Author Topic: I can't register to geekhack because I don't know the answer of 2 of the securit  (Read 35729 times)

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Offline esterhazy

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I am fairly new to the custom mechanical keyboard community and want to register to geekhack to look for groupbuys that aren't already over. But the one problem is that I have to answer 3 security questions, and don't know the answer of 2 em. Can someone help me with them?

The first one I don't know:
A popular keyswitch type, which has been increasingly cloned in recent years:
I thought it was cherry mx but it said it was wrong

The second one:
A popular keyboard format (abbrev, 3 letters) which omits the numberpad normally present on a fullsize keyboard:
I literally have no clue what the answer is

I am probably just stupid but eh.
« Last Edit: Sat, 13 February 2021, 14:25:10 by esterhazy »

Offline of_sam

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Re: [IC] GMK Voodoo
« Reply #1 on: Sat, 13 February 2021, 12:19:16 »
When I think of voodoo, it's not a witch on a broom.
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Offline Afresh

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Re: [IC] GMK Voodoo
« Reply #2 on: Sat, 13 February 2021, 12:20:37 »
When I think of voodoo, it's not a witch on a broom.

same, I think whole project could use better name

Offline geohammy

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Re: [IC] GMK Voodoo
« Reply #3 on: Sat, 13 February 2021, 12:30:24 »
Really cool set, but idk about the name Voodoo

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Offline esterhazy

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Re: [IC] GMK Voodoo
« Reply #4 on: Sat, 13 February 2021, 12:37:09 »
Really cool set, but idk about the name Voodoo

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Thank you for your feedback, i will meditate on that

Offline esterhazy

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Re: [IC] GMK Voodoo
« Reply #5 on: Sat, 13 February 2021, 12:38:28 »
When I think of voodoo, it's not a witch on a broom.

same, I think whole project could use better name
thank you for your feedback, Afresh!

Offline StanleyLelnats

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Re: [IC] GMK Voodoo
« Reply #6 on: Sat, 13 February 2021, 12:40:31 »
The name and timing of this IC being near mardi gras made me think it was going to be New Orleans themed

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Offline psxndc

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[IC] GMK Voodoo
« Reply #7 on: Sat, 13 February 2021, 12:41:02 »
First, really appreciate that the 40s/ortho kit has an R3 1u for something other than tab and ESC. Raise key is typically the same color as lower though unless you’re going for a gradient.

Second, agree about the name given this is witch themed. Maybe GMK Cauldron? GMK EON (eye of newt)?

Tbh, the colors aren’t for me, but I think the IC has some real promise. GL!
« Last Edit: Sat, 13 February 2021, 12:43:04 by psxndc »
Ortho. Always.

Offline esterhazy

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Re: [IC] GMK Voodoo
« Reply #8 on: Sat, 13 February 2021, 12:44:06 »
First, really appreciate that the 40s/ortho kit has an R3 1u for something other than tab and ESC. Raise key is typically the same color as lower though unless you’re going for a gradient.

Second, agree about the name given this is witch themed. Maybe GMK Cauldron? GMK EON (eye of newt)?

Tbh, the colors aren’t for me, but I think the IC has some real promise. GL!
your opinion will really help me out, thank you very much

Offline jobicoppola

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Re: [IC] GMK Voodoo
« Reply #9 on: Sat, 13 February 2021, 12:45:32 »
Really like the colors but agree the name and the witch imagery make no sense together.  Still an interesting set though.

Offline esterhazy

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Re: [IC] GMK Voodoo
« Reply #10 on: Sat, 13 February 2021, 12:48:26 »
Really like the colors but agree the name and the witch imagery make no sense together.  Still an interesting set though.
I will think these days of a new name, i see all are complaining about the name, maybe you are all right, thank you for your feedback :thumb:

Offline nu_types

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Re: [IC] GMK Voodoo
« Reply #11 on: Sat, 13 February 2021, 12:55:13 »
GMK Cauldron

Offline esterhazy

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Re: [IC] GMK Voodoo
« Reply #12 on: Sat, 13 February 2021, 12:56:28 »
Hello all of you, i see that you guys are saying that i should probably change my new and i kinda think you are right, i really apreciate your feedbacks and advices, i will take some time these days to think about a new name for my set and to rework some of my renders, i apologize for the inconvenience ;)

Offline esterhazy

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Re: [IC] GMK Voodoo
« Reply #13 on: Sat, 13 February 2021, 13:01:12 »
I posted a Name Suggestions Form, you can suggest me new names for the set, thank you! :thumb:


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Re: [IC] GMK Voodoo
« Reply #14 on: Sat, 13 February 2021, 13:01:40 »
Good colors just needs a name change

edit: where tf post go
« Last Edit: Sat, 13 February 2021, 19:25:03 by MIGHTY CHICKEN »

Offline esterhazy

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Re: [IC] GMK Voodoo
« Reply #15 on: Sat, 13 February 2021, 13:11:00 »
Good colors just needs a name change
Thank you for your feedback!

Offline esterhazy

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Re: [IC] GMK Voodoo
« Reply #16 on: Sat, 13 February 2021, 13:19:47 »
When I think of voodoo, it's not a witch on a broom.
Thank you for your feedback!

Offline LittleAad

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Re: [IC] GMK Voodoo
« Reply #17 on: Sat, 13 February 2021, 13:38:24 »
Your color matching is interesting. The pictures of the colors that you matched to are completely different than the renders. There is a possibility that this is due to my monitor but it shouldn't show up different on the same screen... I suggest you change this to prevent confusion. You also have a random 1.5u r4 super key in your base kit and you do not have mod tilde or pipe. Not sure why you have a 1u backspace either. You have a green spacebar in the spacebars kit when it should be the dark blueish color. Also, you have two 1u spacebars but no 3-1-3 spacebar support.

Offline esterhazy

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Re: [IC] GMK Voodoo
« Reply #18 on: Sat, 13 February 2021, 13:42:15 »
Your color matching is interesting. The pictures of the colors that you matched to are completely different than the renders. There is a possibility that this is due to my monitor but it shouldn't show up different on the same screen... I suggest you change this to prevent confusion. You also have a random 1.5u r4 super key in your base kit and you do not have mod tilde or pipe. Not sure why you have a 1u backspace either. You have a green spacebar in the spacebars kit when it should be the dark blueish color. Also, you have two 1u spacebars but no 3-1-3 spacebar support.
Thank you very much Aad for you feedback, i will consider this in the next update :thumb:

Offline esterhazy

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Re: [IC] GMK Voodoo
« Reply #19 on: Sat, 13 February 2021, 13:55:42 »

Offline pixelpusher

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Re: [IC] GMK Witch
« Reply #20 on: Sat, 13 February 2021, 13:56:01 »
I like the yellow you use in your banner.  Seems to accent the caps better than green.  But when I think of a witch on a broom, green does make sense.  Not sure about the renders.  That doesn't look like GMK DY does in real life, it looks like a dark lavendar to me.  And the RAL Dark color looks way lighter in the renders too.  Maybe think about yellow on dark mods and option for yellow or green accents?  Dunno.  Just feels low contrast to me at the moment.

Offline esterhazy

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Re: [IC] GMK Witch
« Reply #21 on: Sat, 13 February 2021, 13:57:23 »
I like the yellow you use in your banner.  Seems to accent the caps better than green.  But when I think of a witch on a broom, green does make sense.  Not sure about the renders.  That doesn't look like GMK DY does in real life, it looks like a dark lavendar to me.  And the RAL Dark color looks way lighter in the renders too.  Maybe think about yellow on dark mods and option for yellow or green accents?  Dunno.  Just feels low contrast to me at the moment.
Thank you for your advice my guy :thumb: ;)

Offline sGhost

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Re: [IC] GMK Witch
« Reply #22 on: Sat, 13 February 2021, 14:13:06 »
I'd change paths my guy.

Offline gilbert

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this just sad... at least stand up to your mistakes
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Offline marcofriedrichs

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You're embarrassing yourself, mate

Offline LittleAad

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Buddy, admit what you did wrong... you’re making a fool of yourself

Offline Ella

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what kinda 4d chess you playing here?

Offline jobicoppola

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oof well someone needs to make a set with similar colors and add some yellow, it seems to be a common palette used by witches :)

Offline pixelpusher

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I feel like someone has stolen my personal information... :eek:

Offline jobicoppola

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lol what just happened here? 

Offline Skok

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Offline Auxo

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Re: [IC] GMK Witch
« Reply #31 on: Sat, 13 February 2021, 15:14:42 »
UNREALFORCE TKL | KMAC Happy | LSJ Ares | LZ CLS h | NIX Sofia | Noxary X60 | OTD 356 Mini | PFU Limited HHKB Pro 2 (Black) | PFU Limited HHKB Pro 2 Type-S | PFU Limited HHKB JP Type-S | SINGA x TGR Unikorn | TGR 60% | Weaston & nachie GSKT-00 |
QFR | MJ2 TKL | "Bulgogiboard" (Keycon 104) | MIRA SE | TGR Alice | Southpaw Fullsize (pending shipping) | Daily driver: TGR Alice
Collection: Salamander PC, Keycult No1(OG) Salamander TKL, M60A, THE60, Jane V2, LZ MP, LZ GH V2, KC 1/60, OTD 456GT. Kepler, Think 6.5 Brass, Think 6.5 PC, T60, The Raine, F77, E7-V1 SE
Topre Realforce 87U 55g | Corsair K70 w/ MX Browns | Unicomp Ultra Classic
Poker 2 | LZ CE | Leopold FC700R | KMAC 1.2 | EXE | GON NS87 | GON Nerd TKL | Duck Poker | Duck Orion | Realforce 87u 55g | OTD 456GT | LZ B7 | OTD 360C | Ducky G2 Pro | Apple Extended | Apple M0116 | Apple M0116 | Cherry G80-1220HAD | Duck Octagon | HHKB Pro 2 | Duck Unicorn | LZ B8 | LZ RE | ENVKX | OTD 456GT | LZ FE | HHKB Type S | TX1800| Duck Orion V2 | LZ FE | KPad | KMAC Happy | ENVKX | LZ RV | KMAC 2 | Whale | Dolphin | EM7 | TGR Jane | VE.A | DK Saver | Matrix 10xv1.0 | Whale | HHKB BT | Dolphin v2 | EM7 v2 | SSK | SSK (Blue Label) | LZ SQ | Duck Octagon v2 | TX84 | GON Mobik | TX-CP | LZ Ergo2 | KMAC Happy HHKB | TGR 910 | TGR Tris | Matrix 8xv1.2 | KMAC Mini | Mira | Fjell | 356mini | Dolphin GH | EM7 GH | TARO EXENT | Masterkey Pro L Crysta l OTD Koala | Duck Viper | Keycult no.1 | 356mini | 356pad | Matrix 8xv2.0 | 420cl | Matrix 8xv1.0 | Whale Special | Poly Dolphin | Keycult No.2 | FMJ80 | Singa R2 Quickfire Pro | TADA 68 | Novatouch | Whitefox | Octagon v1 | Blackbird | HHKB Pro 2 | KBD75 | VE.A | X60 | Canoe | HHKB Pro 1 | FJELL | Revo One | ALPS64 | Lightsaver v3 | IBM 5140 WKL | Realforce 87u | MIRA SE | Duck Poker | Canoe | Moon | Weaven | M65-A | EXENT | Wooden Planck | Tokyo60| Viper v1 | E6-v2 | IBM SSK | CA66 | TX-CP | SINGA | TGR Alice | FJELL R2 | Klippe | JER-A06 | GSKT-00 | M60-A | Realforce 84u | AL1 | Keycult No. 1 | SaiB-CP | G81-3077SAU | DC60 | Realforce 84ub | TMO50 | G80-1800 | Leaf 80 | LZ GH-v2 | T60 | LZ MP | KMAC Happy | TGR-910RE (Al) | TGR-910RE (PC) | SKB60 | UNIKORN | TGR Jane v2 | Xeno

Offline dgneo

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thought i was having a stroke reading the end of the thread and then the post title


  • The User Formerly Known as 'Formerly DudeSnail'
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The second one:
A popular keyboard format (abbrev, 3 letters) which omits the numberpad normally present on a fullsize keyboard:
I literally have no clue what the answer is

I'mma be real dawg, if you don't know this one, dont post in this category.

Offline Lil

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The second one:
A popular keyboard format (abbrev, 3 letters) which omits the numberpad normally present on a fullsize keyboard:
I literally have no clue what the answer is

I'mma be real dawg, if you don't know this one, dont post in this category.


Offline hali

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include me in the screenshot

Offline BapoDonu

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Poor guy not being able to register :(((

Offline Achromous

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This isn't your finest moment, I'm going to give you the answer of one of the questions though because I'm helpful.
It's the ISO code of Tokelau.

Offline Havattack

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I am probably just stupid but eh.  Hey, at least you recognize it. It's amazing how many people think they are smart.
 The 1st question: You have the correct answer, but you're being too specific, use only one of the words.
The second question: Do you not know about google? Just search for " popular keyboard layouts" and pick the one that is only 3 letters.
« Last Edit: Sat, 13 February 2021, 16:10:31 by Havattack »

Offline geohammy

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wtf happened here

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Offline Barri

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wtf happened here

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I'm so confused

Anyways, the original geekhack devs should be ashamed of themselves for implementing such poor UI/UX, those 'security questions' are a joke to modern web development. They aren't preventing automation in any way, but are creating an unnecessary inconvenience to regular users.

the answers are 'usb',  'mx',  and 'tkl'.

I'm more-so confused as to why other threads comments are showing up here and How he made this post without knowing the answers or registering an account...
« Last Edit: Sat, 13 February 2021, 16:35:52 by Barri »

Offline glarses

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i agree

Offline TheInverseKey

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I see that you are missing an essential part you your post the "Y".

Offline Pontus

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Who’s going to help him register?  :-X

Offline Nuclear Nachos

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wtf happened here

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I'm so confused

Anyways, the original geekhack devs should be ashamed of themselves for implementing such poor UI/UX, those 'security questions' are a joke to modern web development. They aren't preventing automation in any way, but are creating an unnecessary inconvenience to regular users.

the answers are 'usb',  'mx',  and 'tkl'.

I'm more-so confused as to why other threads comments are showing up here and How he made this post without knowing the answers or registering an account...
he made a questionable ic and then changed the title/message to something else to hide it pretty sure

Offline HoodrowThrillson

  • Posts: 572
Why this dude dirty delete.

Gonna get clowned on in the next IC, see you there!
[Mostly] Retired from Keyboards
Typing on: TKL One - Zealios v1 - 55g TX Springs, TX Films, Lubed with 205g0 - Xiami Beige Cadet + RGB
Collection: IDB60 (gone), Austere (gone), Matrix 1.2og (gone), Matrix 2.0add (gone), RS (so lit), Infinitum (gone), THRILL Proto (destroyed), Matrix 2.0add xmas Starry Night (gone), RS60 (traded), MC65 (traded), Jane v1 CE (gone), GSKT-00 (gone), TKL One Poly (returned), TKL One, RS60, Serenity Proto, Boulevard Proto

Offline Tyson

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The second one:
A popular keyboard format (abbrev, 3 letters) which omits the numberpad normally present on a fullsize keyboard:
I literally have no clue what the answer is

I'mma be real dawg, if you don't know this one, dont post in this category.

(Attachment Link)
(Attachment Link)
(Attachment Link)
(Attachment Link)
(Attachment Link)

I’m so confused, this entire IC was here and you randomly deleted it claiming you can’t register? But clearly your register because you posted on GeekHack with your account?!?

Offline herfalerf

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whew, what a ride!

Offline antx1701

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After reading the thread, then re-reading, I am still very confused.

Offline heyimpanda

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this is the **** i browse geekhack for