Author Topic: ghetto cherry browns from cherry blue  (Read 147810 times)

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Offline Lanx

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ghetto cherry browns from cherry blue
« on: Sun, 28 November 2010, 11:01:49 »
if you have a cherry blue board and are tired of the "click" go make ghetto cherry browns.

cherry blues are basically just clicky of cherry browns (except for the 5force difference)
start by locating the 4 tabs on the switch, 2 on each side

i made this tool it was a $1 tweezer, idk where i got it from, just bent some pins and you can "rock" it into the tabs on a soldered board and pop open a cherry.

here's the only physical difference between a brown and blue, the blue has the split white thing it "clicks" upon the leaf spring releasing and there's your sound.

so simply just glue the white thing to the top of the blue stem and you have ghetto browns no more noise

why this mod? may ppl bought a blue cherry and now regret the noise, and don't want to desolder blue cherrys and replace with brown cherries.

or ppl want to make other switches.

Ripster says a black spring and brown stem=ghetto cherry red so you can have fun with that too.

Offline Arcanius

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ghetto cherry browns from cherry blue
« Reply #1 on: Sun, 28 November 2010, 12:00:03 »
Great idea, and perfect for people buying Blackwidows or Rosewills, and don't have an option to buy Browns!
Does the feel vary between these modded blues and browns? Isn't there a difference in tactility? Also, I thought the springs between blues and browns was different?

Offline panda-R

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ghetto cherry browns from cherry blue
« Reply #2 on: Sun, 28 November 2010, 12:39:23 »
The tactility of the browns and blues are definitely different, at least to my untrained fingers and supported by the graphs that have been floating around. I wonder if this mod changes the feeling of the blues?
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Offline nanu

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ghetto cherry browns from cherry blue
« Reply #3 on: Sun, 28 November 2010, 12:44:19 »
Quote from: Arcanius;253381
I thought the springs between blues and browns was different
This post supports that statement. And the article doesn't deny it, too.
« Last Edit: Sun, 28 November 2010, 12:48:29 by nanu »

Offline Lanx

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ghetto cherry browns from cherry blue
« Reply #4 on: Sun, 28 November 2010, 12:44:28 »
take note the tactility is probably also including the "clack" from the noise. felt the same to me, i only gorilla glued one switch so it's not like i tried a whole sentence. it is gonna be a mod for life, unless you can slice it off and even get rid of the glue residue. Maybe a tiny drop on the corner is all you need. Depends on your glue of choice.

Offline laden3

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ghetto cherry browns from cherry blue
« Reply #5 on: Sun, 28 November 2010, 12:51:22 »
black stem+ brown spring= ghetto red; brown stem+ black spring= ghetto white (sounds funny, brown+black=white??)
I rrrove brrracks.

Offline Soarer

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ghetto cherry browns from cherry blue
« Reply #6 on: Sun, 28 November 2010, 13:43:05 »
Having tried both clear and the black spring / brown stem combo, I can say they are noticably different. I quite like the combo.

Black spring + brown stem is to browns as greens are to blues... so applying the same shift in hue they are ghetto purples :-D

Offline Arcanius

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ghetto cherry browns from cherry blue
« Reply #7 on: Mon, 29 November 2010, 17:09:48 »
One quick Q:
Is it possible to do this without actually removing the switch? If it's plate mounted, for example?
I know I saw a link to a vid where a guy pops switches without desoldering.... But is that viable?

Offline Findecanor

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ghetto cherry browns from cherry blue
« Reply #8 on: Mon, 29 November 2010, 18:12:21 »
Argh. Don't do this! I want cheap cherry MX blue switches to replace my cherry browns ...


  • Posts: 183
ghetto cherry browns from cherry blue
« Reply #9 on: Thu, 02 December 2010, 19:05:16 »
I thought blues were more expensive.  Why would you do this?
Notable Switches I have tried:
black cherry, blue cherry, brown cherry, clear cherry, cherry M84, white alps, black alps, cream alps, Monterey blue alps, Fujitsu Peerless, Gateway2000 rubber dome, Keytronic rubber dome, Model M buckling spring, Model F buckling spring, futaba, black space invader


Offline taswyn

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ghetto cherry browns from cherry blue
« Reply #10 on: Sun, 05 December 2010, 11:00:20 »
If anyone actually does this to an entire board, it would be *great* to hear how it feels in comparison to normal browns ^.^

Offline J888www

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ghetto cherry browns from cherry blue
« Reply #11 on: Sun, 05 December 2010, 16:16:17 »
Quote from: 8_INCH_FLOPPY;255989
I thought blues were more expensive.  Why would you do this?
Previously, people prefer the Browns as the "ckicky" Blues were not as popular due to the distraction, but trends tend to change with Time. Don't let on that it is Blues which are now more popular else they'll change the pricing even sooner.

There is a clicky switch which is similar to the MX Blues, but much more demure/refined/not as distracting.

Edit: The Poll have changed to Browns are now more popular, tomorrow is another and it may change yet again so please do not quote me.
« Last Edit: Thu, 13 January 2011, 18:47:01 by J888www »
Often outspoken, please forgive any cause for offense.
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Offline taswyn

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ghetto cherry browns from cherry blue
« Reply #12 on: Sun, 05 December 2010, 21:01:11 »
Don't let on that it is Blues which are now more popular else they'll change the pricing even sooner.

Also, most of the more broadly commercialized (in the US) mechanical keyboards use blues, especially the slew of them hitting the market lately. It's very frustrating when you want a reasonably quiet, light force tactile keyboard that you don't have to bottom out on something of a budget. "Oh look, another consumer mechanical keyboard with... blues =(" It's either pay nearly twice as much (of course, it's *usually* not wasted, you often get better quality overall) or mod something. Unless I've been missing some ^^;

Offline ricercar

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ghetto cherry browns from cherry blue
« Reply #13 on: Mon, 06 December 2010, 02:57:24 »
Quote from: ripster;257776
a lot of the old timer Geekhack Cherry Brown lovers were real whiners.

What? What?
I trolled Geekhack and all I got was an eponymous SPOS.


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ghetto cherry browns from cherry blue
« Reply #14 on: Mon, 06 December 2010, 07:26:26 »
Quote from: J888www;257722
There is a clicky switch which is similar to the MX Blues, but much more demure/refined/not as distracting.

Which one should that be?

Offline ricercar

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ghetto cherry browns from cherry blue
« Reply #15 on: Mon, 06 December 2010, 13:34:03 »
Complicated white ALPS.
I trolled Geekhack and all I got was an eponymous SPOS.

Offline itlnstln

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ghetto cherry browns from cherry blue
« Reply #16 on: Mon, 06 December 2010, 13:39:15 »
Hey, you didn't give credit to MW for that pic.

Offline symphonic1985

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ghetto cherry browns from cherry blue
« Reply #17 on: Sat, 08 January 2011, 05:24:31 »
Has there been any progress on this front? I just received another Cherry blue board in the mail. I'm pretty tempted to do some gluing instead of spending yet more money to buy a brown board.

Offline Findecanor

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ghetto cherry browns from cherry blue
« Reply #18 on: Sat, 08 January 2011, 09:42:40 »
I am curious.. Does the glueing change the feel of the blue switch in any way except for removing hysteresis on the upstroke? How is the sound?

At first, I disliked this idea.. but now I am thinking that perhaps this is what I am after... Something close to browns, but more tactile.
« Last Edit: Sat, 08 January 2011, 09:50:21 by Findecanor »

Offline symphonic1985

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ghetto cherry browns from cherry blue
« Reply #19 on: Sun, 09 January 2011, 07:16:24 »
Since I'm in Germany, I'm on the opposite side of the clear/brown sourcing problem.  The clears shouldn't be hard to get here, if I stalk ebay for long enough.

Was the feeling of blue spring + clear stem very similar to the browns? Near enough might be good enough if I can save a bunch of money with a used LQC board.

Offline Findecanor

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ghetto cherry browns from cherry blue
« Reply #20 on: Thu, 13 January 2011, 16:58:46 »
I have tested Cherry Clear stem and Blue/Brown spring. It is not that much like a Brown. The longer tactile bump and steep increase in force of the Clear is still there, just softer.

I would like to know if Cherry Blue stem that has been glued together would retain the feel on the downstroke, but lose the click sound and the hysteresis. If I had any spare Blues not in any keyboard I would test it myself, but I don't.

Offline J888www

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ghetto cherry browns from cherry blue
« Reply #21 on: Thu, 13 January 2011, 18:44:20 »
Quote from: woody;257960
Which one should that be?
The ones on my ONE.

Quote from: ricercar;257914
What? What?
You have just been called a Winner. :biggrin: or was it a whinner ? same same whatever, winners always do the talking and write the History books.
« Last Edit: Thu, 13 January 2011, 18:52:09 by J888www »
Often outspoken, please forgive any cause for offense.
Thank you all in GH for reading.

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Offline dogcrapau

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ghetto cherry browns from cherry blue
« Reply #22 on: Thu, 03 May 2012, 22:39:16 »
since alot of people are now into getting clear switch mods, i wonder if anyone has tried this mod by now and if they could update us on their opinion?