if you want to use QMK on your FaceW:
You gotta use the b.fake QMK files in order to do it. I'm running QMK on mine right now, but there are issues. Keyboard tends to overheat after some period of time. It's because the polling rate on these boards using the QMK algorithm is a lot higher than normal (7x). At least that's my theory right now.
Now back to the guide.
The Unofficial 60% FaceW Manual for Firmware V1.7 (15 Feb 2015)This guide was last updated: 4 July 2017
This was written for Firmware Version: 1.7 (15 Feb 2015)
http://blog.winkeyless.kr/1554 July 2017 Note: Updated with new screenshots and BootMapperClient version 0.9.0. The faceW will work with ps2avrGB firmware but you will lose the use of the
ps2avrU Menu and I couldn't get some of my macros to work so I decided to stick with ps2avrU Firmware V1.7 (15 Feb 2015).
= == === ==== = == === ==== = == === ====
So, you've got your 60% FaceW! Congrats!

But how does it work?
Well, this unofficial manual hopes to shed some light on that.
I've created this from reading through
http://winkeyless.kr/ translated into English in Chrome, bugging
sprit, and trial and error (FN + other keys in
Aqua Key Test hahaha). Thanks to
zennasyndroxx for pointing me to the keycodes for use with the ps2avrU Menu!
If you have questions or have something to share, let me know!

= == === ==== = == === ==== = == === ====
1. The Basics 1.1 Default Layers 1.2 LED Controls2. Software Key Mapping using Boot Mapper Client3. Flashing Firmware / Keymap / Macro4. ps2avrU Menu 4.1 Overview 4.1.1 Entering the ps2avrU Menu 4.1.2 ps2avrU Menu Options 4.2 Macro 4.3 Key Mapper 4.4 Lazy FN 4.4.1 Turning Lazy FN On/Off5. Custom Macro using Boot Mapper Client6. Putting It All Together= == === ==== = == === ==== = == === ====
1. The Basics1.1 Default LayersThese are the default layers and the same as the ones from the file "keymap_part(thumb)(face)(XTen).hex".
NOTE This file contains additional keymaps for the XTen but the FaceW does not have the additional rows/columns.
1.2 LED ControlsToggle LED Lighting Modes = FN + Caps Lock
OR Esc + Caps Lock
Mode 1: Breathing
Mode 2: LEDs On
Mode 3: Reactive 1 -- LEDs are off and get brighter while typing
Mode 4: Reactive 2 -- LEDs are on and get dimmer while typing
Mode 5: LEDs Off
Decrease LED Brightness = FN + Right Alt
Increase LED Brightness = FN + Right Ctrl
Why is the Caps Lock LED not illuminated?The LED on the Caps Lock is the Caps Lock Indicator. It will illuminate only when Caps Lock is on.
Why is the Back Space LED not illuminated?The LED on the Back Space is the Num Lock Indicator. It will illuminate only when Num Lock is on.
Num Lock = FN + U
Toggle FN2 Layer = FN + Space (Caps Lock LED and Num Lock LED will flash twice)
Exit FN2 Layer = Esc + Back Space (Caps Lock LED and Num Lock LED will flash one)
= == === ==== = == === ==== = == === ====
2. Software Key Mapping using Boot Mapper Client(Optional) Step 0: Put your FaceW in Boot Mapper Mode.
| Why is this optional? This is optional because instead of clicking the cell in the table indicating the key you want to map in Step 6, you need to press the key on the keyboard and the cell in the table will be selected for you. You must still select the proper layer though.
NOTE While in Boot Mapper Mode, each keypress will output text identifying the column and row (e.g. -6,1=). This how the Boot Mapper Client picks up which key you press. 
Details on the format:More The format is: (-<COLUMN>,<ROW>=
0 = Row/Column 1 1 = Row/Column 2 2 = Row/Column 3 ... N = Row/Column N+1 |
Choose Method A or B:
| Method A -- This is shorter but you need to unplug the USB cable
- Unplug the USB cable.
- Hold down the Tab key while plugging the USB cable.
- The Caps Lock LED will now be flashing slowly. The keyboard is now in Boot Mapper Mode.
Method B -- This is longer but you don't need to unplug the USB cable.
- Open a text editor (e.g. Notepad).
- Press and hold Left Control, Left Alt, Left Shift, and Right Shift for five (5) seconds.
- The Caps Lock LED and the Num Lock LED will flash three (3) times quickly.
- Release the keys the keys you are holding down.
- The following will be displayed in text editor:
| hello
select mode 1:macro 2:key mapper 3:lazy fn : on 4:fn2/3 led : off 5:esc to ~ : off 7:exit 9:boot mapper >> |
- Press 9
- The following will be displayed in text editor:
| hello
select mode 1:macro 2:key mapper 3:lazy fn : on 4:fn2/3 led : off 5:esc to ~ : off 7:exit 9:boot mapper >> 9 boot mapper |
- The Caps Lock LED will now be flashing slowly. The keyboard is now in Boot Mapper Mode.
Step 1: Download the following files:
BootMapperClient Ver 0.9.0:
BootMapperClient.zip (21702 kB - downloaded 1530 times.)
ps2avrU_firmware_V1.7_150215.zip (169.45 kB - downloaded 4594 times.)
Step 2: Create a directory (
firmware in the image below) and extract the firmware archive (
ps2avrU_firmware_V1.7_150215.zip) to the said folder:
Step 3: Extract the BootMapper archive (
BootMapperClient.zip) and it will create the folder
Step 4: Double click on
BootMapperClient.exe in the BootMapperClient folder.
Step 5: Click the
target dropdown menu in the upper right and select "
ps2avrU & ps2avrU_split".
Step 6: Click "Load .hex / .json".
Step 7: Navigate to the
firmware folder and open the file "
Step 8: Once the keymap file is open, you will see the Normal Layer.
NOTE This file contains additional keymaps for the XTen but the FaceW does not have the additional rows/columns.
See the other layers (FN, FN2, and FN3)
Click "fn" to see the FN Layer
Click "fn2" to see the FN2 Layer
Click "fn3" to see the FN3 Layer
Now lets make some changes!
Step 9: Go to the layer you want to edit (fn3 in the example below). We will remap Space.
If you performed Step 0 and put your keyboard in Boot Mapper Mode, press the
Space Bar on your keyboard.
Alternately, you can click the cell in the table indicating "Space".
Step 10: Click the new key you want to assign (toggle FN2 in the example below).
Repeat until done.
Step 11: When you are done customizing the keymap, click "Save .hex".
Step 12: Give it a memorable file name (I chose NEW KEYMAP.hex

) and click "Save".
Step 13: If applicable, exit Boot Mapper Mode by unplugging and replugging the USB cable.
Step 14: Now to flash the keymap file!
Please proceed to
Flashing Firmware / Keymap / Macro