Just thought i'd post with one success story and one failure.
In my attic a few days ago i tripped over an old keyboard with a nicer mechanism than what i've been typing on recently.
It's a Key Tronic J980405319.
I think i picked it up around 2000-2001. It was likely a few years old when i came by it.
Since i had a Chinese Ardino Pro Micro in my parts bin which i knew could do HID it seemed like a fun day's hacking.
This keyboard has a little switch on the back with the following positions:
* AT
* Enhansed AT/XT
Lots of space inside the case for the Pro Micro and i had to disassemble it any way to give all the mechanical parts a good scrub.
Since my multimeter implied there were already pullup resistors in place in the keyboard ps2 circuitry, i didn't bother adding more.
I also soldered the little 5Volt jumper closed to provide the keyboard with it's required supply voltage.
I'm using the prebuilt binary so far from here:
https://github.com/tmk/tmk_keyboard/tree/master/converter/ibmpc_usb/binarySo rather than write the firmware myself, i found this project.
I had this up and running in a few hours (including scrubbing the old keyboard clean).
Good job! 5 stars. Would recommend.
So, debug output:
With the little switch set to "Enhansed AT/XT" it worked first time.
Here's the debug output having typed "qwerty[Enter]":
duncan@lapdancer:~/Working/hid_listen/hid_listen$ sudo ./hid_listen
Waiting for device:....
USB configured.
Keyboard start.
I421 wFF rFA A1427
PRT:10 ISR:FE90 rAA W1720 wF2 rFA rAB r83 R2226
ID:AB83(2) S2226 wED rFA w00 rFA L2234 r15 qrF0 r15 r1D wrF0 r1D r24 erF0 r24 r2D rrF0 r2D r2C trF0 r2C r35 yrF0 r35 r5A
rF0 r5A
Not as lucky with the "XT" setting though.
I get occasional restarts when the bus is busy. "Num Lock" and "Caps Lock" LEDs flash during the restart.
Here's the debug where i plug in the Kbd with switch set to XT, wait a minute (with no restarts) then press and hold down "a":
duncan@lapdancer:~/Working/hid_listen/hid_listen$ sudo ./hid_listen
Waiting for device:........
USB configured.
Keyboard start.
I418 wFF A1455
PRT:21 ISR:0000 X1957 rAA W1958 wF2 R2494
ERR:11 ISR:AAA0 S2495 L2495 r1E ar1E aar1E aaar1E aaar1E aaa
ERR:20 ISR:3D40 [RST] I8261 wFF A9298
ERR:11 ISR:AAA0 X9800 rAA W9801 wF2 R10337
ERR:11 ISR:AAA0 S10338 L10338
One theory i want to test is that internal pull up resistors are in place when the the switch is i the "XT" position...
Maybe the XT spec needs them on the host side?
Next time i have the cover open i will measure this.
So what i have is more than good enough; I don't need the XT setting to work but though this anomaly might interest people here.