Author Topic: Switch Too  (Read 13200 times)

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Offline noisyturtle

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Switch Too
« on: Wed, 02 August 2023, 02:55:22 »
What are people's thoughts on Nintendo's next console announcement? Coming as early as next year™

Really, all it needs to be is what the Switch already is, but with a faster CPU and more powerful GPU. Maybe upgrade the screen a little? Better refresh, and native 1920 or even 2048 resolution in portable mode?
I feel like they really nailed it with the OLED ver of the Switch, but the fact it is running on basically WiiU hardware and cannot even run it's own games (or can it?? why TF does Zelda run great, but Pokemon runs like garbage?)

All I hope it that it keeps the same cartridge format, and can play original Switch games. There's literally zero reason to change up the media format since it does not use discs, and wouldn't being portable. Don't see any reason for two screens either.

Offline Rhienfo

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Re: Switch Too
« Reply #1 on: Mon, 07 August 2023, 21:56:20 »
Yeah that's all it needs to be in order for it to sell, and they have definitely learnt from the wii u to market it well. I do think it needs to be a far more powerful difference, especially with stuff like the steam deck coming to market to the point where I feel Nintendo will under-deliver on that aspects. It will probably give developers more to work with though, which is a good thing when trying to optimize games for the platform. But of course that can only go so far.

Also pokemon gets far less time and manpower to develop than zelda, because of the yearly release schedule, so they basically get 3 or so years and even with time crunch is not enough time to develop and polish an open world in general pokemon games have to be rushed due to the yearly schedule.
keyboard collection - fjell
cherry blacks - unlubed - filmed and springswapped with tx 55g mediums - alu Plate | pretty happy with this, the blacks were cherry picked so they weren't that scratchy to begin with, but currently breaking them in, may lube them with a dry lube like ro59 or ptfe powder.
| hhkb bt
lubed with tribosys 3203 | like topre a lot, prefer it lubed but did make less tactile but that might have been a skill issue. probably will get more tactile over time as the domes age.
| m0115
bad orange alps lol | definitely needs a restoration. planning on wax boiling them and maybe a replacement pcb because the board has only 2 key rollover apparently.
| praxis
gateron yellows - lubed with 205g0 - 62g tx mediums - pc plate | probably my favourite keyboard already, feels super nice and sounds pretty good, it's got a great layout as well. probably gonna build this with mx browns, I feel like it would suit the board more.
| camo filco
stock with silent reds | Pretty cool looking board, the silent reds are actually good, they are smooth and I don't mind the mushiness (it's not even that mushy as well). the layout is pretty weird, but is useable. will probably mod this in the future. maybe a pcb and plate swap, change the keycaps to something dolch like, and also spring swap the springs in the silent reds.
| ibm model f at
stock, needs a cleaning and probably replacement foam. Do plan to change layout so it has split bs and rs, as well as ansi enter.
| baebae tkl
Built with new nixies on pc half plate. Love this board already, probably the best looking board I own, those brass accents are so mint. Really like it as is, but I do want to try an alu build (probably with nixies as well) just to experiment with that.

collection in pixel art

Offline Darthbaggins

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Re: Switch Too
« Reply #2 on: Wed, 09 August 2023, 10:34:43 »
What are people's thoughts on Nintendo's next console announcement? Coming as early as next year™

Really, all it needs to be is what the Switch already is, but with a faster CPU and more powerful GPU. Maybe upgrade the screen a little? Better refresh, and native 1920 or even 2048 resolution in portable mode?
I feel like they really nailed it with the OLED ver of the Switch, but the fact it is running on basically WiiU hardware and cannot even run it's own games (or can it?? why TF does Zelda run great, but Pokemon runs like garbage?)

All I hope it that it keeps the same cartridge format, and can play original Switch games. There's literally zero reason to change up the media format since it does not use discs, and wouldn't being portable. Don't see any reason for two screens either.

I knew when I finally bought a Switch (got the OLED over last Christmas holidays), Nintendo would finally release or announce a new model.  I do hope they go with an AMD SOC even though the Nvidia Tegra has served them well for over a decade now.  If Nintendo allowed a bump in clocks and memory speeds, the current gens would have fewer issues running the newer titles - has been noted by people Overclocking the PCU and memory has shown the best benefit for consistent frames (think it was Digital Foundry).

 bkrownd:"Those damned rubber chiclet keys are the devil's nipples."   >:D

Offline PlayBox

  • Posts: 199
Re: Switch Too
« Reply #3 on: Mon, 21 August 2023, 15:52:39 »
honestly i'd prefer it to be something new and innovative like their past consoles not just doing a new switch

no nintendo console will ever beat the wii/wiiu the motion control is just too much fun even in 2023
propably sent from my amazon kindle 10th gen

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: Switch Too
« Reply #4 on: Mon, 21 August 2023, 16:36:22 »
honestly i'd prefer it to be something new and innovative like their past consoles not just doing a new switch

no nintendo console will ever beat the wii/wiiu the motion control is just too much fun even in 2023

There is always a chance of that knowing Nintendo's hardware history, but I think they can plainly see the success of the Switch and ease of transition keeping things much the same. A lot of people would be very upset if their Switch games suddenly were not playable on the Switch's replacement hardware.
Perhaps we'll see the return of the hardware add-on to add some gimmicky functionality that will eventually get it's own standalone built-in release later down the road.

Personally, I'd love to see a 3DS player, but there is zero reason for them to even consider doing that.

Offline Rhienfo

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Re: Switch Too
« Reply #5 on: Mon, 21 August 2023, 17:44:12 »

There is always a chance of that knowing Nintendo's hardware history, but I think they can plainly see the success of the Switch and ease of transition keeping things much the same. A lot of people would be very upset if their Switch games suddenly were not playable on the Switch's replacement hardware.
Perhaps we'll see the return of the hardware add-on to add some gimmicky functionality that will eventually get it's own standalone built-in release later down the road.

Personally, I'd love to see a 3DS player, but there is zero reason for them to even consider doing that.

I think Nintendo will never do another addon hardware thing again, after both cd disk drives for the snes/n64 failed/got cancelled and were never that good in the first place.
« Last Edit: Mon, 21 August 2023, 17:54:31 by Rhienfo »
keyboard collection - fjell
cherry blacks - unlubed - filmed and springswapped with tx 55g mediums - alu Plate | pretty happy with this, the blacks were cherry picked so they weren't that scratchy to begin with, but currently breaking them in, may lube them with a dry lube like ro59 or ptfe powder.
| hhkb bt
lubed with tribosys 3203 | like topre a lot, prefer it lubed but did make less tactile but that might have been a skill issue. probably will get more tactile over time as the domes age.
| m0115
bad orange alps lol | definitely needs a restoration. planning on wax boiling them and maybe a replacement pcb because the board has only 2 key rollover apparently.
| praxis
gateron yellows - lubed with 205g0 - 62g tx mediums - pc plate | probably my favourite keyboard already, feels super nice and sounds pretty good, it's got a great layout as well. probably gonna build this with mx browns, I feel like it would suit the board more.
| camo filco
stock with silent reds | Pretty cool looking board, the silent reds are actually good, they are smooth and I don't mind the mushiness (it's not even that mushy as well). the layout is pretty weird, but is useable. will probably mod this in the future. maybe a pcb and plate swap, change the keycaps to something dolch like, and also spring swap the springs in the silent reds.
| ibm model f at
stock, needs a cleaning and probably replacement foam. Do plan to change layout so it has split bs and rs, as well as ansi enter.
| baebae tkl
Built with new nixies on pc half plate. Love this board already, probably the best looking board I own, those brass accents are so mint. Really like it as is, but I do want to try an alu build (probably with nixies as well) just to experiment with that.

collection in pixel art

Offline Rhienfo

  • Posts: 766
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Re: Switch Too
« Reply #6 on: Mon, 21 August 2023, 18:04:31 »
oh also to add, Nintendo is kinda of in a weird spot where they have capitalized on the portable/console hybrid of the switch but they can't do that another time or else it will be another wii u. So they need to slowly diversify until they have a clear distinct split between the home hardware (which should be as powerful as a ps4 minimum, ps5 if they want to compete heavily with the home markets) and the portable hardware (like a switch but more powerful, maybe reintroduce a clamshell design for a "switch 2" or whatever). I feel to reach that point backwards compatibility is a good step, especially since pretty much every game doesn't require portable mode.
keyboard collection - fjell
cherry blacks - unlubed - filmed and springswapped with tx 55g mediums - alu Plate | pretty happy with this, the blacks were cherry picked so they weren't that scratchy to begin with, but currently breaking them in, may lube them with a dry lube like ro59 or ptfe powder.
| hhkb bt
lubed with tribosys 3203 | like topre a lot, prefer it lubed but did make less tactile but that might have been a skill issue. probably will get more tactile over time as the domes age.
| m0115
bad orange alps lol | definitely needs a restoration. planning on wax boiling them and maybe a replacement pcb because the board has only 2 key rollover apparently.
| praxis
gateron yellows - lubed with 205g0 - 62g tx mediums - pc plate | probably my favourite keyboard already, feels super nice and sounds pretty good, it's got a great layout as well. probably gonna build this with mx browns, I feel like it would suit the board more.
| camo filco
stock with silent reds | Pretty cool looking board, the silent reds are actually good, they are smooth and I don't mind the mushiness (it's not even that mushy as well). the layout is pretty weird, but is useable. will probably mod this in the future. maybe a pcb and plate swap, change the keycaps to something dolch like, and also spring swap the springs in the silent reds.
| ibm model f at
stock, needs a cleaning and probably replacement foam. Do plan to change layout so it has split bs and rs, as well as ansi enter.
| baebae tkl
Built with new nixies on pc half plate. Love this board already, probably the best looking board I own, those brass accents are so mint. Really like it as is, but I do want to try an alu build (probably with nixies as well) just to experiment with that.

collection in pixel art

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: Switch Too
« Reply #7 on: Mon, 21 August 2023, 18:15:09 »
It would not be difficult for N to catch up with today's technology. All they need to do is make the same console, but 3x more powerful. The Switch is running on ancient hardware architecture from 2012, most cell phones outperform it these days. It's freaking embarrassing if not for how well it did commercially.

Offline Rhienfo

  • Posts: 766
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Re: Switch Too
« Reply #8 on: Mon, 21 August 2023, 18:35:07 »
It would not be difficult for N to catch up with today's technology. All they need to do is make the same console, but 3x more powerful. The Switch is running on ancient hardware architecture from 2012, most cell phones outperform it these days. It's freaking embarrassing if not for how well it did commercially.

Yeah I agree but considering Nintendo's history I feel they will still be behind. Like the n64 with cartridges something that screwed over the n64 as all 3rd party developers jumped shipped with the more storage of the playstation, the gamecube with the smaller discs which was the same issue. The wii completely jumped the shark with under-powered hardware for that era which completely alienated an entire dedicated market of your products. The wii u was an embarrassment in every way and I feel that unless they learn they need to be ahead hardware wise they will keep making these mistakes.
keyboard collection - fjell
cherry blacks - unlubed - filmed and springswapped with tx 55g mediums - alu Plate | pretty happy with this, the blacks were cherry picked so they weren't that scratchy to begin with, but currently breaking them in, may lube them with a dry lube like ro59 or ptfe powder.
| hhkb bt
lubed with tribosys 3203 | like topre a lot, prefer it lubed but did make less tactile but that might have been a skill issue. probably will get more tactile over time as the domes age.
| m0115
bad orange alps lol | definitely needs a restoration. planning on wax boiling them and maybe a replacement pcb because the board has only 2 key rollover apparently.
| praxis
gateron yellows - lubed with 205g0 - 62g tx mediums - pc plate | probably my favourite keyboard already, feels super nice and sounds pretty good, it's got a great layout as well. probably gonna build this with mx browns, I feel like it would suit the board more.
| camo filco
stock with silent reds | Pretty cool looking board, the silent reds are actually good, they are smooth and I don't mind the mushiness (it's not even that mushy as well). the layout is pretty weird, but is useable. will probably mod this in the future. maybe a pcb and plate swap, change the keycaps to something dolch like, and also spring swap the springs in the silent reds.
| ibm model f at
stock, needs a cleaning and probably replacement foam. Do plan to change layout so it has split bs and rs, as well as ansi enter.
| baebae tkl
Built with new nixies on pc half plate. Love this board already, probably the best looking board I own, those brass accents are so mint. Really like it as is, but I do want to try an alu build (probably with nixies as well) just to experiment with that.

collection in pixel art

Offline TomahawkLabs

  • Posts: 172
Re: Switch Too
« Reply #9 on: Thu, 12 October 2023, 10:30:52 »
I am hoping that with devices like the SteamDeck and the ASUS model Nintendo will be forced into making hardware that can do a bit more. Every console generation (outside n64 and prior) Nintendo overlooked hardware horsepower in favor of games and gameplay.

Now that we have switchlike devices that play PC games with "better" experiences that act as a desktop when docked, I hope Nintendo sees that as competition. Best case is a Switch 2 with the same controllers but a better screen/chassis but with beefed up hardware. Playing more open world games like BOTW and TOTK really show how sluggish the switch can be, doubly so when playing handheld.
Always looking for Alps SKCM/SKCL switches. Feel free to DM.
AMD 5600x | RTX3080 | 2x 1TB NVME + 4x 4TB HDD | B550M Pro-P | 32GB RAM | RM850x | Node 804 | Schiit Modius/Magnius + Audeze LCD-2 | 2x Dell S3422DWG
GMMK 1 Full Size Barebones | Zealio 67g ; Apple M3501 handwired | Alps SKCM Damped Cream
SA: Camping

Offline Darthbaggins

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Re: Switch Too
« Reply #10 on: Wed, 18 October 2023, 10:38:46 »

There is always a chance of that knowing Nintendo's hardware history, but I think they can plainly see the success of the Switch and ease of transition keeping things much the same. A lot of people would be very upset if their Switch games suddenly were not playable on the Switch's replacement hardware.
Perhaps we'll see the return of the hardware add-on to add some gimmicky functionality that will eventually get it's own standalone built-in release later down the road.

Personally, I'd love to see a 3DS player, but there is zero reason for them to even consider doing that.

I think Nintendo will never do another addon hardware thing again, after both cd disk drives for the snes/n64 failed/got cancelled and were never that good in the first place.

At least the one for the Ultra/N64 is what gave us the Playstation - but they know carts is the best route, only downside is the internal battery issues older carts have/had.

 bkrownd:"Those damned rubber chiclet keys are the devil's nipples."   >:D

Offline pitouthestar

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Re: Switch Too
« Reply #11 on: Sat, 02 December 2023, 11:19:36 »
Some interesting information here:

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: Switch Too
« Reply #12 on: Wed, 15 January 2025, 19:26:12 »
Everyone complaining about Joycons being the worst controllers of all-time since the debut of the Switch, and Nintendo changing nothing and keeping that exact same design is just wild to me.
I guess they figure everyone will buy it anyway, and it's a guaranteed Pro Controller sale on top.

Offline TomahawkLabs

  • Posts: 172
Re: Switch Too
« Reply #13 on: Wed, 15 January 2025, 19:40:03 »
Everyone complaining about Joycons being the worst controllers of all-time since the debut of the Switch, and Nintendo changing nothing and keeping that exact same design is just wild to me.
I guess they figure everyone will buy it anyway, and it's a guaranteed Pro Controller sale on top.

On a more positive perspective, people with additional controllers can continue to use them instead of them being a $70 paperweight. It's sad to see Nintendo still being run as a hyper efficient cash machine, vs building something with quality. It wouldn't be difficult to use hall effect joysticks. It could be touted as a Switch "upgraded" controller. Maintain backwards compatibility, while providing a solution to the problem.
Always looking for Alps SKCM/SKCL switches. Feel free to DM.
AMD 5600x | RTX3080 | 2x 1TB NVME + 4x 4TB HDD | B550M Pro-P | 32GB RAM | RM850x | Node 804 | Schiit Modius/Magnius + Audeze LCD-2 | 2x Dell S3422DWG
GMMK 1 Full Size Barebones | Zealio 67g ; Apple M3501 handwired | Alps SKCM Damped Cream
SA: Camping

Offline noisyturtle

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Re: Switch Too
« Reply #14 on: Thu, 16 January 2025, 16:43:45 »
Well here we go

my takeaway: It's a little bigger