Author Topic: Another TMK-Powered Keypad Lobotomy - Genovation UPS Controlpad  (Read 4917 times)

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Offline IBNobody

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Here's what I have to work with...

I think that the unit was originally intended as a wall-mount timecard entry system or something.

I'm pretty excited because the actual keypad has everything I wished my last project (Goldtouch lobotomy) had. This keypad has 35 plate-mounted Cherry MX black switches, red LEDs, and per-key backlighting thanks to a set of I2C I/O extenders.

I plan on removing the bottom MCU board and replacing it with a Teensy 2.0++ and TMK.

In case anyone finds another one of these, here's what I've done to reverse engineer it.


The I2C extenders need to be mapped, still, but they have sequential I2C addresses (0b000 to 0b100).

Keypad-to-MCU Cable Pinout:

01 - VCC (+5V)
02 - VCC (+5V)
03 - SCL (U8p14)
04 - SDA (U8p15)
05 - Col #1 (U8p21)
06 - Col #2 (U8p22)
07 - Col #3 (U8p23)
08 - Col #4 (U8p24)
09 - Col #5 (U8p25)
10 - Row #1 (U8p39)
11 - Row #2 (U8p38)
12 - Row #3 (U8p37)
13 - Row #4 (U8p36)
14 - Row #5 (U8p35)
15 - Row #6 (U8p34)
16 - Row #7 (U8p33)
17 - Row #8 (U8p32) * Keypad does not have Row #8, but MCU supports it
18 - GND
19 - GND
20 - Shield

RJ-45 Pinout:

01 - RS-422 A
02 - RS-422 B
03 - VCC (+5V)
04 - VCC (+5V)
05 - VCC (+5V)
06 - GND
07 - GND
08 - GND

Offline grantb3

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Re: Another TMK-Powered Keypad Lobotomy - Genovation UPS Controlpad
« Reply #1 on: Mon, 03 August 2015, 09:40:02 »
Hey good job. Keep us posted. I've seen these on eBay a few times.

Offline rich1051414

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Re: Another TMK-Powered Keypad Lobotomy - Genovation UPS Controlpad
« Reply #2 on: Sat, 30 September 2017, 21:40:19 »
Any progress? I came across this at the recycling center, and I can't find much about this except this post. I also plan to get this functioning as a programmable pad.
Also, you didn't seem to talk about the dip switches. Any idea what they do?

PS: Look at those double shot DSA windowed caps!

« Last Edit: Sat, 30 September 2017, 21:52:41 by rich1051414 »
Siig Minitouch with Orange Alps, Whitefox 60% Zealios 67g, Realforce 87U 55g Topre, LFK SMK/Alps TKL With SMK 2nd Gen Cherry MX mount switches, NEC APC-H412 NEC Blue Ovals, Unicomp Model-M Spacesaver, XMIT Hall Effect, WASD Code Cherry MX Clear, KBDFans75 Lubed Gateron Greens, Azio MGK L80 Kailh Brown, XD84 Pale Blue Box Kailh, NIB Pingmaster TMK Converted, KPrepublic XD96 Blue aluminum case with Jade Box Kailh

Offline lishi

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Re: Another TMK-Powered Keypad Lobotomy - Genovation UPS Controlpad
« Reply #3 on: Fri, 13 October 2017, 14:10:56 »
There's a genovation pcb in the OTD Pad, so that might help you out
All the kustom 60s