GMK MTNU Skyriter
In partnership with NovelKeys, I am pleased to bring back the Skyriter keycap set in the MTNU profile. This vintage inspired, deep forest green, olive, and seafoam colourway is based on the early 50s typewriter “Skyriter” from Smith-Corona.
For this round 2, Skyriter is moving from SA to MTNU, and I’m really excited to bring this colourful set to this profile as it exhibits many retro-inspired characteristics that will make it an excellent match for this keycap set.
Not only is round 2 switching to MTNU, but the novelties have expanded with even more mid-century breezeblock patterns that can fill macro columns as well as entire function and number rows. Other favourites from round 1 will make a return as well.
KitsBase Kit
40s Kit
UpdatesOct 13, 2024Based on community feedback, I've decided to split up the base kit and 40s kit. While having 40s support in the base kit is a nice idea, it ultimately created too much compromise for both kits. With that said, 40s support has been moved into its own expanded 40s kit and the base kit has received a few additional keys based on your feedback. In addition to the existing kits and new 40s kit, based on numerous requests, I'm hoping to run the group buy with an international kit!
Here's a full breakdown of changes to kitting:
Base- Add R2 Up Arrow
- Add R3 Pg Up
- Add R4 Pg Dn
- Add R2 Mod color Pipe/backslash key
- Add second 3u Spacekey
- Move R2 1u Esc to 40s kit
- Move R2 1u Tab to 40s kit
- Move R2 1u BS to 40s kit
- Move R2 1.75u Backspace to 40s kit
- Move R3 1u Esc to 40s kit
- Move R3 1.25u Tab to 40s kit
- Move R3 1u Tab to 40s kit
- Move R3 1u Enter to 40s kit
- Move R3 1.5u Enter to 40s kit
- Move R3 1.75u Enter to 40s kit
- Move R4 1u Shift to 40s kit
- Move R4 2.00u Shift to 40s kit
- Move R4 1u Meta to 40s kit
- Move one 2u Spacekey to 40s kit
40s- Add R3 1u Ctrl to 40s kit
- Add R3 1.25u Enter to 40s kit
- Add additional R4 1u Shift to 40s kit
- Add R4 1u LWR to 40s kit
- Add R4 1u RSE to 40s kit
- Add R4 1u Enter to 40s kit
- Add 2x 1u Convex spacekeys
International Kit- Add international kit pending support from vendors
Novelties- Fix render of ISO novelty key to reflect accurate row span
Original IC text
For the base kit, and the primary reason in creating this interest check, I want to guage the community’s reception to the idea of combining 40% support into the base kit. The kit I’ve created strives to find a balance of coverage that would support as many boards as possible with the least amount of compromises. I believe that 60% and up is well supported, and certainly Alice and other similar split layouts should be well covered too.
40% layouts should see good coverage here as well, but I want to get feedback on whether we should run a base kit with 40% support built in, or offer a smaller base kit with a separate 40% kit that may allow for more flexibility in support.
The benefits in bringing 40% support to the base kit are:
- Fewer kits need to be purchased to cover a wider range of keyboards. If you find yourself, in time, purchasing a board with more obscure keycap requirements, you’ll likely be covered.
- Pricing may work in our favor as we can price at a higher MOQ than a separate 40% kit might normally allow. This means by combining kits, you’d end up spending less than you’d otherwise have to pay to cover 40% with two kits.
With that said, I’d love to hear your feedback on these kitting options. If you are interested in this keycap set, does this base kit cover your board? If you’re a 40% user, would you purchase this kit and feel like it supports the 40% community?
Please fill out this
interest check form and feel free to comment on this thread so we can discuss!
Further details regarding group buy date and vendors will follow at a later date but I can’t wait to get MTNU Skyriter in your hands!
Huge shoutout to Mike from NovelKeys for all his work in coordinating and supporting this comeback,
FreshFromTheGrave for the beautiful renders, and
Nephlock for all the sage advise on kitting.
Interest Check FormRenders

Additional RendersMore
Thanks for the renders go to
FreshFromTheGraveDetailsSpecificationsDesigned by Christopher Janzen (cijanzen)
Manufactured by GMK
GMK MTNU Profile (112344)
Doubleshot PBT Keycaps
Compatible with Cherry MX switches and clones
Group Buy DateTBD
VendorsUSA/Americas - NovelKeys
Other vendors/locations TBD
PricingPricing TBD
ColoursAlphas: Pantone 627 C
Legends: Pantone 2260 C
Modifiers: Custom match to typewriter sample
Next StepsCollect feedback regarding kitting- Determine group buy date and pricing
- Determine additional vendors
Forum Signature BannerIf you feel like supporting this set and rocking a forum signature banner like it’s the early 00’s, go ahead and copy this code and paste it into your forum profile signature.
[url=][img width=480 height=120][/img][/url]
Interest Check Form