Author Topic: A Few "Short" ABS Keycap Sound Comparison Videos  (Read 3425 times)

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Offline HubertThemad

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A Few "Short" ABS Keycap Sound Comparison Videos
« on: Mon, 26 August 2024, 17:29:35 »
I couldn't help myself by trolling a bit with the title and calling them "short" videos  ;D

I've always been curious about which ABS keycaps sound similar to others, which are higher pitched, which are deeper sounding, and whatnot. So, I decided to gather a few different ones (all cherry profile) and make a few compilation videos! Leaving everything else the same (switches, typing environment, internals of the board) and just determining which ABS keycaps sound like x, and which sound like y, and so on.

We all know that sound tests aren't always accurate, because there's more to how a keycaps make a board sound than just different keycaps in general (mics, mic placement, whether mics are attached to the typing desk, if the room is treated, the list goes on), and I never advertise my sound test videos as being recorded in a recording studio that's professionally treated or anything like that, but I also think that at the very least, you can determine which keycaps sound higher pitched or deeper than others.

Part fun entertainment ASMR-ish, part useful resource was what I was going for!

I did include two fully foamed (bottom case foam/dampening, IXPE/switch pad foam, mid-plate foam) boards in the Rainy 75 and CSTM 65 (one alu and one plastic) and two foam-free/dampening-free keebs in the aluminum Jixte and PC Jixte.

- FR-4 plate
- All foams
- 1.6mm Hotswap PCB
- Stock stabs (205g0 for housings, XHT-BDZ for wire ends)
- Gateron Milky Yellows spring swapped with Geon 22mm single-stage 67.5 gram springs. Springs jar lubed w/GPL105. 205g0 on switch stems only.

- POM plate
- All foams
- 1.6mm Hotswap PCB
- Stock stabs (205g0 for housings, XHT-BDZ for wire ends)
- JWK Splash Bros spring swapped with Geon 22mm single-stage 67.5 gram springs. Springs jar lubed w/GPL105. 205g0 on switch stems only.

PC Jixte
- Custom PP plate
- Internal & external stainless steel weights
- 1.6mm Soldered PCB
- Cherry clip in stabs  (205g0 for housings, XHT-BDZ for wire ends)
- KTT Roses spring swapped with Geon 22mm single-stage 67.5 gram springs. Springs jar lubed w/GPL105. 205g0 on switch stems only.

Alu Jixte
- Alu plate
- 1.6mm Soldered PCB
- Cherry clip in stabs (205g0 for housings, XHT-BDZ for wire ends)
- Internal and external brass weights
- Cherry HG MX Reds spring swapped with Geon 22mm single-stage 67.5 gram springs. Springs jar lubed w/GPL105. 205g0 on switch stems only.

They're all cherry profile, with some of them being blends of ABS. It's not every single ABS keycap manu/brand, but it's a decent list of a few common ones.

- GMK Striker
- JTK Griseann
- Key Kobo Jindo (didn’t buy the spacebar kit, so got a 6.25u from KKB BoW)
- Wuque Akuamarin (ABS)
- DCX Garnet
- PBTFans Ronin (ABS)
- Shurikey Hanzo 002
- Domikey Semiconductor
- EnjoyPBT (ABS) WoB
- Mode Tomorrow (ABS Blend)
- Linworks Burgundy (ABS Blend)
- Swagkeys Very Peri (ABS Blend)
- Aifei R2 (ABS Blend)

Sound Test/Recording Specs
- Recorded in an untreated room, so background noises can sometimes be heard (and outside noise)
- Glorious 4mm thick desk mat on a solid wood desk
- Panasonic HDC-TM90 Camcorder
- Audio normalization in DaVinci Resolve for easier listening, but no other sort of EQ or alterations were made to the audio
- Recorded in Reaper and rendered in 24-bit/48 kHz
- Audio interface sample rates at 48 kHz

Mic specs
- Lewitt 040 Matched pair of small diaphragm condenser mics in AB configuration mounted on a mic stand not in contact with the desk that I type on running into an Audient Evo 8, gain set at two thirty
- Rode VideoMic GO II mounted on my camcorder, 3 feet diagonally from the keyboard and not in contact with the desk
- Rode NT1 5th Gen condenser mic mounted on a boom arm attached to the desk used to type on running into an Audient Evo 8, gain set at 2 O’Clock
- Audio Technica AT2020 condenser mic mounted on a boom arm attached to the desk used to type on running into an Audient Evo 8, gain set at 2 O’Clock
- Samson Q2U dynamic mic mounted on a boom arm attached to the desk used to type on using USB mode, gain set at 45%
- Samson Q9U dynamic mic mounted on a boom arm attached to the desk used to type on using USB mode, gain set at 45%, no filters or mid-boosts on
- Google Pixel 7 Pro mounted on a gooseneck mount not connected to the desk used to type on
- The Samson Q2U, Samson Q9U, Rode NT1 5th Gen, and AT2020 are in some way attached to the typing desk. The Pixel 6a and the Lewitt 040 mics are not
- Lewitt and phone 15 cm away from the top of the keycaps (rough distance between my ears and the keycaps when measured directly vertically)
- All other mics 15 cm away diagonal from the top of the keycaps to my ears (thanks for the tip, Ray)
- No windscreens or pop filters are attached to any of the mics

I usually upload clips into KBCompare in case someone wants to listen to just the audio and be able to hide the titles and mix the audio clips around to see if they can pick out what keycaps are to which audio tracks, but I keep running into errors doing so.

IF I figure it out, I'll update this topic with the KBCompare links, as in my opinion, that's the best way to try and compare sounds, but for now, here are the links to the comparison videos.

YouTube ate up the timestamps in the descriptions to the point where if I added too many timestamps, the chapters wouldn't work, so please look for my comment in the comments section for a list of all timestamps. The ones in the video descriptions are just the maximum that YT allowed.


Short Explanation

All 5 Hours of Footage

Lewitt Mics Only (Best For Comparing IMO)

Alu Jixte

PC Jixte

Fully Foamed CSTM 65

Fully Foamed Rainy 75
« Last Edit: Mon, 26 August 2024, 18:02:05 by HubertThemad »

Offline Rob27shred

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Re: A Few "Short" ABS Keycap Sound Comparison Videos
« Reply #1 on: Mon, 26 August 2024, 18:08:43 »
Wow really thorough deep dive in the differences in sound between competing ABS Cherry profile keycap brands! The one thing I'd suggest though is to just pic one mic & go with that as the point was to highlight which brands sounded like what. I think the many different mics really confuses the situation, the differences should be highlighted well enough with one all rounder mic. Don't get me wrong I see that you were trying to cover all angles since some mics capture highs, mids, & lows differently, but it makes come off as disjointed by using all the different mics before changing brands. If you really want to keep the multiple micc approach I'd suggest running through all the brands on one board with one mic before changing mics. That would also help bring the video together much better IMO. Also this just some constructive criticism, you earned yourself a new subscriber here just from the fact you put in all this work! My gripes come from the fact I found myself having to jump back forth constantly to get the comparisons I was looking for in the complete video. Anyways keep up the good work, look forward to seeing more content in this vein from you!

Edit: I just noticed you have the Lewitt mic only video, I am a dummy & you can ignore my criticism... :-[ LOL! In my defense I went straight to your full video thinking that was the main attraction.
« Last Edit: Mon, 26 August 2024, 18:12:56 by Rob27shred »

Offline HubertThemad

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Re: A Few "Short" ABS Keycap Sound Comparison Videos
« Reply #2 on: Mon, 26 August 2024, 18:35:15 »
TRUE! I actually did not think of that.

It also would've been handy to have done that (all brands on one mic on one board, then going to the next mic with all brands on the same board, and so on) because I basically had to re-edit things to just include the Lewitt sections only after realizing I had KBCompare errors, so it would've saved me a lot more time had I done it the way that you explained it...

I think going forward, that'll be my approach, so thank you for saying something! In terms of editing, it wouldn't take more of an effort to do it that way either

edit: also, thank you for your kind words!
« Last Edit: Mon, 26 August 2024, 18:47:46 by HubertThemad »

Offline Rob27shred

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Re: A Few "Short" ABS Keycap Sound Comparison Videos
« Reply #3 on: Mon, 26 August 2024, 18:58:51 »
TRUE! I actually did not think of that.

It also would've been handy to have done that (all brands on one mic on one board, then going to the next mic with all brands on the same board, and so on) because I basically had to re-edit things to just include the Lewitt sections only after realizing I had KBCompare errors, so it would've saved me a lot more time had I done it the way that you explained it...

I think going forward, that'll be my approach, so thank you for saying something! In terms of editing, it wouldn't take more of an effort to do it that way either

edit: also, thank you for your kind words!

No problem, good luck with content creation! Not sure how serious you are about it, but I found this interesting & think your videos would be useful for the community so I hope you keep it up as best you can!


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Re: A Few "Short" ABS Keycap Sound Comparison Videos
« Reply #4 on: Fri, 13 December 2024, 04:03:00 »
These are really gracious videos. I think many people will find this helpful in understanding ABS keycaps. I will have to watch this video again when I want to refer to it!!

Offline GrayMatter4tw

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Re: A Few "Short" ABS Keycap Sound Comparison Videos
« Reply #5 on: Mon, 16 December 2024, 15:41:42 »
Wow really thorough deep dive in the differences in sound between competing ABS Cherry profile keycap brands! The one thing I'd suggest though is to just pic one mic & go with that as the point was to highlight which brands sounded like what. I think the many different mics really confuses the situation, the differences should be highlighted well enough with one all rounder mic. Don't get me wrong I see that you were trying to cover all angles since some mics capture highs, mids, & lows differently, but it makes come off as disjointed by using all the different mics before changing brands. If you really want to keep the multiple micc approach I'd suggest running through all the brands on one board with one mic before changing mics. That would also help bring the video together much better IMO. Also this just some constructive criticism, you earned yourself a new subscriber here just from the fact you put in all this work! My gripes come from the fact I found myself having to jump back forth constantly to get the comparisons I was looking for in the complete video. Anyways keep up the good work, look forward to seeing more content in this vein from you!

Edit: I just noticed you have the Lewitt mic only video, I am a dummy & you can ignore my criticism... :-[ LOL! In my defense I went straight to your full video thinking that was the main attraction.
Yeah, I understand your concerns regarding the microphone problem; it indeed necessitates a different approach in other videos. Well, I tried to include as much information as I could, I reckon it might made it rather chaotic, though. It is recommended to run through all brands on one mic first in effectiveness.

And there is no issue with the edit – quite reasonable to jump to the full video immediately! Delighted you noticed the Lewitt-only version also I am glad you noticed it.