Officially closing the giveawayI appreciate everyone’s involvement in this giveaway. It’s meant to bring attention to the people that make this community great. Although since my last nominate-a-bro, the geekhack community has split off into multiple communities/platforms/etc, geekhack is still where it all began for most, so it was only fitting that it be hosted here. This will be the last nominate-a-bro that I will be doing, as some of you know, I will be setting a new course for myself, and saying goodbye to ‘BroCaps’.
I have quite a long list of people I wanted to mention, not for a nomination, but just because I appreciate the impact they have had in my life. By my nature, I am a very closed, private and introverted personality. So making and keeping friends has always been a challenge for me. I hope that anyone that I have been at odds with, will accept my apologies. Even when we have the best intentions, they don’t always work out for the best.
Below are the names of people I have known, appreciated, or became good friends with. I hope through this contest, you might get to know more people in this community, and appreciate them.
BunnyLake - You have been my support through many good times and bad, and have never judged me, or treated me unfairly. I consider you one of my best friends, and am thankful to have met you
VesperSaint - You have always been a straight up good and honest dude. I appreciate all the long late night talks and gaming sessions
Beehatch - You always were cool with me, no matter the situation, we could always talk about anything with each other
Jokrik - Although you left the hobby, I still enjoy your food posts. You were always a solid, honest friend
Booper - Your passion and creativity were always inspiring. I miss our long talks, too

Eat_the_food - Mamcus, you’re always a bro in my book. Always fair, honest and kind.
HipsterPunks - We didn’t start out as friends, but we definitely ended up there. For the Horde!
Sifo - Tru-Bro
NAV - fku. Also, ILY - thanks for all the solid talks and friendly ear
Hoffmanmeister - A straight up kind and honest dude, always
Naasfu - good dude, and shoe game on-point
Shinz0 - we were never really super tight, but any time we chatted, I always felt good about it
Klarkuo - :klarpls:
Trizkut - sorry things went down that way. Hope you’re doing well
ApocalypseMeow - NE division dark zone avail?
Scubaste - Always enjoyed our chats. Hope you’re doing well, my friend
Iamtootallforthis - just a good and honest guy, a rare gem these days
Kenmai9 - kennypls, hope you’re doing well
Chaosstep - thank you for everything, my friend. Hope you and the fam are doing well
Fendent - A down to earth and solid dude. Thanks so much for being a friend
Kustom3 - the best kind of troll there is, and a good dude
Ygor - a dedicated gamer and solid dude
Ejewell89 - What can I say, we were p tight once. Even made a sculpt after this guy :erikpls: - hope you’re doing well
Otesanek - kind soul and great artist :otespls:
Dgneo :woi:
iArson - salpls, hope you’re doing good
Yuppie - You have always been a down to earth and decent human. Glad we met
Nickheller - I will always remember the good old days. Hope you’re doing well :nickpls:
Rmendis - Richard is a wholesome and kind soul, and a good friend to have
Vikingrobot - a Tru-Bro
Ghostjuggernaut - I will always remember the GTA days
Byker - same, all the memories surround GTA

Tally810 - hope you and the fam are doing fine
Jayveur and Jaimcat - thankful we met. You are just the most solid and real dudes I have met
Uleet - Happy to have met you, my dude. You’re just a super real bro
Shuangmu - what can I say, that anyone who already knows him, doesn’t know already? An honest, kind and caring person
Hitlu - :hitlupls:
Rbb - I have been to china many times, and somehow we were never able to meet up, but you never hesitated to offer me your hospitality. A genuinely nice dude
Fracno - The kind of dude that is just easy to be friends with. Always cares about your feelings and always lends an ear
N3rdly - I understand, man. Sorry. Hope you’re doing well
Mousy - a genuine and cool dude - grayscale collection on-point
CorgiButts - you couldn’t ask for a better friend than this lad
Badchad - Do not yawn into the mic <3
Dugihk - Always kind and thoughtful
Molecularronin - ne hellfire toad avail
Dalsu - the realest G
Jackedhardwarejunkie - this dude has mega passion for this hobby, and is just a straight up cool lad
Lovechan - even though you say your English is bad, we never have an issue chatting it up
All my haters - Without you, I wouldn’t have a gauge on how to better myself. I appreciate you for that
I know I am forgetting some important people on here, so please forgive me, but it’s been a long day, but even if you aren’t on this list, I appreciate you just the same
Thanks again everyone, for participating and making this community what it is