Are your eyes bleeding? You can always change your theme.
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Nice, you should stain and/or seal it next! I'd recommend a few coats of tung oil.
Stain won't change the texture, as it gets absorbed into the wood. Tung oil is the same way, but it will seal the wood and make it liquid-proof, plus give it a nice luster without altering the texture much (unless you apply alot). I figured you'd prefer that better than sealing it with a clear coat or varnish. Plain tung oil will darken the wood slightly (imagine a damp look) but I think you can also get it tinted or 'with stain'. It will also strengthen the wood. I've used tung oil in the past for furniture and it works great.
Good idea, might head to my local lowes or home depot to make one myself.
I just made my own wrist rest but I can't post the pictures. Weird. I'll try to post em tomorrow. Thanks for the idea!
Show ImageShow ImageShow ImageFinally figured out how to post my pictures, thanks for the help. The width on the rest is a little short for me because I have bigger hands so I need to adjust it a little bit further away from the keyboard, which is fine. I might make another one, which would probably only cost a couple more bucks. I'm liking the wood feeling so far. I was also planning on staining it but not sure yet. I also added rubber stoppers I got from my sub woofer, which lift it the perfect height. Thanks again for the ideas and insight! ;D
Yeh, stain them quick, mine now has some yellowing where my hand was, hopefully the stain covers that up a bit, if not I can easily make another.