I’m a numpad user who’s been around a while
The perk of keykobo is the decreased price for low volume child kits vs gmk, where splitting base and numpad makes the combined price usually +20% of what it could cost when one kit, and cutting doesn’t save more than 10$. Since w keykobo it’s only a coupla bucks more w split out numpad, and that at least 80%, possibly 95%+ of people never use numpad keys, splitting out isn’t that big a deal.
Given the keyboard tendencies of people I’m glad the f row is still in the base…
Averaging kit prices from 17 KKB sets (7 Full Base, 10 TKL Base + Numpad) yields:
$96 Full Base
$92 TKL Base = $4 less than Full Base
$20 Numpad
$112 TKL + Numpad = $16 more than Full Base
No two sets are alike, so take this average with a grain of salt. Other variables affect pricing: kit content, number of colors, custom vs. stock colors, with or without sublegends, complexity of novelties, cost margins, MOQ targets, etc.
KKB Outer Bounds Numpad take rate was 26% (68 Numpad orders, 258 TKL Base kit orders).
I looked at Numpad take rate about four years ago. While it varied widely, it was rarely less than 20%.
Usually the majority of TKL Base buyers don't buy Numpad, but it's impossible to predict the exact take rate. For KKB sets, should the Numpad minority spend about 17% more so the TKL majority saves about 4%? I don't think there's a right answer, but as a Numpad user I vote no.