Author Topic: [Pre-IC] Antracita keyset (full ISO-ES and possibly PT and ITA)  (Read 17435 times)

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Offline 1pctipaday

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— PRIMER keyset completo en layout full ISO-ES
— FIRST complete keyset in ISO-ES layout —

¿Are you from Portugal or Italy?

If there is interest from people not only Spanish, but also Portuguese and Italian (the three of us are the greatest forgotten of the custom keycaps world),
it is possible that we can make everyone happy :-). Please, fulfill the form you will find scrolling down in this post.

Los entusiastas y usuarios de teclados mecánicos españoles apenas podemos usar teclados custom en nuestro idioma y tenemos que adaptarnos al formato ANSI o a cualquier otro ISO no español.

No existen sets de keycaps personalizados que respeten todas las leyendas primarias, secundarias y terciarias en nuestro idioma y que puedan servir para la gran mayoría de formatos de teclados mecánicos custom más utilizados:
Full size, 90%, TKL, 75%, 65%, 60% o tipo Alice.

ANTRACITA nace para solucionar esta falta de keysets en ISO-ES, ofreciendo un keyset completo ISO-ES y adaptable a tu preciado teclado mecánico.
Spanish mechanical keyboard enthusiasts and users can hardly use custom keyboards in our language and we have to adapt to the ANSI format or any other non-Spanish ISO format.

There are no sets of custom keycaps that respect all the primary, secondary and tertiary legends in our language and that can be used for the vast majority of most used custom mechanical keyboard formats: Full size, 90%, TKL, 75%, 65%, 60% or Alice type.

ANTRACITA was born to solve this lack of ISO-ES keysets, offering a complete ISO-ES keyset adaptable to your precious mechanical keyboard.

El keyset está inspirado en la antracita, el tipo de carbón más puro que existe. Asturias, mi tierra, posee grandes minas de carbón.
Este keyset me recuerda a mis raíces, y utiliza como complemento un color azul verdoso que surge de la mezcla de los colores (azul y amarillo) de la bandera asturiana.
The keyset is inspired by anthracite, the purest type of coal that exists. Asturias, my land, has large coal mines.
This keyset reminds me of my roots, and uses as a complement a greenish blue color that arises from the mixture of the colors (blue and yellow) of the Asturian flag.

Los colores escogidos, aunque podrán variar ligeramente al final, son las referencias de GMK "CR", "N9", "2B", "WS1" y "TU2".
*Nota: el fabricante NO será GMK, solo se muestran estos colores como referencia de los que se elegirían finalmente acordes a los disponibles del fabricante escogido.
The colors chosen, although they may vary slightly at the end, are the GMK references "CR", "N9", "2B", "WS1" and "TU2".
*Note: the manufacturer will NOT be GMK, these colors are only shown as a reference of those that would be finally chosen according to those available from the chosen manufacturer.

Te invito a que completes el siguiente formulario y que lo compartas a todo el mundo, ya que me ayudará enormemente a valorar cuánto interés real hay de la comunidad española en ANTRACITA.

La fabricación del keyset depende de que la comunidad muestre interés real en él y haya un mínimo de personas que quieran comprarlo para llegar al MOQ.

¡A cuantas más personas lleguemos, mejor!
I invite you to fulfill the following form and share it with everyone, as it will help me enormously to assess how much real interest there is from the Spanish community in ANTRACITA.

The manufacture of the keyset depends on the community showing real interest in it and there is a minimum of people who want to buy it to reach the MOQ.

The more people we reach, the better!



PASOS A SEGUIR (listado revisable):
FOLLOWING STEPS (reviewable list):

1) Recabar vuestras ideas e impresiones con el Pre-IC form.

2) Definir si va a haber algún colaborador que se quiera unir a esta aventura.

3) Elegir fabricante y vendor.

4) Si todo va bien, lanzar un IC con más y suficiente información.

5) TBD
1) Collect your ideas and impressions with the Pre-IC form.

2) Define if there is going to be a collaborator who wants to join this adventure.

3) Choose manufacturer and vendor.

4) If all goes well, launch an IC with more and enough information.

5) TBD
« Last Edit: Wed, 08 June 2022, 07:02:57 by 1pctipaday »

Offline sloth.

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Re: [Pre-IC] Antracita keyset (full ISO-ES and possibly PT and ITA)
« Reply #1 on: Wed, 08 June 2022, 05:45:31 »
No lo veo gracias, tenga un buen dia.

Offline el_lento

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Re: [Pre-IC] Antracita keyset (full ISO-ES and possibly PT and ITA)
« Reply #2 on: Wed, 08 June 2022, 06:20:08 »
So you are making a GMK Electric x Hyperfuse clone in PBT, that means this set is going to be full 5 side dyesub, with a manufacturer that we still don't know if can produce these colors (Hyperfuse and Electric colors are not easy) and in TBD font and profile?
Not interested.

Offline 1pctipaday

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Re: [Pre-IC] Antracita keyset (full ISO-ES and possibly PT and ITA)
« Reply #3 on: Wed, 08 June 2022, 06:57:35 »
Hi! Thank you for your comment.

As it is a PRE-IC, we are starting to work on the project. However, Font and Profile are already defined. Cherry profile (1-1-2-3-4-4) and the Font will be the OFL Dongle.

So you are making a GMK Electric x Hyperfuse clone in PBT, that means this set is going to be full 5 side dyesub, with a manufacturer that we still don't know if can produce these colors (Hyperfuse and Electric colors are not easy) and in TBD font and profile?
Not interested.
« Last Edit: Wed, 08 June 2022, 07:27:32 by 1pctipaday »

Offline depletedvespene

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Re: [Pre-IC] Antracita keyset (full ISO-ES and possibly PT and ITA)
« Reply #4 on: Thu, 09 June 2022, 20:18:23 »
I have a few questions: ‖ Tengo algunas preguntas:

- Only es-ES and perhaps pt-PT and IT141? Would es-LA and pt-BR be considered? ‖ ¿Sólo Español (España) y tal vez Portugués (Portugal) e Italiano (141)? ¿Podrían ser considerados Español (Latinoamérica) y Portugués (Brasil)?

- Numpad: why propagate the German mistake by putting × and ÷ instead of * and /? ‖ ¿Por qué propagar el error alemán poniendo × y ÷ instead of * and /?

- "Super" or "Súper"? "Alt Gr" or "AltGr"? ‖ ¿"Super" o "Súper"? "Alt Gr" o "AltGr"?
- More important: "Shift" or "Mayús"? ‖ Más importante: ¿"Shift" o "Mayús"?

- Tsangan bottom row? ‖ ¿Fila inferior de verdad?
- For that matter, I don't see the keycaps required to give proper 60%, 65% and 75% support (outside of the "original concept kit". ‖ Para el caso, no veo las teclas requeridas para cubrir apropiadamente los layouts físicos 60%, 65% y 75% (fuera del kit original).

- Anthracite, Asturias, Asturian... will the and keys be considered? ‖ Antracita, Asturias, Bable... ¿serán consideradas las teclas y ?

Offline 1pctipaday

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Re: [Pre-IC] Antracita keyset (full ISO-ES and possibly PT and ITA)
« Reply #5 on: Fri, 10 June 2022, 06:06:39 »
Hi! Thanks for your feedback.

- The final languages kits will be considered according to general interest.
- × and ÷ are valid symbols and I prefer them over simple * and /.
- You are right! Súper. I prefer Alt Gr over AltGr; AvPág or RePág are not separated because keycap width.
- I prefer Shift since is a more versatile keycap, considering it use. I think is incorrect name the keycap only as "Mayús".
- The full kitting is presented in the Original Concept render. Additional keycaps, as for example for Tsangan bottom row, would be included if one of the Constrast options is finally chosen.
- Nice touch, but I don't see interest in y keys; too small community to like them.

Thanks a lot!!

I have a few questions: ‖ Tengo algunas preguntas:

- Only es-ES and perhaps pt-PT and IT141? Would es-LA and pt-BR be considered? ‖ ¿Sólo Español (España) y tal vez Portugués (Portugal) e Italiano (141)? ¿Podrían ser considerados Español (Latinoamérica) y Portugués (Brasil)?

- Numpad: why propagate the German mistake by putting × and ÷ instead of * and /? ‖ ¿Por qué propagar el error alemán poniendo × y ÷ instead of * and /?

- "Super" or "Súper"? "Alt Gr" or "AltGr"? ‖ ¿"Super" o "Súper"? "Alt Gr" o "AltGr"?
- More important: "Shift" or "Mayús"? ‖ Más importante: ¿"Shift" o "Mayús"?

- Tsangan bottom row? ‖ ¿Fila inferior de verdad?
- For that matter, I don't see the keycaps required to give proper 60%, 65% and 75% support (outside of the "original concept kit". ‖ Para el caso, no veo las teclas requeridas para cubrir apropiadamente los layouts físicos 60%, 65% y 75% (fuera del kit original).

- Anthracite, Asturias, Asturian... will the and keys be considered? ‖ Antracita, Asturias, Bable... ¿serán consideradas las teclas y ?

Offline depletedvespene

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Re: [Pre-IC] Antracita keyset (full ISO-ES and possibly PT and ITA)
« Reply #6 on: Fri, 10 June 2022, 07:24:54 »
Hi! Thanks for your feedback.

- The final languages kits will be considered according to general interest.

Fair enough. I bet most of the kitting discussion will be over mods, not alphas.

- × and ÷ are valid symbols and I prefer them over simple * and /.

They're called the German mistake for a reason.

- Nice touch, but I don't see interest in y keys; too small community to like them.

Fair enough.

Offline Fraaaan

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Re: [Pre-IC] Antracita keyset (full ISO-ES and possibly PT and ITA)
« Reply #7 on: Sat, 11 June 2022, 05:15:01 »
Why is my Geekhack in Spanish? Must've messed something up in settings...

Offline depletedvespene

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Re: [Pre-IC] Antracita keyset (full ISO-ES and possibly PT and ITA)
« Reply #8 on: Sat, 11 June 2022, 07:39:06 »
Why is my Geekhack in Spanish? Must've messed something up in settings...

Oh, you just wait until the IC for the Klingon keycap set comes in. quv qeylIS vIghoSmoHta'DI' qeylIS, wo'vaD je tlhIngan quvmeH qeylIS'e' je!  :D

Offline 1pctipaday

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Re: [Pre-IC] Antracita keyset (full ISO-ES and possibly PT and ITA)
« Reply #9 on: Sun, 03 July 2022, 05:23:49 »
Hi community! Keep going answering the form. We are now reaching 50 answers, and the feedback is very positive!

Offline catalanm

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Re: [Pre-IC] Antracita keyset (full ISO-ES and possibly PT and ITA)
« Reply #10 on: Sun, 20 August 2023, 21:27:33 »

los comentarios los agregué al formulario, pero los compartiré aquí, con el resto de la comunidad, ya que pueden ser de ayuda a éste u otro proyecto.

Te comenté que me encantó el concepto de tomar ideas de tu tierra, ya que demuestran tu arraigo y cariño a ella. Eso lo valoro y respeto. Además de quedar muy bien el contraste de colores elegidos.

Mis aportes
  • Agregar un Kit latinoamericano
  • Agregar un Kit o quizás en el Base, de modificadores íconos

En un mundo ideal (a lo anterior)
  • PBT Double Shot + Backlit orientado al Sur {los Led}

Gracias por la paciencia de leerme y saludos desde Chile,