See, I don't see how it's infringement. How could SP be liable? SP allows you to place orders for custom, client specified artwork. Saying that SP is liable for the images and designs that their clients choose is like saying Google is liable for linking to trademarked/copyrighted material. Or that Microsoft is liable for every person who's downloaded a song or movie on a Windows PC, because they provided the OS for bit torrent clients to run on. It makes no sense.
If we were going to manufacture these keycaps, and then sell them for a profit, then sure... that's infringement. But this has GOT to be fair use. I mean, would we be having the same problem if we were dealing with the Nike swoosh here? Or is it just paranoia of Lucas and his Gestapo?
Okay, okay, okay... **** THIS. I know some patent lawyers (or, I knew some patent lawyers). Let's see what I can find out. I WILL NOT BE THWARTED.
(PS: Before you ask... yeah, I MAD)