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IBM PS/1 Rig

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It's probably one of these

Hello guys! I am from Freiburg, Germany.

I have actually two PS/1 computer: 2121 and 2011.

But none of them has the IBM Promenade service installed, which normally appeared/appeares on fully preloaded US machines over the nice 4quad screen under INFORMATION.

Can anybody help me?

Background: IBM Promenade service was for all PS/1 users between 1990 and 1994. The following services was AOL for DOS and later AOL for Windows.

This special Promenade program came on one floppy disk and/or preloaded on harddisk and have had that nice Geoworks GUI!

We here at are searching for a picture of Promenade or better: a real working program!

Sure: the service is closed since 1994, but it is very interesting to see the look and feel of Promenade. Promenade starts in June 1990 and Geoworks Ensemble 1.0 was in beta state at that time. The release of Ensemble was in November 1990 on COMDEX Fall.

Thanks for all your answers!

This I wrote in the geos-talk Newsgroup at today (and changed a little bit for here):

I have searched so long for any unknown GEOS stuff, software and hardware. After
many years and uncount nights some "white spots" in the GEOS history now are
bright and clear, filled up with colors and many informations.

Not only I have searched so long for Brother or Canon systems with embedded GEOS
like Brother LW-750ic and Brother DP-300cj or Canon StarWriter Pro 5000 and Pro
7000 - but I truly found them also after intensive searches over our good old

I also have found good GEOS friends, who helped me out here and there with
informations or with other things: Brian Dougherty, Frank S. Fischer, Ray
Kopczynski and some other real good guys!

From a GWRep I got a nice CD with AOL stuff and some GeoWorks versions, also
GEOWORKS Ensemble 1.0 US (!) or I have got the nice and forgotten Global PC
update 1.3... I have collected here and there, but the best and absolutely rare
GEOS things I must search and found at my own.

Three versions were unfindable all the years:

- A real Geoworks BETA (from summer 1990)
- The OS/2 SchoolView version
- IBM's Promenade Online service (GEOS with CUA gui!)

But the waiting is over, 'cause I have found an US eBayer in Florida, who wanted
to sell a so called IBM PS/1 model 2123 WITH Promenade!

IBM PS/1 model 2123 with Promenade !?


BIG pictures:

I wanted to buy that nice machine, but hurdles wanted me to stop: He only let
bid for US citzens! For me as a German no chance, 'cause the bidding has also
started. So I must "change" my eBay entries and could bid and I really won that

The story behind: The owner have put that nice PC and the CRT monitor back in
their two boxes back in 1993 and so nobody have worked with them since 17

For $117 it was mine and the USPS fee about $136 and the import vat of 32 Euro
are much, but not too much for a REAL GEOS DIGGER!

And so I waited for the machine and catched it up at Freiburg customs.
At home the fearfully questions: Will it start? Will it boot? Will it really
have Promenade "on board"?

I have found also AOL 1.0 for DOS and thought: How will Promenade looks like, IF

Here some pictures of AOL 1.0 for DOS:

BIG pictures:

Pictures of AOL 1.6 for DOS:

BIG pictures:

I changed first the AC voltage on the back from 115V to German 230V, connected
IBM mouse, IBM keyboard and AC cable and switched on that machine, fingers

WOW: It started really after 17 years! But what was that? Failure 161 and 163?
No further booting? As an old IBM and ThinkPad user I knew: Failure 161 = RAM,
163 = wrong time and date...

I found a STARTER DISK in the big box and booted again. After some needed
entries and rebooting the system started without any problems!
IBM DOS 5.0, the nice IBM picture over hwcheck.exe, the windows
3.1...but...where is the folder called C:\PROMENAD...?

The last trace I found was in that picture:


BIG picture:

No Promenad folder, no entries! And so no Promenade?

But wait a minute: That nice US eBayer has put also 11 backup disks with ZIP
files on it in the box which are also saved in the folder C:\RECOVERY on
harddisk and so I thought:

Last stop to final win or lost?

With the input of: PKUNZIP -T *.ZIP I could saw the entries within that ZIP
files which flew over the screen and in ZIP disk #8 THERE WAS PROMENADE, indeed!

So I made another input: PKUNZIP -D *.ZIP and all of that IBM preloaded stuff
was now unpacked at the end (in a seperate own folder)!

What would I see If I have started Promenade?

Dear Ladies and Gentleman! Please, take a seat! We will now show you a moment
you will never forget: After 17 years of sleep you all will now see a live
picture of a forgotten GEOS version: PROMENADE 2.0:

IBM Promenade Service

Isn't this cool?

I have more of that:


BIG pictures:

It looks like AOL for DOS, you will cry out! But wait a minute! Will you see the
GUI? AOL has MOTIF and Promenade CUA!!

But IBM closed the doors to the Promenade service soon in 1994!
So no real dialling is possible...

So I tried another thing: I installed the 11 disks on a virtual PS/1 in Virtual
PC 2007:

A PS/1 as vitual PC?

BIG picture:

And i tried also more: I installed there on that virtual harddisk our Geoworks
Ensemble v1.0 (!) and copied the needed files for Promenade in the folder

Promenade in WORLD!

BIG picture:

Yes, that's really possible! Normally AOL for DOS and Promenade are STANDALONE
versions, but it is possible to start them also as normal GEOS programs!

And if you have copied all needed files for AOL and Promenade in the QFORMS
folder, you can start BOTH TOGETHER:

AOL and Promenade, both started!

BIG picture:

Now travel back in the year 1993 and buy a PS/1 model 2123 with internal 2400
modem and also an external modem, start AOL and Promenade and work with BOTH at
the same time! WHAT A FEELING!

But the PS/1 2123 have much more Promenade stuff:

PS/1 Tutorial:

BIG picture:

In that special tutorial welcome screen you can choose point 2: Software
Descriptions and you will see some nice Promenade informations:


BIG pictures:

So, guys, I hope you have had fun to read my nice story and if you have any
questions ask me, EPA, the REAL GEOS DIGGER!

BTW: I came in contact with DOUGLAS WHATLEY, the "father" of Promenade and he
will search for his Promenade copies and some other GEOWORKS stuff for us all!

DOUG WHATLEY, the real father of Promenade!

" - [Cached Version]
Published on: 8/8/2009 Last Visited: 8/8/2009
Douglas Whatley CEO, BreakAway Games

Doug Whatley is an interactive entertainment industry veteran with nearly 20
years of successful game development and management experience, Doug is a
lifelong gamer. This avocation allowed him to transform a "hobbyists pursuit"
into a thriving business venture. He got his start with board games back in the
1970s and later designed and produced the original America Online PC client
software in the 1980s. He also developed the Promenade online service for IBM
and worked on AppleLink for the Macintosh and Apple II during that time."

"IBM Promenade Online

As a member of I am searching for all GEOS versions. AOL
for DOS I have found. But we also are searching for IBM Promenade. Douglas, can
you give us some information about your developer time or do you have Promenade
in real on any diskette or on harddisk? I know, 1990 has long gone, but maybe
Promenade was your "child" and it was a Geoworks Beta with GEOS GUI and so
important for us!

Thanks for any possible help and greetings from Freiburg, Germany!


"Manfred, Greetings to Freiburg, Germany from Baltimore, USA!

You are naming names that I haven't heard for many years. But, you are
correct, Promenade was a bit of a 'child' for me. I am pretty sure that I have
several sets of the original diskettes and I may have some other things from
Geoworks back then. I will have to dig them out of old boxes in my basement, but
I do have some of that stuff.

Give me a couple of days to find what I have and I will send you a note.

Doug W"

So you will see, GEOS is coming back to life, if we all do some work for it!

Greetings also to Frank S. Fischer and John Howard from Breadbox!
I wish you both really the long awaited BREAKTHROUGH with GEOS 5 in 32bit!!!

For today your
EPA (Manfred)

Glad to see your persistence paid off! :thumb:


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