Hey, what do you think about using ÷, × legends on the numpad instead of /, *?
I also think it would be cool to have accent arrow keys in the base kit, perhaps instead of some of the less frequently used keys, such as numpad 00 or the ISO-UK–specific keys. (Not to hate on UK keys, but ISO-UK users only make up around 3% of total users in the community (
source). But then again, UK keys do fit in thematically.)
Please consider changing the 1.75u keys in the Spacebars kit to 1.25u. 1.75u spaces are only used by a few 40% boards (Vortex Core, JD40/45), and the Forties kit includes two of them. This size is not used by any boards other than those, and certainly not by any ≥60% boards. On the other hand, 1.25u space is useful for standard ≥60% split spacebar configurations (2.75–1.25–2.25 and 2.25–1.25–2.75), as well as for Alice-like boards.
Edit: Also, I do believe that “Lock” is the preferred legend for the R4 1.75u Minivan key, rather than “Caps Lock”.