Author Topic: Cooler Master Spawn + Cherry Clear/Brown  (Read 16379 times)

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Offline Lanx

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Cooler Master Spawn + Cherry Clear/Brown
« on: Mon, 14 November 2011, 22:09:30 »
i did this to my storm inferno, some ppl wanted a guide so i guess i'll make a guide on the new mouse i got. disclaimer, no i do not LOVE cooler master, it just so happen that the storm inferno was my current mouse cuz i thought the "tactics" button was cool but i never used it, and it had higher dpi than my still trusty deathaddler (which is also left button cherry modded), i wanted a smaller mouse that i could "palm" and have back/forward pretty much only the spawn had it, just so happened to be cooler master.

Offline Lanx

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Cooler Master Spawn + Cherry Clear/Brown
« Reply #1 on: Mon, 14 November 2011, 22:13:52 »

nice new bottom, where are the screws? sigh, underneath the tape

really simple take out the screws and unhook it, you get

detach cables, take out a cherry switch and size up where you want to put the switch, get ready to desolder and you're really gonna need some way to mount it so have a hot glue gun ready.

at this point my fiance walked in and said "what are you doing" "that's a nice looking mouse" and decided to try it out before i "do weird things to it and put keyboard switches in it". So update when she gets tired of the mouse, or i'll buy another soon.

Offline AvenZerg

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Cooler Master Spawn + Cherry Clear/Brown
« Reply #2 on: Sun, 20 November 2011, 20:25:50 »
That is interesting indeed.. do you feel those switches (or any switches for that matter)do a better job than the actuall mouse buttons? the travel distance of clicking the mouse buttons, i mean keys, seems reeaaaaaly awkward and i kinda doubt it's actually an improvement =/ (could be very wrong here tho)

Interested to know your experiences with it.

Offline braaaiiins

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Cooler Master Spawn + Cherry Clear/Brown
« Reply #3 on: Sun, 20 November 2011, 20:42:33 »
Very cool. I was thinking my mouse could use some better switches. I hate the loud clicking most mice make. This mod with ergo clears would be sweet.

Can you show some more pictures detailing the keys? I'd like to see how you keep them mounted.
« Last Edit: Sun, 20 November 2011, 20:44:37 by braaaiiins »

Offline Lanx

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Cooler Master Spawn + Cherry Clear/Brown
« Reply #4 on: Wed, 23 November 2011, 13:06:38 »
I posted in previous threads, and I find the keys cherry switches are best, I can't even use regular mice (thry all seem to use omron switches) again, it was for ergonimics as when I did it my mouse finger was fatiqued from the excessive force needed to "click", its actually more aparent when I did it on my death addler cuz ii still have the omron switch in theere and the difference between the is so great. Its not for everyone, its an ugly mod, but highly functional, I just got the ok, that fiaance' doesn't like the spawn, so ill be modding it after thxgivin, typinh on droid since geekhack has trogan again andi don't want to disable javascript to post

Offline Lanx

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Cooler Master Spawn + Cherry Clear/Brown
« Reply #5 on: Fri, 06 January 2012, 15:42:05 »
so over the holidays we were viewing pics on the camera and my family is like, why are there pictures of computer mouses in there? and i was like oh yea! i forgot to post these, sorry these were made like in the beginning of dec, been using the mouse ever since, just no time.

removing the top and checking it out

the pcb and all, time to fit the switch somewhere

this looks good

hot glue

gotta cut off the top simple dremel stuffs

doing some fine fitting with the xacto knife and sanding

here's the spawn and inferno modded, again... i'm not a cm fanboi, just so happen that i wanted an inferno and the smallest mouse WITH back/forward buttons happened to be the spawn.

Offline guilleguillaume

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Cooler Master Spawn + Cherry Clear/Brown
« Reply #6 on: Fri, 06 January 2012, 19:39:37 »
I think it woul be more interesting if you tried not to make a frankenmouse. I mean that you should try to use the actual top rather than putting a keycap on it, may be difficult though.

Offline flyball

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Cooler Master Spawn + Cherry Clear/Brown
« Reply #8 on: Sat, 07 January 2012, 03:40:44 »
any reason why you didnt just use a microswitch that requires less force

Offline Lanx

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Cooler Master Spawn + Cherry Clear/Brown
« Reply #9 on: Sat, 07 January 2012, 11:37:20 »
The assorted omrons I have around, don't feel as nice as a cherry switch, and they're also loud, besides why use a microswitch when cherries are better.

Offline Lengradde

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Cooler Master Spawn + Cherry Clear/Brown
« Reply #10 on: Thu, 14 June 2012, 05:38:06 »
What holes on the mouse PCB did you wire the switch to?

Offline Lanx

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Cooler Master Spawn + Cherry Clear/Brown
« Reply #11 on: Thu, 14 June 2012, 06:57:01 »
just resolder the ones that were connected to the previous omrons.

Offline Lengradde

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Cooler Master Spawn + Cherry Clear/Brown
« Reply #12 on: Thu, 14 June 2012, 08:32:35 »
The omron switch had 3 pins, and my cherry switch has 2 pins.  I'm not sure which two holes to wire the cherry to, and if polarity matters.
« Last Edit: Thu, 14 June 2012, 08:41:48 by Lengradde »

Offline Lanx

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Cooler Master Spawn + Cherry Clear/Brown
« Reply #13 on: Thu, 14 June 2012, 13:31:50 »
polarity doesnt matter, unless u use diode (i think?) any way just solder however, the third pin on the omron has no use, idk what its for really, i'm guessing stability? but all the omrons ive removed had 3 pins and one was always unsoldered, otherwise if all three were soldered test which 2 pins are the ones u need to solder by connecting mouse to computer and just sticking a wire on forming a connection between either of the 3 holes, two are bound to make a connection.

Offline Okita

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Cooler Master Spawn + Cherry Clear/Brown
« Reply #14 on: Thu, 21 June 2012, 20:04:48 »

I have the CM Storm Spawn and would like to swap the cable out for a more flexible one. I was wondering, is the Spawn held together by only one screw shown in the first picture, or are there additional screws underneath the mouse feet which must also be removed? Second, judging by what you saw when you disassembled the mouse, do you think the cable can be easily detatched and fitted with a new one, or is there some trick to it that I wouldn't be able to see from the pictures above (I've never done anything like this before)?


Offline Lanx

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Cooler Master Spawn + Cherry Clear/Brown
« Reply #15 on: Fri, 22 June 2012, 04:03:13 »
4 screws, you have to take away the 2 black pads (they suck anyway) and the sticker to uncover all 4, i don't remember much about the cable, it's your basic usb cable with 5pin connection, i'm sure you can do any number of splice a new cable in or solder this and that, as far as figuring out what usb cable connections go where, you're gonna have to look up a pin guide for usb, imo, that's out of what i can help with.

Offline Lengradde

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Cooler Master Spawn + Cherry Clear/Brown
« Reply #16 on: Sat, 23 June 2012, 04:59:08 »
I messed up my first attempt using a Xornet.  All 3 pins were soldered on the left omron switch, and I accidentally knocked out the middle solder point trying to get the switch out.

My Spawn replacement for the second attempt went more smoothly.  Only two pins were soldered on the Omron, and it was easier to remove as a result.  I'll add a pic of the finished product soon.  I only did the mod to the left click, but will soon do the right click once my cherry browns arrive.

Offline Lanx

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Cooler Master Spawn + Cherry Clear/Brown
« Reply #17 on: Sat, 23 June 2012, 05:36:06 »
yea right click is a problem, since the spawn has that, pinky holder area, my concerns for that part were to make sure the shaved off plastic is smooth, but if i remember the black part, was kinda rubbery too.

Offline TheQsanity

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Re: Cooler Master Spawn + Cherry Clear/Brown
« Reply #18 on: Sat, 17 August 2013, 10:39:16 »
polarity doesnt matter, unless u use diode (i think?) any way just solder however, the third pin on the omron has no use, idk what its for really, i'm guessing stability? but all the omrons ive removed had 3 pins and one was always unsoldered, otherwise if all three were soldered test which 2 pins are the ones u need to solder by connecting mouse to computer and just sticking a wire on forming a connection between either of the 3 holes, two are bound to make a connection.
I also have three pins.
So you are saying I could just solder any two of the holes to the cherry springs and it will not matter?
SmallFry! <3

Offline Lanx

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Re: Cooler Master Spawn + Cherry Clear/Brown
« Reply #19 on: Thu, 29 August 2013, 20:01:04 »
polarity doesnt matter, unless u use diode (i think?) any way just solder however, the third pin on the omron has no use, idk what its for really, i'm guessing stability? but all the omrons ive removed had 3 pins and one was always unsoldered, otherwise if all three were soldered test which 2 pins are the ones u need to solder by connecting mouse to computer and just sticking a wire on forming a connection between either of the 3 holes, two are bound to make a connection.
I also have three pins.
So you are saying I could just solder any two of the holes to the cherry springs and it will not matter?

no first you have to make sure it's only 2 of the 3 that are soldered to the board, meaning they're making a connection, there is usually a third one just... hanging about. if you're still unsure (you just can't see the connection points) then plug in the mouse hover the mouse over a button, or enable mouse click sound and take a wire and bridge any combination of the 3 holes on the board. should take 3 or less tries.