Here's what I have to work with... think that the unit was originally intended as a wall-mount timecard entry system or something.
I'm pretty excited because the actual keypad has everything I wished my last project (Goldtouch lobotomy) had. This keypad has 35 plate-mounted Cherry MX black switches, red LEDs, and per-key backlighting thanks to a set of I2C I/O extenders.
I plan on removing the bottom MCU board and replacing it with a Teensy 2.0++ and TMK.
In case anyone finds another one of these, here's what I've done to reverse engineer it.
The I2C extenders need to be mapped, still, but they have sequential I2C addresses (0b000 to 0b100).
Keypad-to-MCU Cable Pinout:
01 - VCC (+5V)
02 - VCC (+5V)
03 - SCL (U8p14)
04 - SDA (U8p15)
05 - Col #1 (U8p21)
06 - Col #2 (U8p22)
07 - Col #3 (U8p23)
08 - Col #4 (U8p24)
09 - Col #5 (U8p25)
10 - Row #1 (U8p39)
11 - Row #2 (U8p38)
12 - Row #3 (U8p37)
13 - Row #4 (U8p36)
14 - Row #5 (U8p35)
15 - Row #6 (U8p34)
16 - Row #7 (U8p33)
17 - Row #8 (U8p32) * Keypad does not have Row #8, but MCU supports it
18 - GND
19 - GND
20 - Shield
RJ-45 Pinout:
01 - RS-422 A
02 - RS-422 B
03 - VCC (+5V)
04 - VCC (+5V)
05 - VCC (+5V)
06 - GND
07 - GND
08 - GND