As many of you know, I have been preparing for my return home to the states and contemplating my next Mac purchase. Although I had initially decided on a 24" iMac, the screen issues as well as my desire for mobile OS X goodness has swayed me to the MacBook and MacBook Pros.
I've had some concerns regarding the MBP's, as I remember them being a bit less sturdy than the MacBooks (more flex in the chassis) and I was unsure as to the quality of their keyboards (compared to the MacBooks). However, I ALSO have some concerns regarding the MB's as the GMA950 integrated graphics is getting pretty long in the tooth (and I doubt will be up to snuff when Starcraft 2 rolls around).
Today, I was able to get some quality time in with a current gen 17" MBP. To say I was pleasantly surprised would be an understatement. First off, the chassis is VERY strong and sturdy. Although the system is ridiculously thin, it is rock solid. Not that I would make a habit of it, but you can easily pick it up by a corner and not worry about stressing the insides. The keyboard was also much better than expected. I thought I remembered there being some "mushiness" with these MBP keyboards...I was mistaken. Very solid and decent feel (for a laptop keyboard). Feels a LOT like the keyboard on my ThinkPads (and that is saying a lot).
So, I have to say that my reservations regarding the MBP's have been proven unjustified. I believe when I am ready to buy, I will consider the MB if it has been Santa Rosa-refreshed by then...if not, I will happily buy a MBP.