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Re: The Daily Dog - Puppy Dog News and Daily Inspiration
« Reply #50 on: Tue, 06 September 2016, 09:45:55 »
Yay for doggy adventures! Love seeing the exploring pictures and of course the puppies. Congrats on the anniversary!

Offline suicidal_orange

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Re: The Daily Dog - Puppy Dog News and Daily Inspiration
« Reply #51 on: Tue, 06 September 2016, 16:12:44 »
Looks like a good weekend was had by all :)
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Offline WidgiePidge

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Re: The Daily Dog - Puppy Dog News and Daily Inspiration
« Reply #52 on: Wed, 07 September 2016, 11:22:12 »
Thanks all for the congrats and checking in.  Good to hear from you!

Yesterday we met up with Julia and "the girls" for a quick trip to the duck pond.  The boys did great off-leash and showed no hesitation about jumping into the water.  Bowie kept picking up river trash (empty soda cans, water bottle, etc.) which is one of his favorite things to do and enjoyed tempting Spooky with the "toy" and then running away.  Chase loves to run and he bounded through the water with ease.  Julia's labs have a little trouble keeping up with him ;)  Some jerk dumped a whole container of dried cranberries near the edge of the river.  While fresh cranberries are okay for dogs to eat, the dried ones provide little nutritional benefit, and often give the dogs messy poop and upset stomachs.  We had to keep shooing them away from the pile.  All of the dogs took down at least a few mouth fulls and paid for it this morning in the yard  :'(

Julia brought a late birthday present for Chase which he was happy to accept.  Included were his favorite Darford Peanut Butter heart treats (which appear to have been improved to be less crumbly), a Jolly Pets Football (, some regular fetch balls, and a clicker with a whistle.  Chase sniffed out the treats on the car ride home, and the boys spent the rest of the night playing with their new football toy.  This football is not as hard as a regular foot ball.  It is filled with air and although the outer layer is very durable, it gives easily, so that the dogs can bite down and carry it.  When thrown, the ball takes an unpredictable path when hitting the ground, which I think Chase likes.  I'm not sure how long it will last in our household, but I am sure it will be enjoyed.

In a previous post I mentioned Earthbath Oatmeal and Aloe Unscented Shampoo as our Shampoo Of Choice.  Both of our dogs seemed to be bothered by strong shampoo scents and this unscented shampoo smelled nice and mild.  When you start cutting out the bull**** a lot of companies try to go "herbally" and the shampoos as a result can get pretty stinky.  There are even some herbal-based shampoos that aim to discourage fleas and ticks through their odor.  We tried one of those once and we all said "Never again!".

This is a BAD super stinky herbal shampoo- Great all natural ingredient list.. just way too smelly.  It is almost hard to breathe around this stuff.

The Earthbath stuff- NOT recommended

The Earthbath Shampoo seemed to be great at first.  The smell of it is definitely much more tame and there is hardly a scent at all.  However, the skin on Bowie's back and back legs became rough and dry.  He also started to loose a bit of hair in those places and developed what looks like acne/blisters on the top of his and front shoulders.  Since he is a sensitive fellow I suspected that he perhaps had an allergy or had gotten into something at the river.  The rash did not go away and the condition only seemed to get worse.  As several of you may know, Binge also started to get blisters and a rash on his hands which we thought was from working with epoxy. 

And badda bam- enough details.  I changed dog shampoo and all of these symptoms are starting to reverse.  Bowie's dry skin is now a normal skin type and his hair is growing back.  His rash and Binge's blisters have almost completely gone.  We think that Binge got the rash from his skin reacting to the shampoo and by petting the dogs.

I have to revise my original recommendation.  I checked out and while there are still many positive reviews of the product, the reviews that are negative seem to be extremely negative.  Sounds like a hit or miss to me. 

So here is what we have replaced our shampoo with...Lola and Max Hypo-allergenic Shampoo.  So far it appears to be working wonders to repair both of the dog's dry skin and Bowie's hair loss.  Also,  Binge no longer has blisters or a rash on his hands- so that's pretty great :)  The dogs coats seem much more shiny and smooth.  Hoping that we have finally found the one!

Here is a picture of Bowie's fur today 9/7/2016.  You can see that he still has some rough areas on his back and thighs but (take my word for it) his skin has already much improved.  I'll take another photo in a month and we can compare.

Another spotty issue is our lawn.  Lawn burn (yellow/brown patches and grass death) can occur from dog urine because it is so high in nitrogen content.  Especially when the dogs are being fed a "good" quality (high protein) diet, the problem is much worse.  I have been doing some research on the issue because I don't want our lawn to die entirely and fertilizing (since it is adding even more nitrogen) is not the solution.  I found this really great article that recommends using a watering can to dilute the spots where the dogs urinate, and also suggests feeding the dogs a supplement of Yucca Shidigera (binds Nitrogen).
The Fromm diet that the dogs have been eating already has Yucca Shidigera in it so I am going to try the watering can and see if that helps at all.

The company that we buy Chase and Bowie's garlic supplement (for flea and tick prevention) from was having a labor day sale so I decided to pick two new supplements. 

--Skin and Coat Oil  (A blend of 7 different oils)

Ingredients: rice bran oil (minimally processed - high oryzanol), coconut oil (organic), extra virgin olive oil (organic), pumpkin seed oil (organic), sesame seed oil (organic), sunflower seed oil (high oleic-organic), walnut oil (cold pressed-organic).

--Fresh Factors (a supplement to help with overall health including digestion, skin and coat, hips and joints).
Some of the ingredients are chondroitin, bee pollen, kelp, biotin, real beef liver.

If you want to know more about the ingredients in these supplements scroll down and click on the "Ingredients", "Studies", and "More Information" tabs on the product page.

The dogs basically run themselves ragged every time we go on an adventure so I figure these supplements should help them to stay strong and healthy for a long time.  Hope everything that is promised comes true!

Our next meet-up adventure will be on Saturday at Conewago Trail in Elizabethtown, PA.  This trail is 5.5 miles long (not sure how many miles we plan on doing).  It runs along the Conewago creek through farmlands and forest. 
Here is a really interesting history tidbit on the area:

"The Conewago Recreation Trail formerly served as the Cornwall-Lebanon Railroad. Robert H. Coleman, who was the owner of the Cornwall Iron Furnace at the time, built the line in 1883.[3] The railroad was built with the intention of competing with the Cornwall Railroad, and served as a transportation system for heavy loads of iron, as well a way for people to travel to the popular resort owned by Coleman, Mt. Gretna. By 1910 it had up to 8 passengers a day. Later on the Pennsylvania Railroad purchased the railroad line from Coleman. After Hurricane Agnes destroyed the tracks in 1972, the railroad line was left abandoned and untouched until 1979, when it was acquired and restored by the County of Lancaster. It is now owned and maintained by the Lancaster County Department of Parks and Recreation"

Fingers crossed for beautiful skin/coats, less patchy grass, and a great adventure on Saturday. 

Check out our new stamps!

Offline WidgiePidge

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Re: The Daily Dog - Puppy Dog News and Daily Inspiration
« Reply #53 on: Thu, 08 September 2016, 11:05:53 »
It rained cats and dogs last night. Lightening and thunder was directly overhead and we could hear the rain hitting the roof and gutters late into the night.  Our lawn was starting to get crunchy and brown so I think the precipitation was much needed.

However, the rain also led to lots of humidity and defect keys in our casting last night.  :'(

We met up with the girls at the park at 8 am this morning and everyone was sweating buckets. Usually it takes at least until 10 am before it is unbearably gross, but today was an exception. 

For the past two days Chase has been wearing his collar only (no harness) as the harness is only meant to be a temporary training tool.  So far he is doing great and it looks like the training has stuck.  The harness is a tool that is used to teach the dog to walk to the side in a heel position and not in front/pulling.  Because the harness attaches from the front, I was able to get Chase's attention before he was in the position to pull me along.  He is being much more respectful of the leash and constantly looks up at me for guidance.

Our pet birds really enjoy their daily misting bath-time.  Sometimes, I do the same for the pups.  As much as they protest (especially Bowie) I think they like it.  They are so goofy.

Tomorrow is our friend Justin's funeral.  The feels are real.  It's going to be a somber morning although I really hope everyone can celebrate the good times we had with him. 

I'll be doing some printing today for some very patient folks- you know who you are ;)

Peace out, friends.  Have a great weekend.

Offline WidgiePidge

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Re: The Daily Dog - Puppy Dog News and Daily Inspiration
« Reply #54 on: Wed, 14 September 2016, 15:34:24 »
The preacher at our friend Justin's funeral kept saying "This isn't how things are supposed to happen.  Parents aren't supposed to bury their children. This just isn't how things are supposed to be."  We sat through the service listening to this man speak about how life is merely a stopping point and how Justin was now waiting for us in paradise and eventually he would be there to greet the faithful at the Resurrection.  This man seemed to stumble through his words about Justin, while he seemed certain about the glory of all that was Holy.  He told us how Justin was an organ donor and how he often took care of abandoned animals, facts shared with him by Justin's parents and sister in a pre-funeral meeting.  The attendees of the funeral, family and friends, sang and methodically stood up and sat down to the demands of the congregation.  All was laid out in a booklet distributed at the doors before entering the chapel.  And I cried. 

It wasn't because I was sad.  In fact, I think everyone who had the chance to meet Justin carries a little bit of him along into their future.  Justin was a person who cared that everyone around him was enjoying themselves.  He made a point of including the shy and peculiar folks in conversation.  He was so kind and thoughtful and made a point of asking incisive questions, and when speaking with him, you could tell he was doing his very best to pay attention and learn.  He was smart and quirky and loved to laugh.  And I cried because I felt like this person that I knew and loved so much, was not fully mentioned at the funeral.  His mother or father or aunt or sister, or friends, did not say a word about Justin during the ceremony.  None of us who knew him better than the preacher did, said a word. 

And I am not religious, though I try to look for peace, motivation, and inspiration at these types of ceremonies.  I look for unique thought and hope that I find something among the words and passages that I could not have imagined on my own.  I look for something that arouses my creativity and to leave feeling a changed person, or in the case of this ceremony, a sense of closure.

If there is anything that I took away from this service it is that, perhaps, this is exactly how things were supposed to happen.  While it is not ideal for any parent to bury their child, I could easily see by the numerous friends and family in attendance, that Justin was not a person who merely passed through this world.  He affected it.  He included us.  He cared for his friends and his family and in knowing him, it is certain that he will not soon be forgotten.  Why focus on what Justin "could have been" and how he will never reach old age, or marry, or have children.  Why not focus on what he was and will continue to be.  And maybe that is how it was supposed to happen.  Maybe some people are put on this Earth to look out for others, to teach them life skills, and to be the strength that lets those people achieve something even greater than they could have imagined.  Justin believed in us, and if that's how it what supposed to happen, Justin did all he possibly could. 

The last hymn of the funeral was called "On Eagle's Wings" by Michael Joncas.  Robert and I quietly sang it in the style of HARDCORE METAL in Justin's honor.  It's what he would have wanted. 

"You who dwell in the shelter of the Lord,
Who abide in His shadow for life,
Say to the Lord, "My Refuge,
My Rock in Whom I trust."


And He will raise you up on eagle's wings,
Bear you on the breath of dawn,
Make you to shine like the sun,
And hold you in the palm of His Hand.

The snare of the fowler will never capture you,
And famine will bring you no fear;
Under His Wings your refuge,
His faithfulness your shield.


You need not fear the terror of the night,
Nor the arrow that flies by day,
Though thousands fall about you,
Near you it shall not come.


For to His angels He's given a command,
To guard you in all of your ways,
Upon their hands they will bear you up,
Lest you dash your foot against a stone.


After the service, the congregation filed into the entry way and everyone was crying and hugging.  Justin's sister was wildly crying and hugging all of her friends, professing gratefully, "Thank you so much for coming".  Justin's parents were waiting by the door.  I went up to Justin's dad and he looked at me and said, "Thank you for coming".  And I said.. "I don't know what to say", and quickly followed that by "Thank you for Justin."  His dad said, "Yeah, he was a good kid." And I said "I know." I meant it.  I hugged his dad and his mom and of course I was steadily weeping. 

Justin loved otters, so in his honor, HWS will be crafting a new key design and print.  If you see anything otter-ly adorable come out of our studio, know that it is for Justin, someone who deserves to be remembered and was a good kid.  Justin...Thank you for everything, and as his family would say, "Goodnight Sweet Prince". 

Life at our house has been moving along since the service but a lot of it has been a blur.  I have taken the dogs to quite a few outings and been printing.  Robert has been sculpting.  But I haven't much felt like writing.  Bowie and Chase are currently sleeping after an hour long romp at the Duck Pond.  I don't think I'm going to detail the past few adventures but I will do my best to give some description to the adventures coming up.  When the humidity calms down, we will be casting again, and soon we will be sending the first Photochromic orders out the door.  Thanks for your patience and support!  We couldn't do it without you.


Chase with Moose

Conewago Recreation Trail

Chase, Bowie, and Eli

Gunpowder Falls Park in MD, Herding dog Meetup with Chalupa and Max

Pine forest

Ferns and deciduous

The "Duck Pond"

Offline Zanduby

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Re: The Daily Dog - Puppy Dog News and Daily Inspiration
« Reply #55 on: Wed, 14 September 2016, 15:46:54 »
I have lost too many friends too early. It hurts every time and never gets easier. Thank you for sharing the story. I will be making sure to hug my kids a little extra tight tonight.

Offline Moistgun

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Re: The Daily Dog - Puppy Dog News and Daily Inspiration
« Reply #56 on: Fri, 16 September 2016, 08:31:37 »
Thank you for sharing pidge

Im sorry for your loss.  :'(

I wish I was home with my wife instead of hours away at work.

Offline WidgiePidge

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Re: The Daily Dog - Puppy Dog News and Daily Inspiration
« Reply #57 on: Fri, 16 September 2016, 12:43:37 »
Recently I was ordained as co-organizer of the Bow-Wow Dog Adventures Group.  I now have the ability to establish and host meets.  Since I am familiar with the ins/outs of Adams-Ricci Park, and the boys love it there, I decided to use this park as my first meet-up adventure.  The meet-up occurred last night and we were graced with beautiful sunny weather.  It was fairly crowded but there was a good turnout and a wide variety of pooches joined the meet-  Young, old, big, and small!  The boys could hardly contain their excitement. 

We ran into Bandit, one of Chase and Bowie's long-time park friends

Moose giving Spooky a kiss (Bowie says "Ewww... gross!")

Surrounded by the cheerleading team

Spooky (Bowie's sister) stopped by and walked with us in the main park area but she left before we went down to the water (Her loss!).  We met a new dog from the area named Chyanne (sp?), a little white fluffy gal with the silkiest ears.  Chyanne's mom told us that she is 10 years old and in need of some socialization with other dogs.  She is very sweet, but very much enjoys keeping to herself and does not really get involved in the action.  I was thrilled to see Chyanne checking out the water and greeting the other dogs.  Chyanne found a river oyster which she sniffed a bunch and then rolled on top of it. 

I had several proud Mommy moments with Chase last night.  Chase did so well greeting the small puppy and Chyanne and he was very gentle with both.  He also did really well playing nicely with the other dogs when everyone was off-leash and managed his high energy level well.  He's such a good boy and I think he is beginning to realize that other dogs are not out to get him.  Having Chase in a trail/outdoor environment is great because he has lots of activities to do with the other dogs and there is less pressure during the initial greeting.  Chase, Bowie, and Moose are becoming the best of friends and love carrying around sticks together and playing in the river.  Moose's mom says that Moose always gets dirtier when he plays with my boys.  What?!  No way :)

Bowie and Moose surveying for sticks

Chase waiting to sample treats

Chase was even calm enough last night to lay down and chew on a stick.  I do not normally see Chase lay down at social gatherings.. He is usually just go-go-go, and go some more.  Happy to see that he is learning how to relax!

Cooking with Chase was put on hold for a while after the Grape Incident, but with new confidence, Chase has decided to take another shot at Stardom.  The show now has a new segment called the Strawberry Olympics.

"Look into my eyes, Human.  Give me ALL the strawberries."

So.... close......

Thank you Zanduby for the coffee care package!  Chase approves.  We haven't tried it yet but we will soon :)

Strawberry Olympics (See Flying Strawberry in top of frame)

There have been so many print orders recently that I had to make some more flat mailers.  I don't want to admit that they remind me of Lisa Frank, but I can't unsee the school folder I had with Lisa Frank print from the 90's. 

Tomorrow is the Pine Grove Furnace Meetup at Michaux State Forest.  It is a day hike so we will be gone for a few hours and taking a packed lunch.  I hear that the leaves are going to be really pretty this time of year, and the forecast says we will be enjoying some crisper, cooler weather.

Have a great weekend everyone and thank you for your condolences and support.

Offline Zanduby

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Re: The Daily Dog - Puppy Dog News and Daily Inspiration
« Reply #58 on: Fri, 16 September 2016, 15:10:48 »
Glad it made it to you! Hope you guys enjoy!

Offline WidgiePidge

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Re: The Daily Dog - Puppy Dog News and Daily Inspiration
« Reply #59 on: Tue, 20 September 2016, 15:24:23 »
At the castle gates, Knight Bowie gazed into the distance across the grassy plain.  Atop the posterior rampart sat a mysterious package.  Unsure whether a bomb or a bon bon, Bowie galloped towards the package with shield in paw, ready to fight any and all danger that awaited.  But no- there is no dragon in this box.  There is no artillery or explosion.  It is an offering from the land of the Honest Kitchen, crunchy morsels of blueberry and beef.  Only a thoughtful admirer could have known of Bowie's sensitive bowels and delivered such a perfect wheat-free, limited-ingredient goody.  Wherever you are, dear admirer, here is a peek for you of the very adventure you inspired. 

Thank you!

Offline suicidal_orange

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Re: The Daily Dog - Puppy Dog News and Daily Inspiration
« Reply #60 on: Tue, 20 September 2016, 18:35:40 »
That video made me wonder - is Bowie clever enough to work out that being bad at catching gets him more treats or is he just bad at catching?  He seemed to be trying but I guess we'll never know for sure...
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Offline att1cus

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Re: The Daily Dog - Puppy Dog News and Daily Inspiration
« Reply #61 on: Wed, 21 September 2016, 07:27:23 »
At the castle gates, Knight Bowie gazed into the distance across the grassy plain.  Atop the posterior rampart sat a mysterious package.  Unsure whether a bomb or a bon bon, Bowie galloped towards the package with shield in paw, ready to fight any and all danger that awaited.  But no- there is no dragon in this box.  There is no artillery or explosion.  It is an offering from the land of the Honest Kitchen, crunchy morsels of blueberry and beef.  Only a thoughtful admirer could have known of Bowie's sensitive bowels and delivered such a perfect wheat-free, limited-ingredient goody.  Wherever you are, dear admirer, here is a peek for you of the very adventure you inspired. 

Thank you!

So glad he likes them!  I had no idea he had dietary restrictions - a happy accident :)

Offline WidgiePidge

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Re: The Daily Dog - Puppy Dog News and Daily Inspiration
« Reply #62 on: Wed, 21 September 2016, 12:36:13 »
@ SuicidalOrange  Bowie is usually a pretty good catcher when we do the Strawberry Olympics in the morning.  Perhaps I am better at throwing when I'm not trying to film and hold and throw all at once.  Perhaps he likes strawberries better?  Bowie really enjoyed playing with the treat box, so he might have been distracted by that...  Both Chase and Bowie used to be pretty terrible at catching.  When Chase was younger I'd throw him a treat and it would just whack him in the face because he didn't respond quickly enough.  Practice makes perfect :)

This past weekend I took Chase to Pine Grove Furnace State Park in Gardeners Pa with the Bow-Wow Dog Adventures group.  The weather was slightly overcast but not damp or cold.  Fall is definitely at the doorstep waiting to come in, and I think in the next couple weeks, the leaves will really begin to change color.  Joining us was Moose (labrador), Yashi (pomeranian), Bubba (pittbull/beagle), and Benny (lab mix).  This was Yashi's first meet-up with Bow-Wow and although I think we all secretly chuckled about a hiking Pomeranian, Yashi kept up with the pack really well and was jumping over logs, running through water, and climbing rocks with ease.  Chase did really well with Yashi and was super gentle around him.  When your dog is a muscular heeler mix, you tend to worry about those sorts of things, especially when the "little guy" only weighs 7 pounds. 

Pine Grove Furnace State Park is packed with adventure.  The park is located at South Mountain of the Blue Mountain Range and contains part of the Appalachian trail and an old rail trail.  It also has two lakes- Lake Fuller, and Laurel Lake.  Our group hiked the rail trail and a trail that ran through the woods parallel to a creek.  We also climbed the Pole Steeple Trail, a very short/steep rocky trail that eventually arrives at the Pole Steeple Overlook- a quartzite rock outcropping- from where you can view the entire park.  There are no railings or fences, so hold on to your horses!  And dogs.  And don't trip.  It's a long way down.

All in all I think we hiked at least 6-10 miles, a good portion of which was up that big-ass rock.  I don't normally sweat on trails but we were all slightly damp after we made it to the top of the overlook.  The dogs really enjoyed all of the water opportunities and were readily jumping in/out of the creek.  On the trail in the woods, there were several downed trees that the dogs seemed to like jumping or climbing over.  The dogs were off-leash most of the time and had a good time sniffing, marking, and tasting anything and everything.  Moose found several really impressive sticks.

And before anyone asks- No, Bowie did not go.  Since the allergic reaction to his doggy shampoo he has been left with a less than perfect fur coat.  During the last few hikes he picked up a lot of poison ivy on his belly and chin areas (areas of thin hair).  It also seemed as if his coat was protecting him less from small scrapes and he was just in need of some serious R and R.  I'm really glad I ended up not taking Bowie because this trail was enough to put Chase and I into a coma for a straight 4 hours after arriving back home.  It was a good day but I couldn't do it every day! 

Bowie is doing much better now.  We switched out his shampoo and I've been giving him a topical coconut oil rub every other day.  The coconut oil rub helps to repair his skin, keep his hair strong,and will soften scars and scabs.  I've also started giving him two supplements with his meals that will promote fur re-growth and make him SHINY.  I'm pretty sure in a few weeks he will be as good as new.

In front of Laurel Lake

The Group!

Entrance and parking lot

Starting out- Moose (L) and Bubba (R)


Rail Trail area

Forest Trail through the woods, near the creek

Quick break for water and snacks before heading up the Pole Steeple Trail (Laurel Lake is directly behind us)

Laurel Lake

The climb begins

Overlook area

Pole Steeple Overlook

The puppies are tired.

Looking down off the cliff we could see Laurel Lake

Planning to go to this location again when the leaves are more colorful.  I think all the pups had a great time! 

Offline WidgiePidge

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Re: The Daily Dog - Puppy Dog News and Daily Inspiration
« Reply #63 on: Fri, 23 September 2016, 17:58:42 »
We have had many a folk call us crazy for having two young dogs at once.  It sure IS a lot of work to train and supervise these two crazy energetic pups.  Before we got Bowie, Chase hardly played with his toys.  He did not fetch at all.  He liked to run but would often seem bored and was very needy.  He also would scratch at the door to go out about every 30 seconds....When we brought Bowie home all of that changed.

Today I took the boys down to the river at the park.  It is so exciting to see Chase and Bowie playing together and having so much fun.  We are lucky to have two boys who can keep up with each other and have become the best of friends. 

Also ---a little shout out to off-leash exercising of dogs.  Since we have started doing off-leash adventures our pups have less behavioral problems, they are more attentive to us, and they seem more successfully drained of energy.  Dogs have a certain amount of energy that they must expend every day to feel "normal" and calm.  Watching these two crazy nuts run around I can't even imagine satisfying such high energy needs on-leash.  It is great to watch them stretch out and chase each other with true freedom.  If dogs don't use their daily energy it compounds over time and will often result in neurotic, obsessive, or stereotypic behavioral problems ( 

Near the end of the video I call Chase over, which I refer to as a "break".  This command is to ask Chase to drop whatever he is doing and come to me.  I often ask him to do this when he is getting really involved in rough play.  I think it may come in handy some day when he is really distracted but I need his attention.

After "breaking" the dogs run off to the river where Bowie starts dragging a stick and Chase pees on a plant.  What a good life!  Love our boys.

OH HEY and if you haven't heard yet.....

Offline suicidal_orange

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Re: The Daily Dog - Puppy Dog News and Daily Inspiration
« Reply #64 on: Tue, 04 October 2016, 05:45:21 »
Finally got round to writing a shopping list for pancakes but fell at the final hurdle - Yogurt Butter.  I've tried health food shop and supermarket websites but there's no sign of anything that sounds the same...  I guess I could try normal butter and more yogurt but it's probably not the same :(

Also this thread is too quiet - I hope that just means you're all having so many adventures there's no time to write about them...
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Offline WidgiePidge

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Re: The Daily Dog - Puppy Dog News and Daily Inspiration
« Reply #65 on: Tue, 04 October 2016, 19:06:40 »
Thank you suicidal_orange for checking in!  So glad to hear you tried the recipe but sad you cannot find the yogurt butter. 

You are right-- we've been having all kinds of adventures, and of course, trying to get everyone's photochromic orders out the door.  This week we've been printing package art, finishing keys, printing mailing labels, and waiting patiently on the new MAGICAT sticker to arrive. 

Went on an adventure with my dad and the pups today at Big Boyd Tree Preserve and had an absolutely beautiful walk.  Going to post some pictures as soon as I get them off my phone!

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Re: The Daily Dog - Puppy Dog News and Daily Inspiration
« Reply #66 on: Wed, 05 October 2016, 08:55:35 »
Finally got round to writing a shopping list for pancakes but fell at the final hurdle - Yogurt Butter.  I've tried health food shop and supermarket websites but there's no sign of anything that sounds the same...  I guess I could try normal butter and more yogurt but it's probably not the same :(

Also this thread is too quiet - I hope that just means you're all having so many adventures there's no time to write about them...

no need to use 'moar yogurt' the butter is just a different consistency.  You'll have less of a neutral flavor and more of a 'butter' flavor using butter.  It's really not bad as I know because we've made due in the past.
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Re: The Daily Dog - Puppy Dog News and Daily Inspiration
« Reply #67 on: Wed, 05 October 2016, 11:35:54 »
Finally got round to writing a shopping list for pancakes but fell at the final hurdle - Yogurt Butter.  I've tried health food shop and supermarket websites but there's no sign of anything that sounds the same...  I guess I could try normal butter and more yogurt but it's probably not the same :(

Also this thread is too quiet - I hope that just means you're all having so many adventures there's no time to write about them...

no need to use 'moar yogurt' the butter is just a different consistency.  You'll have less of a neutral flavor and more of a 'butter' flavor using butter.  It's really not bad as I know because we've made due in the past.

Excellent - time to go shopping for plastic cups and pancake ingredients!

Edit:  Forgot the mixing cups but did manage to make pancakes!  Here's a potato pic of my first (the plate is bright white :confused:)

I'd give my first attempt 6/10 due to poor mixing (there was still dry flour in the corners of the bowl) and being slightly undercooked (while not what I'd call goopy once it was on a plate the middle was clearly wetter and a different colour) and I guess American yogurts are bigger as the taste was only noticeable where there was a lump of fruit.  Adjustments will be made tomorrow :thumb:

Also as I could have guessed the recipe makes two pretty big pancakes - that's more than I can eat for breakfast so quantities will be halved!
« Last Edit: Thu, 06 October 2016, 06:09:49 by suicidal_orange »
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Re: The Daily Dog - Puppy Dog News and Daily Inspiration
« Reply #68 on: Thu, 06 October 2016, 06:27:43 »

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Re: The Daily Dog - Puppy Dog News and Daily Inspiration
« Reply #69 on: Sat, 08 October 2016, 21:33:42 »
Hello there and apologies for being so sparse recently.  A lot has been happening and while we have still been doing our regular adventures, I have not had the time or energy to write about them.
This past week we got our shipment of King Arthur self-rising flour.  The local stores stopped carrying this product but we are still able to order online.  We stocked up with six five pound bags so we should be good for some time ;)     

Thank you to everyone who has been posting and describing their experiences with the pancake recipe we shared.  I do not believe I originally mentioned a serving size, and wanted to clarify that our recipe normally will serve 2 hungry people, with 2 pancakes each.  Most recently we have been halving the recipe to make ourselves 1 pancake each, and it is still a pretty filling breakfast.

Experimenting with pancake writing using a syringe

The " Husky Pack Walk" at Codorus State Park organized by trainer Diane was unfortunately not well attended.  It was a light rain and apparently that scared everyone away!  In attendance was Diane, myself, Riko, and Chase.  I had planned to work with Chase on introductions and working around other dogs, and although it was a small gathering, both dogs I think still had a good time.  Both Chase and Riko did lots of sniffing, marking, and walking.  Chase really loves to exercise and this type of adventure was perfect for him.  Even though it was rainy, the scenery was very beautiful.

I almost fell into the water here because the bridge was so slippery.  I scared Chase when I fell down on the bridge-- Poor puppy!  He retreated a little and then came back to see if I was okay and started rubbing up against me- tail wagging- almost pushing me into the water.  What a good dog!  ;D

"Oh hello Riko....."

Chase got really excited seeing the farm animals on the way home.  We saw a bunch of goats and cattle. 
"Please just let me organize them"...

There have been several rainy days this past week and we've been trying to cast as much as possible, as well as get photochromic sale packages out the door.  Here is our current rainy day situation thanks to the city repairing our road.  Once they repaired the street we now get this beautiful pond at the end of our driveway. 

Printing packages on a rainy day

Boo rainy days

Hello sunshine!  Here is the Rockville Bridge in Harrisburg on the way to Big Boyd Tree Preserve. 

I love the scenery here and on the way home the sunsets are always amazing.

We recently had two trips to Big Boyd.  One was solo was with Bowie and Chase, and the second trip was with MY dad in tow. 

Up the driveway to Big Boyd

Playing on the rocks

We focused on some of the less-traveled trails where the environment is very natural . The trails are leaves and dirt, nothing fancy.

Check out these 'shrooms

Okay.... we might have gotten a little lost.....

Time to head home!

And the trip with my Dad...
We started off on a very "easy" trail, nice and flat.  Then, with a little encouragement from my Dad, we ventured onto some trails that I have not been on before.  It felt like we were on vacation up in the mountains of the Western United States.

Look at this 'shroom!

sniff sniff sniff

Goodnight tree preserve

The boys missed Binge and were happy to oblige with lots of snuggle when we returned home.

Last happening of the week was Bowie's lesson at Lowe's which focused on greeting people politely.  Lowe's is a dog-friendly store in the US and a great place to practice because unlike pet stores, there are lesson food/animal smells (distractions), and usually less dogs.  Bowie and Chase both occasionally jump up on people and at their size (70 + pound puppies) it's really not okay.  Once approaching a person, Diane would give the person a treat and tell them "He needs to sit for the treat".  So they'd ask him to sit, he'd calm down, and then he could get affection.  A lot of times when I'm out with the dogs and someone goes to greet them I get this response "Oh it's okay if they jump.  I love dogs.  My dog at home does the same thing", OR they just glare at me like I'm doing nothing to train my dogs.  Meep....   :-[  So we are cracking down on the jumping behavior and hopefully I will be able to enforce a calm greeting.  It would make life so much easier and I know the outcome will be worth the effort.

Laying down is a perfectly acceptable greeting.  Bowie likes to flip over and present his belly for scritches once he calms down.

Oh and we got to blow off some steam at Codorus after the lesson.  Vroom vroom!! Bowie was racing down the trails, through the water, finding sticks.. it was hard to keep up with this speedy pup.  We met several other really nice dogs there who all seemed to be enjoying the trail.

Look at this turtle!

Look at this branchy thing

"Agh!  It touched me!"

Bowie no longer has his fear of water.  He jumps right in, excitedly, any chance he can get  :DProud Mommy moment

Obligatory stick pic

The mud fiend trotting away
Had to wash Bowie off in the lake before heading out because he was a muddy mess

Tomorrow I'll be taking Chase to a meet-up at Swatara State Park.  We have never been there before, but it looks like there are plenty of miles of trails for hiking and we'll be meeting some new doggy friends also.
Have a great weekend everyone!

Playdate with the girls

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Re: The Daily Dog - Puppy Dog News and Daily Inspiration
« Reply #70 on: Sun, 09 October 2016, 15:37:19 »
Took Chase to a park by the lake this morning for a Bow-Wow Adventures Meet.  We met a new girl who is a Shiba Inu cross named Sunny.  Benny (lab mix) was also in attendance.

Chase sliced another one of his paw pads.  He's going to have to take it easy for a little while.  Silly dog, always playing so rough!

Lake puppy got a bath

Offline suicidal_orange

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Re: The Daily Dog - Puppy Dog News and Daily Inspiration
« Reply #71 on: Sun, 09 October 2016, 15:59:29 »
That slice looks nasty, why is it not bleeding :confused:

Thanks for clarifying on the pancakes  - I tried again halving everything (except the yogurt) and thought that would make one pancake, but of course it was bigger than half.  I also turned the temperature down to give it longer to cook through without burning the outside...  Result?  One very large and not very cooked pancake, even after 15 minutes.  It was much tastier than my first attempt but the middle was inedibly gooey.  Will try again in the morning if I wake up in time, it's the time of year when I need to be up before the sun which is not natural!
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Re: The Daily Dog - Puppy Dog News and Daily Inspiration
« Reply #72 on: Sun, 09 October 2016, 16:20:54 »
@ suicidal orange

It was bleeding- In the picture I just cleaned it.  Looks like dogs have a layer of padding (fat) there and then there is blood supply under that, so it's a pretty deep cut.  I also just added Vetricyn which is probably deterring the bleeding a little.  Will be calling the vet tomorrow morning :(

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Re: The Daily Dog - Puppy Dog News and Daily Inspiration
« Reply #73 on: Sun, 09 October 2016, 16:41:30 »
Oh wow, didn't know they made stuff for cut animals - great idea!  Hopefully the vet gives him an all clear and not too long going crazy sticking to grassy paths and carpets...
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Re: The Daily Dog - Puppy Dog News and Daily Inspiration
« Reply #74 on: Tue, 11 October 2016, 08:57:05 »
Yep- Vetricyn is really gentle and it keeps the wound nice and moist to help it heal.  We ended up taking Chase to the vet and our vet said that although the cut looks deep it is really just a superficial wound.  Since it is a cut on his foot we still have to treat it gingerly because letting him be too rough on that foot could cause the cut to open even larger.  The vet wrapped the foot and this will help to keep the two "sides" of the wound close together so the cut will heal together nicely, and Chase will also not be getting dirt and stuff in the wound.  I have to put a little baggie on his foot to keep it dry when we go outside because moisture can cause the bandage to constrict and get too tight.   

Suited up to go outside.  Chase has the most awesome kicks and such cute chickens.

Chase is taking it very easy today.  We have an appointment for a wound check and re-wrap on Thursday.

« Last Edit: Tue, 11 October 2016, 11:59:21 by WidgiePidge »

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Re: The Daily Dog - Puppy Dog News and Daily Inspiration
« Reply #75 on: Sun, 16 October 2016, 18:30:36 »
Those cones always make me chuckle but that one looks especially big, Chase really doesn't look impressed.  That's probably why he got the funky chicken bandages - to distract other doggies so they don't laugh at the cone!  Glad it's not serious anyway :thumb:

Is he all fixed now?
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Re: The Daily Dog - Puppy Dog News and Daily Inspiration
« Reply #76 on: Tue, 18 October 2016, 21:22:32 »
Just wanted to give a quick update on Chase.  The dreaded "Cone of Shame" and "Bandage of Shame" have been removed.  He still has 2 days left of antibiotics left and he just finished his bottle of pain killers... :D  He does not show any signs of boo-hoo or weakness.  Chase has destroyed his cone running into the backs of our legs...running into walls and doors... banging into my computer chair... knocking over the food/water dish holder.  You name it, he's probably tried to demolish it with his cone.

You see those light lines on his cone?  Those are all places where the plastic has stressed.

And here's a progress pic of his injured foot.


The wound has pretty much closed and the area has scabbed over.  As soon as the foot pad regrows completely Chase will be as good as new.  The area of the pad around the scab was a bit tough so I've been soaking Chase's foot 2x daily in warm epsom salts water.  Chase isn't spoiled at all!

Chase also has another foot irregularity on his opposite back foot.  We originally thought that it might be a blister, an ailment which would normally be resolved through rest and a course of antibiotics.  Even though it is much smaller than it was a week ago this bumpy area of skin is still persisting.  We may need to revisit the vet to figure out what it is and what to do about it.  It is unfortunate that any time he uses the foot, this area rubs on the ground and then turns into a sore.

Today I took Chase for his first regular walk in about a week.  He has been so stir crazy recently and has been investigating EVERYTHING.  We can't leave anything unattended at the moment.  He also seems to have a problem with authority.  He's been like a crabby little kid- throwing tantrums like no other.

I could tell that Bowie and Chase were both really glad to go to the park today.  We walked on the soft grassy field area so as not to further agitate Chase's feet.  It was a  nice warm fall day at 82 degrees.  Who would have thought it would be like summer in fall?

Leaves are starting to change.  Loving the oranges and reds :)

The puppies had so much fun at the park. 

There is a well-known phrase "Good dogs are tired dogs"

Oh and Chase isn't all crazies and crunch time ALL the time.  He's also a great snuggler and a total sweetheart...

Chase taking care of moving the box full of boxes for us


Hope our friends are well and looking forward to sending out some more photochromic orders.  I packaged up 10-15 boxes this morning and just did 5-6 more.  The boxes we picked for this round of orders are super slick and they are holding everything really securely.  So far we have packaged 32 USA photochromic orders.  Pray to the photochromic otter gods everyone! <3
« Last Edit: Tue, 18 October 2016, 21:28:17 by WidgiePidge »

Offline Binge

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Re: The Daily Dog - Puppy Dog News and Daily Inspiration
« Reply #77 on: Mon, 23 January 2017, 16:05:34 »
The Daily Dog is now known as Tail Tales on,
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Re: The Daily Dog - Puppy Dog News and Daily Inspiration
« Reply #78 on: Mon, 23 January 2017, 19:03:33 »
The Daily Dog is now known as Tail Tales on,

lovely handsome doge,woof~woof~ <3
