Late last year, CPTBadAss hooked me up with a Model M.
Here's some pics of when I cleaned it up and bolt modded it.

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Here it is. It was
dirty filthy. I actually typed on it in this condition just to test it out...boy were my fingers sticky after.

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I soaked the cable in soapy water and cleaned it with a toothbrush.

Aaand that's how filthy the water was after.

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I ordered a nut driver but shipping delays led me to modify a socket wrench to access the deeper nuts.
I attached one of the nuts to my dremel to drive the socket wrench bit against a steel file.

Some time later...


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The inside wasn't pretty...

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Once open I gave everything a wash before drilling.
I don't remember where I learned the tape trick but it was from a user that made a time lapse bolt mod video. The tape trick was from
phosphorglow's amazing Model M refurbishing video. Thanks for the heads up CPT!

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I followed
dorkvader's guide and used a round bit to make round pockets as guides for drilling.

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Yep, Bob was here.

Ignoring the missing keys...DONE!

Oh speaker but...