Author Topic: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]  (Read 30852 times)

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Offline metalliqaz

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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [big update posted 10-18]
« Reply #50 on: Mon, 22 October 2012, 19:40:44 »
Just match the colors from one of the other GBs.  They seem to have had it right.

Offline 1391401

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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [big update posted 10-18]
« Reply #51 on: Mon, 22 October 2012, 20:51:40 »
Do you have a swatch set?  I'd order one and just let us know what you're thinking.  I think enough people have the chips to chime in YES/NO on a color. 
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Offline MadScientist46

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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [big update posted 10-18]
« Reply #52 on: Tue, 23 October 2012, 03:24:38 »
Just match the colors from one of the other GBs.  They seem to have had it right.

If you ask me, the colors of last GBs were totally fine. I would go with those.
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Offline danielucf

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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [big update posted 10-18]
« Reply #53 on: Tue, 23 October 2012, 04:45:26 »
What was the yellow color? We still need to choose orange, and the pink/purple/teal colors for a la carte options. I don't have a color ring and if I order one right now it will delay the group buy starting. Does someone that owns a color ring want to help us come to a conclusion on what colors to use?
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Offline Hzza

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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]
« Reply #54 on: Tue, 23 October 2012, 04:50:59 »
Original RGB thread is there with the colour codes in the OP. I think mbc used a different yellow, YBP

Offline hashbaz

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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]
« Reply #55 on: Tue, 23 October 2012, 11:27:19 »
The RGB codes for both my and mbc's sets are RA, VCM, and BDH.  mbc's yellow is YBP.  I have a color ring, and will snap some pictures if you'd like.

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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]
« Reply #56 on: Tue, 23 October 2012, 11:28:44 »
What was the yellow color? We still need to choose orange, and the pink/purple/teal colors for a la carte options. I don't have a color ring and if I order one right now it will delay the group buy starting. Does someone that owns a color ring want to help us come to a conclusion on what colors to use?
SP doesn't carry purple, they have a lavender-ish colour

Offline metalliqaz

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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]
« Reply #57 on: Tue, 23 October 2012, 12:05:02 »
Natural Color System

The four colors should be:
(white legends) red, green, blue, yellow, black
(black legends) reg, green, blue, yellow, white

Offline danielucf

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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]
« Reply #58 on: Tue, 23 October 2012, 13:50:22 »
Alright I set the RGBY colors Unless YY is a better yellow color. Now we need to decide what shade of orange, then between the two pink colors (RCR and RCS) one is like pepto pink the other a light pink, there is probably only one shade of lavender, and the right shade of teal.

Also there are different shades of black and white, what are the color codes that have been used previously?
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AW: Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]
« Reply #59 on: Tue, 23 October 2012, 13:52:00 »
Alright I set the RGBY colors Unless YY is a better yellow color...

Offline hashbaz

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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]
« Reply #60 on: Tue, 23 October 2012, 14:11:04 »
YY is really bright.  The win keys from my RGBY sets were YY and were generally disliked.  Straight black is NN, and that is what is used typically for black legends.  White legends are usually WFK.

Offline danielucf

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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]
« Reply #61 on: Wed, 24 October 2012, 15:51:22 »
Going to wrap up the poll so we can start deciding what to do.
About 2/3 of those polled want the same colors as previous RGBY kits
For including the pure compatibility kit 16 said don't include it, 15 said yes
20 do want to buy some keys a la cart, 11 don't
21 do not want the left iso shift in the main set, 10 do
18 do not want alternate menu colors to orange available a la cart, 13 do
Only 4 votes for pink, and 3 for teal/turquoise, purple had the majority. Also this question had some overlap but in general just not much interest in pink/teal
21 yes for 1x size key to be included in the 1.5 modifier set, 10 said no
1 x key got 14 star votes and 14 diamond votes. One vote for blank, one for windows logo, one left empty
Those that are interested in a la cart keys are interested in a wide variety of the different options
11 want Diamonds on their windows and menu keys, 8 want Traditional windows/menu legends, 7 want stars, one for Tux, one for Windows 8 logo, one Menu be menu; Windows be diamond, one "simple words:"Windows" and "Menu", unless you put win98 logo on.", and one Text: "meta", "super"
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Offline metalliqaz

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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]
« Reply #62 on: Wed, 24 October 2012, 15:58:15 »
can't please everyone.  when you try to please everyone, you end up pleasing no one.  Pick what you think is best and stick to your guns.

Offline danielucf

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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]
« Reply #63 on: Wed, 24 October 2012, 16:11:12 »
Here are my thoughts and reasons:
Keep the same RGBY colors as previous kits. Maybe a month or two after this buy is over do one for alternate colors
Even though one more person said not to include pure compatibility kit I'm inclined to include it because the poker is supposedly going away, and the Pure may be replacing it. So People just may not know that the 1.75x shift will be good to have.
I want to have keys available a la cart, the numbers are there and it only makes the sets cheaper. Only bad thing is it makes packing slightly more difficult but I think the benefit is there.
The majority do not want a left iso included so I'm torn on this option, it needs more discussion.
Since slightly more don't want other options to orange I will make the alternate colors available as a la cart options, and if they don't reach MOQ then they will be dropped.
I don't think people had lavender in mind when they voted for purple, but I will have these alternate colors available anyways and peoples orders will decide.
1x size key will be included with the 1.5 modifier set, it will be yellow. I could have it available as orange a la cart also if people express an interest
What we put on the 1x size keys was a tie for stars and diamonds. Not really sure how to decide this one. One side of me wants to say diamonds have already been done lets go stars, part of me says stars are kind of "busy".
We will definitely have a la cart keys available for everything.
What we put on the windows and menu keys was also really close. Surprisingly Diamonds barely win this one, maybe people only like stars on 1x size keys. I'd like to have the set with diamonds and maybe the other two available a la cart and if they hit MOQ, and people are willing to pay extra, we'll do them.

VE.A 67g Zealios | GH60 MX Clears |

Offline 1391401

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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]
« Reply #64 on: Wed, 24 October 2012, 20:54:14 »
In my experience you just need to make a decision, and offer it up to people and see how they react.
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Offline cgbuen

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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]
« Reply #65 on: Wed, 24 October 2012, 21:05:29 »
While it would be cool to have a la carte options, I've re-thought my stance and believe it would be better if you cut down on the options and decide the last color(s) and the Pure/iso compatibility before starting the group buy. It would definitely speed up the process and would probably make things a lot easier in the long run.

Offline metalliqaz

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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]
« Reply #66 on: Wed, 24 October 2012, 21:55:05 »
I think the idea to offer colors as a la cart and then cut out the ones that don't meet MOQ is very good.

Offline jeroplane

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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]
« Reply #67 on: Thu, 25 October 2012, 09:46:51 »
Here are my thoughts and reasons:
Keep the same RGBY colors as previous kits. Maybe a month or two after this buy is over do one for alternate colors
Even though one more person said not to include pure compatibility kit I'm inclined to include it because the poker is supposedly going away, and the Pure may be replacing it. So People just may not know that the 1.75x shift will be good to have.
I want to have keys available a la cart, the numbers are there and it only makes the sets cheaper. Only bad thing is it makes packing slightly more difficult but I think the benefit is there.
The majority do not want a left iso included so I'm torn on this option, it needs more discussion.
Since slightly more don't want other options to orange I will make the alternate colors available as a la cart options, and if they don't reach MOQ then they will be dropped.
I don't think people had lavender in mind when they voted for purple, but I will have these alternate colors available anyways and peoples orders will decide.
1x size key will be included with the 1.5 modifier set, it will be yellow. I could have it available as orange a la cart also if people express an interest
What we put on the 1x size keys was a tie for stars and diamonds. Not really sure how to decide this one. One side of me wants to say diamonds have already been done lets go stars, part of me says stars are kind of "busy".
We will definitely have a la cart keys available for everything.
What we put on the windows and menu keys was also really close. Surprisingly Diamonds barely win this one, maybe people only like stars on 1x size keys. I'd like to have the set with diamonds and maybe the other two available a la cart and if they hit MOQ, and people are willing to pay extra, we'll do them.


My thoughts:

1. Definitely keep the colours the same as previous RGBYs.
2. The Pure kit should be decided at your discretion - some people will be happy or unhappy either way - my opinion is to leave it out and have it a la carte.
3. For the 1.5x set Orange a la carte is not necessary IMO - it really doesn't look good with the RGB without the Yellow.
4. For the 1.5x set include both stars and diamonds?
5. Perhaps for the 1.25x set Y Winkeys use diamonds and the 1.25 O Menu key can use a star?
6. Making keys open for a la carte order then cancelling them is a great idea - Left ISO, 1.75x Shift (if you decide not to include it), Purple, Lavender.

My signature hasn't changed since 2012. I should really update it.

Offline danielucf

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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]
« Reply #68 on: Thu, 25 October 2012, 19:46:53 »
Here is what I'm thinking for the remaining colors
Orange - OAS
Lavender - RCJ
Pink - RCS
Teal (or just lighter blue) - BBQ

If anyone with a color wheel could chime in that would be awesome. I'll probably order a color wheel soon but won't have it for awhile.
VE.A 67g Zealios | GH60 MX Clears |

Offline Marclgw

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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]
« Reply #69 on: Thu, 25 October 2012, 21:55:46 »
In for new colors, definitely, sticking with same old colors tends to make all the keyboards the same.

Its time for a new set of Modifier Keys!

Offline danielucf

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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]
« Reply #70 on: Fri, 26 October 2012, 01:35:32 »
Well the RGBY will be the same as the last one, we are adding orange for the menu key, and a la cart options for menu key replacements. I guess if you didn't mind diamonds or stars on every key you could make everything besides the green shift keys different colors.
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Offline i488

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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]
« Reply #71 on: Mon, 29 October 2012, 01:00:05 »
thats too many options

just make the iso and pure kits seperate from rgby kit?

Offline Munzter

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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]
« Reply #72 on: Wed, 31 October 2012, 15:54:03 »
Maybe noobish question... but does each separate legend color have to meet the MOQ, or just the caps themselves?  Depending on the answer to that question, I guess it will help answer whether we can choose either black/white when ordering caps without having to worry about MOQ for each...

On another note, I would prefer to have an a la carte option and have demand dictate the options available 

Offline hashbaz

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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]
« Reply #73 on: Wed, 31 October 2012, 15:59:19 »
Each color is a separate MOQ.

Offline darksakul

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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]
« Reply #74 on: Fri, 02 November 2012, 00:32:38 »
I am late to the party but RGBYO double shot kit, you have my attention.
I am interested.
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Offline i488

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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]
« Reply #75 on: Tue, 06 November 2012, 21:15:43 »
nothing for 1800s?? :-[
1xunits hater!! :(

Offline singaporean123

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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]
« Reply #76 on: Tue, 06 November 2012, 22:00:42 »
So what's the update now...

Offline cgbuen

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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]
« Reply #77 on: Wed, 07 November 2012, 02:15:25 »
Curious to know this as well.. though I know danielucf just wrapped up a big auction to help out with a wisdom teeth issue.. so maybe a little longer while he gets that taken care of and recoups? Hope all is well!

Offline danielucf

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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]
« Reply #78 on: Wed, 07 November 2012, 08:40:56 »
nothing for 1800s?? :-[
1xunits hater!! :(
What is this missing that you need?

So what's the update now...
hashbaz and I are trying to get some final plans made. We were considering doing a blue instead of red escape as something a little different, and also because we are going to sell extra red escapes left over from the cherry replica set so who would want two red escapes? Then we got thinking that maybe if we did an RGB rotation so the control keys would be blue, the shift keys red, and the alt keys green might be cool looking and different from the hundreds of RGBs out there right now. He is going to make a mock up of what it would look like and in a week or two we can hopefully get the group buy started.
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Offline singaporean123

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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]
« Reply #79 on: Wed, 07 November 2012, 08:50:06 »
nothing for 1800s?? :-[
1xunits hater!! :(
What is this missing that you need?

So what's the update now...
hashbaz and I are trying to get some final plans made. We were considering doing a blue instead of red escape as something a little different, and also because we are going to sell extra red escapes left over from the cherry replica set so who would want two red escapes? Then we got thinking that maybe if we did an RGB rotation so the control keys would be blue, the shift keys red, and the alt keys green might be cool looking and different from the hundreds of RGBs out there right now. He is going to make a mock up of what it would look like and in a week or two we can hopefully get the group buy started.
THis sounds really good!

Excited on how the new RGBY sets will look. Very creative!

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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]
« Reply #80 on: Wed, 07 November 2012, 12:06:36 »
If you're going to do something different from the previous runs like that, so it's the time to pick other colors <3

Offline danielucf

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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]
« Reply #81 on: Wed, 07 November 2012, 13:13:20 »
If you're going to do something different from the previous runs like that, so it's the time to pick other colors <3
Baby steps :p
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Offline gameaholic

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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]
« Reply #82 on: Thu, 08 November 2012, 23:51:20 »
So this pure compatibility kit, would it be compatible with the upcoming GH60 keyboard?
IBM Model M SSK, Filco MJ2 Ninja TKL with Reds ergo-clears, CM Storm QFR 55g Whites, Poker II with Reds

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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]
« Reply #83 on: Fri, 09 November 2012, 02:09:43 »
Interested in a 1.25 with ISO and 1.5 with ISO set.

What about just offering less different, but more complete sets? The overall price for everybody would be lower then. E.g. only offer sets with ISO and Pure Addons?

Offline hashbaz

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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]
« Reply #84 on: Fri, 09 November 2012, 02:20:44 »
Here are some color mock-ups to get a feel for some options.

Offline jeroplane

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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]
« Reply #85 on: Fri, 09 November 2012, 02:24:17 »
Hard to beat the nice red-orange-yellow gradient going on the right side of the standard RGBYO. IMO, the primary colours look a bit jarring when they're used for the Winkey/Menu.

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Offline cgbuen

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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]
« Reply #86 on: Fri, 09 November 2012, 02:32:38 »
Those look great! The original is great as always, and I like that last set a lot too.

It may be cool to see another option like the last one but with the red and yellow switched (to keep the RGB to Shift/Control/Alt), and a blue Esc. Just throwing that out there.

Offline gameaholic

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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]
« Reply #87 on: Fri, 09 November 2012, 05:32:37 »
I'm looking for the original with white legends since I didn't get in on it last time. 

What about an Orange Esc key?     
IBM Model M SSK, Filco MJ2 Ninja TKL with Reds ergo-clears, CM Storm QFR 55g Whites, Poker II with Reds

Offline esoomenona

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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]
« Reply #88 on: Fri, 09 November 2012, 09:37:38 »
I'd definitely be interested in seeing some different color combos for sure. All of them!

Offline rainbowshy

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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]
« Reply #89 on: Fri, 09 November 2012, 11:32:52 »
Definitely interested in the 1.25 ISO variant. I'll lurk and see if we can hit a decent MOQ though. I'm not willing to pay $60. :(
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Offline danielucf

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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]
« Reply #90 on: Sat, 10 November 2012, 00:51:06 »
I like this one the most personally:
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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]
« Reply #91 on: Sat, 10 November 2012, 03:34:18 »
Can someone make a mockup of
Cream Yellow alt
Burgundy Red shift
Pastel or Navy Blue win
Pale Green ctrl
Geekhack Orange menu/fn (legend issue with this one?)
WASD V1 - waiting on R4... - MX Brown
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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]
« Reply #92 on: Mon, 12 November 2012, 10:01:30 »

Offline danielucf

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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]
« Reply #93 on: Mon, 12 November 2012, 16:18:24 »
I like this one the most personally:
Show Image

So would people be cool with this as the group buy? It is the same colors as normal RGB just with one rotation for shift, control, alt.
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Re: Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]
« Reply #94 on: Mon, 12 November 2012, 16:29:20 »
I like this one the most personally:
Show Image

So would people be cool with this as the group buy? It is the same colors as normal RGB just with one rotation for shift, control, alt.
make the orange key a symbol so it can be used for menu or fn depending on the board.
WASD V1 - waiting on R4... - MX Brown
KBT Pure - Zinc caps - MX Brown
Cherry G80-1800 ISO WKL - SkiData caps - MX Clear

Offline gameaholic

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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]
« Reply #95 on: Mon, 12 November 2012, 16:32:02 »
What I really want is a set of the original colors with white legends.  Out of all the alternate colors I like that one best.  Put me down for both.
IBM Model M SSK, Filco MJ2 Ninja TKL with Reds ergo-clears, CM Storm QFR 55g Whites, Poker II with Reds

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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]
« Reply #96 on: Mon, 12 November 2012, 16:43:47 »
Yea the yellow and orange keys should both be diamonds I think.
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Offline i488

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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]
« Reply #97 on: Tue, 13 November 2012, 19:42:00 »
I like this one the most personally:
Show Image

me 2 :D
Im in for 1.25 1.5 set plus iso kit

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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]
« Reply #98 on: Wed, 14 November 2012, 22:04:45 »
I like this one the most personally:
Show Image

me 2 :D
Im in for 1.25 1.5 set plus iso kit

I vote this. :D

Actually I don't like green color.

Offline metalliqaz

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Re: [IC] RGBYO double shot kit [need color help]
« Reply #99 on: Wed, 14 November 2012, 23:00:48 »
Uhm, shift is green, control is red, alt is blue.  Don't question the wisdom of Cherry  :mad: