I have an interest check form, please fill it out when you finish checking this IC out ._. click here btwNEW POLL! What mods you want? https://www.strawpoll.me/15867860IntroductionHello everyone, I'm RaySasQuach, aka Shoko Aoi on Discord atm. GMK Shoko is
a meme an idea that kinda spawned off of a Discord chat as a meme that I kinda honestly didn't have any intention of making, but I kinda got bored and actually messed around with KLE Editor to make something for it and see how far my meme magic would take me and so GMK Shoko became real enough for me to put this as an interest check. While GMK Shoko isn't the best looking GMK set to have made an appearance this year, it doesn't hurt to put it in interest check and it's the best way to get critique on how to make it better! While it kind of is currently in the "still messing around with the colors phase", I am, for the most part, satisfied with the colors.
Why Shoko? Who in the world is Shoko?Shoko Aoi is my Discord alias as well as a character in a Japanese rhythm game called "Pop'n Music" and she's my favorite girl, but the colors kinda strayed a bit away from the original concept sorta (honestly the original colors were really bad, soooooo yeah had to change it), but the colors are somewhat like her Pop'n Music Sunny Park's clothing colors, which I think looks nice (but she's my favorite so clear bias). Tho crazy me still wanted a bit of that teal in there, so the accents became teal since that's her hair color (I wish I had something for her green eyes though
What other plans do I have?I might change the colors, but the most I will probably do really is make the alphas or mods darker if I decide to and change the teal accent colors to something different, but the teal accents matches her hair so there is a chance that will stay tbh, but the accents are pretty much Sky Dolch Accent Mods so there is also a chance I will remove it or change the colors (it was GMK N5 or just a more regular blue in my revision like two days ago which may look nicer), so for the most part the concept is complete as is. Another thing is that I may go with icon mods instead of text mods, but I will have to see how those will look first. I also may consider hiragana alphas on here and get a pic of that as soon as I can as a visual to see how much I like it, since the character Shoko Aoi is Japanese after all. I am considering adding a few novelties when I have time to design some (don't count on it tho, I really suck at drawing on a computer). Also, suggestions are always welcomed and I feel like it might be lacking in compatibility, so please suggest what keys to add, since I want to make sure this set ends up fairly nice. If you need to contact me personally for whatever thing relating to this keyset IC, then just PM me here or preferably Discord if you know me there.
For vendors if there is enough interest for a group buy... yeah I literally have no clue yet.
So I present to you, GMK ShokoYour premium renders by Janglad, please check him out at https://clavier.xyz/GMK Base Set RenderGMK Icon Mods Set RenderKB Renders TKL Just a slight Photoshop edit on the accents to more accurately represent it.Extras/Previous Revisions:REV 3 renders/extra good ol' cheap render:More
KLE RawKLE Icon Raw REV 2 renders/extra good ol' cheap render:More
KLE RawG80-1800 Layout KLE Render65% KLE Render w/ AccentsHHKB KLE Render w/ AccentsTKL KLE Render w/ Accents REV 1.5 renders/extra good ol' cheap render:More
KLE RawNOTE: I changed the color of the TU2 in KLE Editor to try to match what I see in photos of keysets that uses the GMK TU2 color, since the one in KLE Editor seems to be different/darker from all the ones I see in the GMK keysets I see that uses it. So take TU2 with a grain of salt in the renders.TKL KLE Render w/ Accents60% KLE Render REV 1 renders/extra good ol' cheap renders (I really need to thank /u/CQ_Cumbers for his tool):More
Raw KLE:
Overview KLE Render:
65% KLE Render:
TKL w/ Accents KLE Render:
Updates:2018/07/02: Set seems mostly finalized, just need to find vendors and get a quote and get it running, also we got a signature now:
[url=https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=95821.0][img width=339 height=120]https://raysasquach.s-ul.eu/xwpRPdpW.png[/img][/url]
2018/05/30: Well made a few minor adjustments... as in a few, it's actually just one. I changed the accent colors of the keyset. I just felt that TU2 was too bright and saturated in color for a keyset like this with, otherwise, lesser saturated colors and the Pantone just seems easier on the eyes to me and it's still contrasting enough to where I feel like it fits in and it still kinda fits in with the Shoko theme. I may get an actual render from kbrenders, but I'd have to skip out on lunch for work on one of my work days to do this, but if I wanna push this forward, gotta have some decent renders. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Also, I'm not sure when I'll actually get GMK Renders, but if anyone can help me on that, then that would be cool since I'm kinda new to this if that isn't obvious.
Also, please fill this out:
2018/05/28: New support added, still unsure on icon mods, I feel like the hiragana alphas don't fit with this colorway in a sense, but I may consider thinking to add it back. The numpad with actual multiplication and division symbols WILL stay for sure though. The teal accents, although I think it would be ideal for the accents, TU2 just seems be too bright to me sometimes, so I might consider on a less saturated teal for the keyset's accents.
Also I might have a novelty key?
Thank you for checking this out, and I hope you people like it. Sorry for the lack of nicer/real renders, but that will eventually come through when I finalize the colors for sure and when I decide this isn't actually a meme.
Please forgive my grammar and formatting, but I've been fairly exhausted lately. So if there's some really bad grammar or formatting then please let me know ._.
Also I am going to add a poll for accent colors if I feel like I have to change it and with colors I think would be appropriate for the set.
P.S. I feel like it's crazy how I made a keyset design based on a fictional girl, LMAO... And I can't believe I actually am putting this as an interest check. Lowkey, this probably should have been called GMK Frosty to be very honest, but Shoko was the original idea, so it's gonna stay as GMK Shoko.