I have 4176191 for 5291.
I used the controller from soarer on teensy 2.0.
I used scaswr to upload and hid listen to listen.
The teensy is wired directly to the pcb pins like is shown in a picture earlier in this thread.
My question is, that after all of this is done, the output I see on hid_listen is bizarre.
it consists of masses of data.
I tried with the config 'bigfoot' but when I pressed a key, it would type something like "-.36QE258O.P/"
Or close all my windows, open a window and type randomly, which was seen earlier in thread.
I made simple alterations to soarer config with everything unassigned.
On hid_listen the out put was about 500 characters of the form
"/03 \5E /12" etc. whenever I press a random key.
When nothing is presed on the keyboard nothing seems to happen.
I feel this is likely electrical/wiring.
I have provided a picture of my wiring.
The ground wire is something that might be a concern as I thought it might be necessary.
I do not know about it though and have a novice understanding of all of this.
Regardless, what is my course of action?
Is this a wiring issue or is it a mistake I made in setup
edit: also putting my hand near it seems to be picked up on hid listen?