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Offline Sintpinty

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Bitbat's Guide to Survivio
« on: Thu, 16 May 2019, 20:34:40 »
Hello, and since i started the survivio team, let me know if you want to join.

This advice is for all people who want to get into playing survivio.

First of all...

What is

To answer your question, Survivio is a 2d battle royale game where 80 players fight to be the last one standing.

Players begin with nothing but a simple pouch, which at the max can hold 90 rounds of green/blue ammo, 120 rounds of yellow ammo, 15 rounds of red ammo and about 49 rounds of black ammo.

When you first spawn in the game, this is the screen you'll be greeted with:

What can this screenshot mean, exactly?

The 1X icon is the scope you have. You can collect a 2x scope , a 4X scope, a 8X scope and a 15X scope(which is very rare, you probably won't find it in a regular match.) These will allow you to see enemies from afar.
Next to that is "35 alive" . Over on the right side of that it will tell you who killed who and what weapon.
In the middle right corner of the screen, you'll find how much weapons, and ammo you have. You can also find how many healing supplies you have.

Healing supplies include bandages(which restores 15 health, can heal up to 100 health, aka full health) pills and soda(Which increase your adrenaline, provides a speed as well as heals you via natural regen) and medkits(which heal you up to the full 100 health)
By right-clicking those items, you can get rid of them or give them to a teammate in Squad or Duo games.
Over in the 1, 2 3 and four slots you can equip your weapons via right-clicking them or pressing the binded hotkey.

The first slots, 1 and 2 are reserved for guns. The third is reserved for melee weapons, and the fourth is reserved for grenades(which i reccomending binding to Q instead for easy access)

In the bottom left you will see a map. Press G to expand it, it will tell you where airstrikes, teammates, and airdrops are.

Now, we talk about team pings.

What are team pings?
Team pings is a feature in the game which is crucial for team strategy. There are four pings. Each ping has its own distinctive sound plus a different icon so keep that in mind.

First ping: Go here, or avoid
This is probably the most important ping you'll need. Unlike the other temporary pings, this one is permanant on the map and lasts a long time, so it won't go away like the other ones. It signals your teammates to go to a certain area. My advice is to ping airdrops always, because who knows? There might be danger, good loot. etc.
Second ping: Gift
This ping is to alert your teammates if there is a gift. It will be sounded , and will have a gift icon on it. This ping is only temporary and lasts for ten seconds on the map.
Third ping: Help!/Danger!
This ping is to alert all team members if there's danger, an important event, or possibly to avoid an area. This ping looks like ! .
Fourth ping: Need ammo
Hold your gun out, and then team ping the white/coloured square. This will let teammates know that you're in need of ammo and would like to be given some.
Fifth ping: Need healing.
Team ping, this will say to other teammates via a icon for a medkit. It means "i need healing, can you give me something!" Also helps if you're down and you want to say "revive me please" .

Now that i've talked about all of the team emotes, let's talk about emoting. Emoting is just for fun and is used to taunt enemies, or to say "yeah, i'm all good!" You can do this via right-clicking.
There are four default emotes that you can change. The first one is a happy face, or  :) . This says "Happy, am good" . The second one is D:, or sad face. It means "oh no!" Or "somethings wrong" . The third one is a like button, says "i'm good!" or "everythings alright!" and the fourth icon, aka the logo of the game, i don't know what it means.
You can change these emotes by going to the game's  icon beside "play" and then subscribing, liking, or following survivio's offical social media profiles.

Personally, my favourite is the dab, which is my current profile picture.

Now, back to the basics of the game.

You may be asking yourself at this point , How do i get bandages, ammo, and guns/melee weapons?
Guns and weapons, plus healing supplies may be obtained via crates, toilets ,rocks that have a special mark on them, and airdrops. The default weapon that you have is fists. This can hurt players .  To destroy a crate, simply just keep left clicking until it breaks. From there, an item will drop, which you can press F or your desired key to obtain. Special items, such as Katanas, and Wood axes may be only obtained in special areas, and they can deal more damage than just fists.

Tip number one: ALWAYS HAVE A GUN COMBO. Having two guns in the game is crucial as you can quickswitch and in case one's ammo runs out, you will always have another gun to switch too. You can also use them as combos and own 2 of them, or one shotgun and sniper/smg, etc.

Each ammo corresponds with a different color of gun. This is signified by the color of the ring of the item.

Notice how the two guns have a yellow ring around it. This means it uses yellow ammo.

Now you may be noticing that vest over there. That is armour. Pick up any armour you can as it will reduce damage and make you a bit more difficult to kill than people without armour. The highest armour you can get in a regular match is level 3, but people in special gamemodes like 50v50 can get level four.

There are different types of guns as well. On the unofficial survivio wiki, you can find more information about these guns as well as stats and tier lists by experienced players.

BTW, the worst gun you can get is OT-38, best gun in my opinion is PKP pechneg.
Another tip : You might be able to figure out what the gun is via it's ammo color, spread and the sound it makes. Silenced sounds, watch out for those!

We should also mention airdrops. Airdrops may be spawned in with a flare gun, which uses orange ammo and is quite hard to find.

Have patience, and you'll see a plane. That plane in the sky then delivers your airdrop along with a parachute.
Be warned though, do not come close to it as it is landing as you can get crushed by it.
There are two tiers of airdrops, regular and golden. Regardless, both of them will have weapons usually better than the normal weapons you find(Okay, maybe except for OTS-38 :rolleyes:).
Once it has landed on the ground, press f and open it. One thing that i have found is if there are people around you, the metal casing will reflect bullets, and possible protect you from grenades and stuff.
Next, right click it until it breaks. Then, collect the items.
Golden tier items will absolutely be better than the regular items, and this has a high chance of containing the best items in the game. However, golden airdrops are very rare.

In 50v50(special gamemode that comes occasionally), airdrops will be bigger than the regular ones to provide for all players. However, it is very hard to get an item since there is so much players around it wanting to get an item. You get what you get and you don't get upset...

This is what a golden 50v50 airdrop looks like.

Now, let's talk about special events.

Special Events
Once in a while, Justin and Nick(The devs) will update the game so that way it is a special event. In a special event, these don't last forever, just a limited time. These will be squad mode usually, so i'll be talking about some of the mechanics of squad mode as i am typing this.
There are about five special events that they will update it to once in a while:[/img]
This is 50v50, where players are split up into two teams, each having 50 players on them. Team members have a splat of paint on them to indicate what team they are. Red team will have a red splat of paint, while blue team will have a blue splat of paint.
The goal is to eliminate the other team.

And now we introduce perks. Perks are obtainable in special game modes only. Perks come with players being promoted to a certain rank, or obtaining a special item in game.
When you'll have these , you will notice a small icon at the corner of the screen. Hover over it to learn more about the perk.

About 30 seconds into the game(once everyones ready to fight near the bridge) about 4 players will be promoted by random from each team into special ranks. This is announced where you can find who killed who. It will tell you who got promoted to what position.

The highest position you can get is leader. Leaders have increased size, but they have the best tier weapons including a level four helmet. The red team leader in my experience is more powerful than the blue team leader as they have a powerful shotgun called the super 90 which can knock out weak players from 1 or 2 headshots.(basically a upgraded spas-12)
Leaders also have max adrenaline and when they ping, it is shown to all players of their team. As the leader, you will get the special message that you have been promoted to leader.

The second thing that you can get promoted to is a Lieutenant. A lieutenant is like a co leader, and gets a perk where they have an extended magazine size. If you don't know what that means, it basically means their guns fire more ammo, making them more powerful.

This is what a lieutenant looks like. They will have a triangle located on their helmets.

There are four lieutenants in each 50v50 match, 2 belonging to each team.

The final tier that you can get promoted to is medic. Medic is similar to the TF2 one. They come with full medical supplies, and have a special circle which can heal anyone in their area. They also have a melee weapon called the "bonesaw".  However, they are vunerable on the battlefield as they remain an important resource for the team.

This is what a medic looks like:

Also, keep in mind that leaders are indicated by a star and once they die where they died is marked on a map via a gravestone icon.

The second one is Desert Rain. Usually in the regular gamemode, there is a bit of trees, and rocks.
For this map, almost the entire map is covered in sand except the rocks, trees and buildings. There is a special building called the saloon in which a secret room can be accessed via a code. This code is ROYGBIV, just like the colors of a rainbow.

Unlike the regular mode of the game, you can almost find a flaregun in every place that you find which remember, spawns an airdrop. This means that there is mass amounts of airdrops and when fighting you will usually have the best weapons.

Do you notice black rocks on the map which have an "eye" on them? In the woods mode, these are square. These can contain rare loot that sometimes, you can't find in airdrops. Once in a while, they will trick you by putting a bad gun such as an M9 in place. You can find this stone hammer via airdrops, or the bank or eye bunker in the woods mode.

In certain modes, there are exclusive weapons available that you cannot find in regular versions in the game. This includes the USAS-12, M1A1, M1100, and the Peacemaker(colt 45). However, things like yellow ammo you cannot find in this mode unless if you get an m9 from an eye crate.

The third mode is known as "woods mode". In the newer versions of this game, this will have a special island you can travel to to get a special item.

A disadvantage, although it could be an advantage for some is the massive amounts of trees located here. Purple trees have loot in them, keep in mind that. There is also a logging camp where you can find a special weapon: The fireaxe. However these will have competition. You may notice some skins behind some closed glass(if you don't know what that is, i'll talk about it later). Keep shooting it with your gun and throw grenades on it. It may take a couple of hits and you loose the opportunity to get kills... but hey at least you got a cool skin  :p

Now, let's talk about the special item. The special item is located in an island in the middle of a big lake usually located at the middle of the lake. Inside the island, there is a small hut, along with two pots(which contain great items) and the special item itself. The special item is a special helmet that makes you "The woods King". This can aid you for your chicken dinner.
When wearing this, you get some special abilities, such as when someone shoots at you, you gain speed. This can be an advantage as if you have a powerful melee weapon by your side such as a Nagitana or a pan, you can knock them out easily. When you kill someone, it puts a paw icon and a eerie sound. However, this can reveal your location.

To try and attempt to kill the woods king(person who has the helmet on), never go at them with a fully automatic weapon. Instead, try and use shotguns in an attempt to kill them as they are close range and with two of them you can deal great damage.
There is also a special bunker called the eye bunker, where you can attempt to break in via a special code. Inside you'll find the stone hammer and a special recording.

Next, is the snow update. There's nothing special here, other than the island is covered with snow. Instead of a plane dropping your airdrop, it's santa  :p

Now, we are going to talk about the 'Rotato Potato mode". This was originally made as a april fools joke, but it can get quite frustrating. There are potatos located around the map, and if you shoot one, you get a random gun. There is also a special helmet found on the ground where it can give you a chance of always having better guns. Use the potatos for shelter as if someone has a good gun and attempts to shoot you, their gun will be replaced with a bad one instead excepting if they have the helmet on. If you kill someone, you switch guns as well.

Now, let's talk about Squad mode and hopefully some tips.
A main, but basic tip is to always stay together with your team. Occasionally, split up and do stuff.
Unlike solo mode, where once you're dead you're dead, your teammates can be knocked out giving you a chance to revive them. Reviving lasts about 7 seconds. Give them a medkit afterwards. Remember that you should do it in a safe area. Doing it in the middle of the battlefield not only gives risk to your teammate, but yourself as well.
Do you notice the knocked out player? This is how they look like:

They can crawl and interact with doors too!

Now, let's talk about Buildings. Buildings can provide shelter from airstrikes(will talk later about it) as well as contain helpful loot if you know where you're heading. However, large buildings like the Police Station and the Hatchet bunker will be populated.

You will see that there are bunkers located around the map. There is the Hydra Bunker, The Conch Bunker, The Egg Bunker and the Crossing bunker. These usually contain good loot with a big crate at the end sometimes containing the best loot in the game such as a Vector.

The most populated building i would say is by far the Police Station. Near the start of the game, you should avoid this as multiple teams enter here. In the Police Station Building there is a door that reflects bullets, this can be helpful as you can reflect some things back to the player. Basically like a stationary pan.
You can also interact with buttons . There is some lockers located, which the golden ones have the best loot.

You might also notice that there is a control panel. This control panel, when pressed, unlocks the cells. These cells contain good loot as well have a toilet (if it contains poop that apparantly means it has better loot) that contains low tier items.

The hydra bunker is a bunker with automatic doors and that pan-door that i mentioned earlier to the entrance. There is a first room, which has lockers and a big crate(however you won't find golden lockers here) and then once you move onto the next room, there is decorative control panels(watch out, if hit many times they explode) and then there is 2 other entrances which have lockers, and one of them has that big crate again.

The main room that you want to get to has a giant crate that has a chance of containing good loot like a bar or a scar.
Let's move onto the next topic
Skins. Although they may be cosmetic items, they can turn your player into a different color such as black and sometimes even change the color of the backpack. They do nothing, however there are some skins that you should generally avoid such as key lime.

Please ignore the "rarest skins" part, this is a list of most of the skins in the game. Personally my favourite are woodcutters wrap and red victorious.
In airdrops, they can include a special skin called a "ghillie", which makes you very hard to find and provides camo allowing you to hide. There is also a desert variant hidden in the airdrops or eye crates. You can tell that it's a player and not the grass by their outlined fists.

Well, that's all i need to say for Enjoy the game!

I might include some of my knowledge in the comments later.
« Last Edit: Thu, 16 May 2019, 20:46:47 by Sintpinty »

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Re: Bitbat's Guide to Survivio
« Reply #1 on: Thu, 16 May 2019, 20:38:30 »
Actually, there's one thing that i didn't mention yet: Throwables.

These are one time use and are great for 50v50, but don't really make an efficent weapon .
If you hold them too long, they explode on you. There are many different types of throwables.
The first one is the regular throwable. After counting to four, throw it immediately. It just makes an explosion, and any player caught in it could suffer from serious damage.
The second one is the MIRV grenade. This is a upgraded version of the regular throwable, with a second explosion after that. This is great for 50v50 as if you hold it for just the right time, the mirv grenade's mini explosions could spread out faster allowing you to damage more players.

The third one is the smoke grenade, by far the most useless. However, it can provide a distraction for people with scopes and allows you to get away. Throw another grenade and then you have made a temporary trap.

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Re: Bitbat's Guide to Survivio
« Reply #2 on: Thu, 16 May 2019, 20:39:56 »
Actually, there's one thing that i didn't mention yet: Throwables.

These are one time use and are great for 50v50, but don't really make an efficent weapon .
If you hold them too long, they explode on you. There are many different types of throwables.
The first one is the regular throwable. After counting to four, throw it immediately. It just makes an explosion, and any player caught in it could suffer from serious damage.
The second one is the MIRV grenade. This is a upgraded version of the regular throwable, with a second explosion after that. This is great for 50v50 as if you hold it for just the right time, the mirv grenade's mini explosions could spread out faster allowing you to damage more players.

The third one is a strobe. Although it may look like it is harmless, it can be very harmful and dangerous. It calls in a airstrike, which has a huge radius and unfortuately you may be caught in your own. If a airstrike does happen, seek shelter immediately such as a bunker. It will be located on a map via a yellow icon and a warning horn. Anyone caught in the radius after, especially for 50v50, you should either revive or kill.

The third one is the smoke grenade, by far the most useless. However, it can provide a distraction for people with scopes and allows you to get away. Throw another grenade and then you have made a temporary trap.