections caused by the excess resin.

Update 1.5
Damn, has it really been 10 months since I last casted anything...

Wouldn't call this update a progression—got bored yesterday and saw my resin sitting in the corner, decided to show it some love.
Rushed this cast and forgot to incorporate a lot of my old techniques, but I loved the color enough to post anyways.

DSA Heart-A-Clack, Topre Blank, and DSA Blank in 'Strawberry Cheesecake'
« Last Edit: Sun, 02 October 2016, 16:12:45 by phruitpie »

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Re: Phruitpie's Attempt at Making Caps
« Reply #1 on: Mon, 11 January 2016, 15:29:21 »
Not a bad start!

Offline phruitpie

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Re: Phruitpie's Attempt at Making Caps
« Reply #2 on: Mon, 11 January 2016, 15:36:56 »

Not a bad start!

Thanks! It's a process, but I look forward to making more and honing my skills.

Offline piemancoder

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Re: Phruitpie's Attempt at Making Caps
« Reply #3 on: Mon, 11 January 2016, 18:06:10 »
Interested, these look pretty sweet  :thumb: Are you going to try doing something other than blanks?
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Offline phruitpie

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Re: Phruitpie's Attempt at Making Caps
« Reply #4 on: Mon, 11 January 2016, 18:30:39 »
Interested, these look pretty sweet  :thumb: Are you going to try doing something other than blanks?

Thanks for the kind words :) Definitely going to sculpt some more stuff (I bought a lot of clay), the small heart is just a starting point. Problem is... I'm not really artistic haha but I've got a few ideas in the works. I'll most likely post any new stuff up on this thread.

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Re: Phruitpie's Attempt at Making Caps
« Reply #5 on: Mon, 11 January 2016, 18:45:22 »
Really great first try, keep going at it!  I actually really enjoy DSA, but do what you want - you're the artist.


[WTB] HHKB Black

Offline DaveW

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Re: Phruitpie's Attempt at Making Caps
« Reply #6 on: Mon, 11 January 2016, 18:54:48 »
Very nice and thanks for sharing! I want to try my hand at this sometime in the near future so these type of posts are great inspiration.

Offline phruitpie

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Re: Phruitpie's Attempt at Making Caps
« Reply #7 on: Mon, 11 January 2016, 21:12:04 »
Really great first try, keep going at it!  I actually really enjoy DSA, but do what you want - you're the artist.

I appreciate the support! DSA is certainly not out of the question yet, trying my hand at some double pour DSA caps right now :p

Very nice and thanks for sharing! I want to try my hand at this sometime in the near future so these type of posts are great inspiration.

No problem! I hope this post helps you out at least a little. If you have any questions feel free to shoot, but just know there are still tons of things I have yet to learn.

Offline phruitpie

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Re: Phruitpie's Attempt at Making Caps
« Reply #8 on: Tue, 12 January 2016, 15:39:52 »
Update 1

The first topre esc blank seemingly turned out much nicer than I expected. Looks nice on my HHKB next to KeyKollectiv's CMYKeys hehe
There will be many more of these to come, stay tuned!


Something heart... something something cap.... I have yet to give this an official name :p Turned out okay for the first cast, but ran into some issues with the white resin leaking over top of the heart. That most likely happened because I wasn't careful and the heart plopped out of the mold before the second pour. Placed it back in of course, but the ever so thin seal that was there before was no longer. Ended up having to scrape off the leaked resin, which is why the surface of the heart is a bit rough.


Side profile.


Just showing the surface imperfections caused by the excess resin.
« Last Edit: Tue, 12 January 2016, 15:47:41 by phruitpie »

Offline bcredbottle

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Re: Phruitpie's Attempt at Making Caps
« Reply #9 on: Tue, 12 January 2016, 15:41:26 »

Offline FLFisherman

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Re: Phruitpie's Attempt at Making Caps
« Reply #10 on: Tue, 12 January 2016, 15:42:40 »
Pretty cool to see the heart surface elevated above the cap, even if it didn't hold as expected.

Offline Zapheo

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Re: Phruitpie's Attempt at Making Caps
« Reply #11 on: Tue, 12 January 2016, 15:43:03 »
Looks like you're off to a great start! :thumb:
I need more keyboards to hold all of these keycaps.

Offline piemancoder

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Re: Phruitpie's Attempt at Making Caps
« Reply #12 on: Tue, 12 January 2016, 15:44:00 »
Pictures aren't showing. :(

Edit: Nevermind, I really really like caps  :) We need moar heart caps!
« Last Edit: Tue, 12 January 2016, 16:02:29 by piemancoder »
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Offline phruitpie

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Re: Phruitpie's Attempt at Making Caps
« Reply #13 on: Tue, 12 January 2016, 15:54:22 »

Sorry, the attachments weren't showing :p

Pretty cool to see the heart surface elevated above the cap, even if it didn't hold as expected.

Oops sorry if I wrote that weirdly. The heart actually holds great and it's fully functional :) I just meant that the heart piece came out of the silicone mold in between pours, which allowed for a small gap where resin seeped in.

Looks like you're off to a great start! :thumb:

Thanks! :D

Update 1

The first topre esc blank seemingly turned out much nicer than I expected. Looks nice on my HHKB next to KeyKollectiv's CMYKeys hehe
There will be many more of these to come, stay tuned!

Something heart... something something cap.... I have yet to give this an official name :p Turned out okay for the first cast, but ran into some issues with the white resin leaking over top of the heart. That most likely happened because I wasn't careful and the heart plopped out of the mold before the second pour. Placed it back in of course, but the ever so thin seal that was there before was no longer. Ended up having to scrape off the leaked resin, which is why the surface of the heart is a bit rough.

Side profile.

(Attachment Link)

Just showing the surface imperfections caused by the excess resin.

Pictures aren't showing. :(

My bad, they should be there now heh

Offline piemancoder

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Re: Phruitpie's Attempt at Making Caps
« Reply #14 on: Tue, 12 January 2016, 16:03:44 »
My bad, they should be there now heh
Thanks! Edited my post  :thumb:
Yoda grammar best has

Offline phruitpie

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Re: Phruitpie's Attempt at Making Caps
« Reply #15 on: Tue, 12 January 2016, 16:10:28 »
Pictures aren't showing. :(

Edit: Nevermind, I really really like caps  :) We need moar heart caps!

Thank you, that really means a lot. There will definitely be more heart caps!

Offline DAVYtm

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Re: Phruitpie's Attempt at Making Caps
« Reply #16 on: Tue, 12 January 2016, 16:14:07 »
Pictures aren't showing. :(

Edit: Nevermind, I really really like caps  :) We need moar heart caps!

Thank you, that really means a lot. There will definitely be more heart caps!

That blank looks awesome man! Impressive for just a couple of weeks

Offline phruitpie

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Re: Phruitpie's Attempt at Making Caps
« Reply #17 on: Tue, 12 January 2016, 16:23:10 »
That blank looks awesome man! Impressive for just a couple of weeks

<3 That's your CMY up there with it :D

Offline DAVYtm

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Re: Phruitpie's Attempt at Making Caps
« Reply #18 on: Tue, 12 January 2016, 16:45:13 »
That blank looks awesome man! Impressive for just a couple of weeks

<3 That's your CMY up there with it :D

Oh hey I totally forgot!! You'll be making your own CMY soon enough :D

Offline DaveW

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Re: Phruitpie's Attempt at Making Caps
« Reply #19 on: Tue, 12 January 2016, 17:05:28 »
Something heart... something something cap.... I have yet to give this an official name :p

Heart A-clack

Offline phruitpie

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Re: Phruitpie's Attempt at Making Caps
« Reply #20 on: Tue, 12 January 2016, 17:34:53 »
That blank looks awesome man! Impressive for just a couple of weeks

<3 That's your CMY up there with it :D

Oh hey I totally forgot!! You'll be making your own CMY soon enough :D

haha thanks! Curious to find out how tough it is to cast keys larger than 1u.

Something heart... something something cap.... I have yet to give this an official name :p

Heart A-clack

Brilliant. If I ever have a sale, I'd love to use the name with your permission. Of course, I'll make sure you're first in line for a "Heart A-Clack".

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Re: Phruitpie's Attempt at Making Caps
« Reply #21 on: Tue, 12 January 2016, 17:54:46 »
*shows girlfriend pastel pink and heart caps*
yep, she approves.


[WTB] HHKB Black

Offline DaveW

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Re: Phruitpie's Attempt at Making Caps
« Reply #22 on: Tue, 12 January 2016, 19:04:35 »
Something heart... something something cap.... I have yet to give this an official name :p

Heart A-clack

Brilliant. If I ever have a sale, I'd love to use the name with your permission. Of course, I'll make sure you're first in line for a "Heart A-Clack".

Of course you can use it. Really liking the quality of caps you're producing!

Offline phruitpie

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Re: Phruitpie's Attempt at Making Caps
« Reply #23 on: Tue, 12 January 2016, 19:30:55 »
*shows girlfriend pastel pink and heart caps*
yep, she approves.

Glad to hear she approves! My girlfriend was actually the one who suggested the pink haha

Of course you can use it. Really liking the quality of caps you're producing!

Thanks man, learning more and more every day! I need to work on my sculpting abilities :p

Offline phruitpie

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Re: Phruitpie's Attempt at Making Caps
« Reply #24 on: Sun, 02 October 2016, 16:07:56 »
Update 1.5

Damn, has it really been 10 months since I last casted anything...

Wouldn't call this update a progression—got bored yesterday and saw my resin sitting in the corner, decided to show it some love.
Rushed this cast and forgot to incorporate a lot of my old techniques, but I loved the color enough to post anyways.

DSA Heart-A-Clack, Topre Blank, and DSA Blank in 'Strawberry Cheesecake'

Offline hitlu

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Re: phruitpie's Attempt at Making Caps
« Reply #25 on: Sun, 08 October 2017, 09:23:30 »
Update 1.5

Damn, has it really been 10 months since I last casted anything...

Wouldn't call this update a progression—got bored yesterday and saw my resin sitting in the corner, decided to show it some love.
Rushed this cast and forgot to incorporate a lot of my old techniques, but I loved the color enough to post anyways.

DSA Heart-A-Clack, Topre Blank, and DSA Blank in 'Strawberry Cheesecake'
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pls, another year past....we miss u back
Colonel or Ogre