Author Topic: Request step by step guide on how to Flash an ADB converter for a noob  (Read 828 times)

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Offline GlennL42

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  • Posts: 43
Greeting! I decide to consult for some help here as I just can’t figure out how to do this at all. It all went south when I attempt to flash my Arduino Leonardo with the ADB converter firmware , having no prior experience with a development board, I referenced some forum and proceed to flash the firmware with Arduino Builder, and now the board just couldn’t be detected anymore by my computer. With only one more board to spare, I decide not YOLO this anymore and inquire help here, so can anyone here help  an ultra-noob with the firmware level stuff for the converter? Namely step by step guide on flashing or other related setup for the converter.

Also, just to be clear, I did peruse the related thread but I still failed to understand anything related to firmware and flashing (as in I couldn't find instruction on how to correctly flash the firmware there) as most of the problem people encountered are with wiring and physical level stuff, or maybe the problem I encountered are so simple even an idiot could figure out what to do, but still I’m at my last leg now as I just couldn't understand this at all, so any help would be appreciated at this point.

Thx in advance guys.