if you have a cherry blue board and are tired of the "click" go make ghetto cherry browns.

cherry blues are basically just clicky of cherry browns (except for the 5force difference)
start by locating the 4 tabs on the switch, 2 on each side

i made this tool it was a $1 tweezer, idk where i got it from, just bent some pins and you can "rock" it into the tabs on a soldered board and pop open a cherry.

here's the only physical difference between a brown and blue, the blue has the split white thing it "clicks" upon the leaf spring releasing and there's your sound.

so simply just glue the white thing to the top of the blue stem and you have ghetto browns no more noise

why this mod? may ppl bought a blue cherry and now regret the noise, and don't want to desolder blue cherrys and replace with brown cherries.
or ppl want to make other switches.
Ripster says a black spring and brown stem=ghetto cherry red so you can have fun with that too.