Just getting into this project after seeing an old HP-85 for sale. Thought I might be able to design a keyboard with a similar back panel containing a screen and some switches. Couldn’t find a good beige acrylic at my laser cutting place so I’ve gone for an Atari colour scheme of gloss black and dark wood.
This is my first go using laser cut flat parts to make a 3D design and I’m pretty happy with how it’s come out.
For reference the hole on the left of the back panel will house a 4 line LCD which I’ll use to report Caps Lock On, that sort of thing. I already have the display and it seems pretty simple to drive from my Teensy Arduino Board. The toggles on the right are labeled, just waiting on a momentary toggle for the page up/ page down switch as that one has to spring back to centre after being moved.
Switches-wise I’m intending to use Cherry MX black with 85g springs. Haven’t decided on keycaps yet, but something like PimpMyKeyboarf’s Grolsch is appealing.
Let me know what you think so far, or if you have any questions. Happy to go into any details.