Author Topic: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2  (Read 922411 times)

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Offline dottt

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Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #200 on: Sun, 30 May 2021, 13:29:46 »
Latest update said boards will start shipping May 24th. So people should have product in hand soon and the debate will die down. He also promised weekly updates in discord so another should be coming this week.

Troll or? The last update was 5/10, nearly 3 weeks ago. He edited that update to no longer day a better update was coming. 100% disrespectful to the consumers

Offline lovidore

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Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #201 on: Sun, 30 May 2021, 13:31:10 »
That update was more than 2 weeks ago. There hasn't been an update since. He also missed the shipping deadline by 6 days (so far) with radio silence since that last update. Considering you joined the discord less than half an hour ago, I would refrain from spreading misinformation.

Latest update said boards will start shipping May 24th. So people should have product in hand soon and the debate will die down. He also promised weekly updates in discord so another should be coming this week.

On a more general note, my sentiments align with the rest of the folks here. I get that jaxx is a good guy and so on, but I grow more anxious the longer he chooses to remain silent and not update us on the status of this GB.

Offline kimchijody

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Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #202 on: Sun, 30 May 2021, 18:14:19 »
From the look of your picture itd be more likely it was my dad  ;D

Oh dear someone on the internet said mean things about me nOoOoOO mY fEeLiNgs. Good c*mback dude almost reminded me of elementary school. Cute. Talk to me when your teeth start growing in bud.

only so much u can do? y cant u just post screenshots of the se room for every1 to see? no need to wait for jaxx if he posted update there. are u saying jaxx did not post in the se channel? i hope u wont lie but u prbly just go back to being silent like jaxx

Firstly, I do not work for Jaxx. I have no access to any pictures, his warehouse, the units, manu facilities, etc. Everything I was doing in the server was just relaying information regarding updates whenever Jaxx got too busy. Because you know...that's what mods do.

Secondly, I'm in this gb just like everyone else. And to those wondering (because people asked) I paid for a unit with my own money. I'm entitled to an opinion and should be allowed to voice them. If I think the thread requires me to respond, I will. Personal attack or not.

For someone who is supposed to be a known member & streamer in the community and have an active role in this group buy, this is just completely unprofessional. It doesn't matter if alwaysbless antagonizes you with a rude comment, you're one of the representatives of this group buy and should behave appropriately. These kind of comments in this thread that already is full of tension and upset customers just worsens the situation, makes jaxx look worse, and makes you look like a child without the capacity to handle the responsibility. Take a deep breath and think before you respond to certain things.

I understand your disposition and normally, that would be the case. But my guy, I have literally been doing exactly what you just said since I've taken up the moderator role in Jaxx's server. Everyone in the group buy at this point has every right to be upset. I'm not disputing that. But if someone wants to fire some shots at me first, that's fine, just realize I don't shy away from conflict. Alwaysbless can be mad at Jaxx, the gb, whatever. Jaxx is his own person and can take care of himself. But if he want's to act up and come for (or on) my ass, sure I can take it. I just hope he can take it too ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. People always dm me about updates and what not; some are more cordial than others. I'm tired of being nice to idiots who want to troll me when I have jack **** to do with the logistics of the gb. At least Alwaysbless isn't hiding behind some alt acc like others (I think).

To be clear, this is in no way an attack directed at you Jjae. I'm just stating my personal position and why I chose to respond to him as such. A great many people reached out to show support or had genuine questions and asked in a very polite manner. But as for the rest of them, I'm tired of being nice to people I have no obligation to be nice to.

I'm very disappointed in this GB. There have been so many broken promises and an unacceptable lack of communication from jaxx. I get that delays happen. Personally I don't really mind waiting for a board that I know is going to be lovely. But seeing the discord server get locked down sucks. Checking back on the locked server every day to see if there's an update sucks (hint: there isn't.)  Being lied to sucks. Checking the geekhack page to find out he's got a separate channel of communication for people who purchased the SE board sucks.

I no longer have any confidence that my board even exists. First it was stuck on a boat. Then it was sliced and diced by a box cutter. Then it was manufactured again in house. Then it was stuck in a SCIF because he works in a SCIF and that's where the cnc is. Then jaxx is selling bongos because he's having trouble paying for electricity for machining costs (is this the same cnc machine in the SCIF? Why on earth are you paying your employer's electric bill? I'm so confused and this just feels like I'm being lied to.)

I've heard so many people speak high praise of jaxx and how he's "an honorable man" or "a very trustworthy groupbuy runner." My experience with this groupbuy has given me the opposite impression. The longer this goes on, the more I feel like I've been scammed. I don't want a refund. I don't intend to attempt a chargeback with the bank. I just want my board.

I'm sorry you and many others feel that way. I understand, I truly do. I wish there was something more I could do to assure people as well as myself. But the most I am able to do right now is let Jaxx know and wait.
All I can say is I'm sorry to those who feel frustrated, disheartened, and disappointed about everything that has transpired.

Offline kimchijody

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Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #203 on: Sun, 30 May 2021, 18:45:03 »
I think most people here are simply expressing their disappointment in how unabashedly uncommunicative jaxx is. Memes and toxicity should be ignored, but don't confuse that for legitimate concern and justifiable anger.

Agreed. People being upset is justified. But given the recent rise in toxicity from people in the hobby over litereally EVERYTHING happening in gbs rn, I can see how this thread can quickly devolve into genuine pure toxicity rather than the few trolls who want to hide behind alts. Kind of a moot point anyway (at least from my perspective) seeing as how the only one who can quell the masses at this point is Jaxx.

I generally agree that personal purchases shouldn't be confused for ignoring business needs but I can see where consumers come from in thinking that on one side of the coin he is saying "no more refunds," while simultaneously buying a brand new keyboard.

Wish everyone had the same mentality. Pointing at one purchase he made when he's been selling off a bunch of other things and claiming negligence is absurd. Updates aside, what he purchases has no relevance to the buy itself.

Sure wish Jaxx would communicate with his customers like he does with you.

Yeah me too...

I touched on reputation in a previous post. Prior to this debacle I would agree that his reputation would be considerably good and that you could trust that you'd get a keyboard in the end. Jaxx's inability to communicate when issues arise, when deadlines have passed, when again, customers, are led to believe that shipping would commence earlier this week but instead of sharing why, there's just deafening silence. Jaxx's reputation is not good right now.

Agreed. His rep is in the ****ter. Doesn't change the fact that he IS a good person. Then again, given how much **** I've gotten for just being a public figure in this buy, I don't really blame him for wanting to keep his head down...But that doesn't excuse the lack of updates or just general involvment in translating the status of the buy.

So, if you do not agree with people voicing concern and understandable (as you say) anger, how would you prefer it happen? Customers have been trying to get some kind of information out of this whole thing and while toxic behavior may have led to the lockdown of the ability to send messages in Discord, it doesn't prevent Jaxx from providing communication to his (you know it's coming) customers via that same means.

As stated before, here and in the server, I have no problem with people having discourse or expressing concerns or anger about the buy. But directing that sentiment specifically in regards to a single purchase is pedantic IMO. As mentioned before, understandable but a non-sequitur to the buy itself.

To think, all of this could be remedied (yes, even now) by a simple regular update interval.

I mean there was one but...yeah...

Offline solianne

  • Posts: 16
Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #204 on: Sun, 30 May 2021, 19:25:44 »

only so much u can do? y cant u just post screenshots of the se room for every1 to see? no need to wait for jaxx if he posted update there. are u saying jaxx did not post in the se channel? i hope u wont lie but u prbly just go back to being silent like jaxx
Firstly, I do not work for Jaxx. I have no access to any pictures, his warehouse, the units, manu facilities, etc. Everything I was doing in the server was just relaying information regarding updates whenever Jaxx got too busy. Because you know...that's what mods do.

Secondly, I'm in this gb just like everyone else. And to those wondering (because people asked) I paid for a unit with my own money. I'm entitled to an opinion and should be allowed to voice them. If I think the thread requires me to respond, I will. Personal attack or not.
Sure wish Jaxx would communicate with his customers like he does with you.

Yeah me too...

i dint say u work 4 him bro. i say bc u mod u can post screenshot of the se channel where jaxx has post updates and option for se buyers. pls show where i say u can get photo of things. i say alu tops not exist bc he answer other q's in there channel but not the 1 abt the alu tops so i say they dont exist. y he update se buyers and not every1? u think that is good? y u not speak up abt that? no1 care how u got a board. ppl want answers. u keep sayin u wish u could do sumthing show the updates jaxx give se buyers so every1 knows wat is happening like they know. u can do that ya? i tell u how, press prntscreen button and then ctrl+v paste to thread. u welcum

Offline Sicowa

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Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #205 on: Sun, 30 May 2021, 19:43:19 »

only so much u can do? y cant u just post screenshots of the se room for every1 to see? no need to wait for jaxx if he posted update there. are u saying jaxx did not post in the se channel? i hope u wont lie but u prbly just go back to being silent like jaxx
Firstly, I do not work for Jaxx. I have no access to any pictures, his warehouse, the units, manu facilities, etc. Everything I was doing in the server was just relaying information regarding updates whenever Jaxx got too busy. Because you know...that's what mods do.

Secondly, I'm in this gb just like everyone else. And to those wondering (because people asked) I paid for a unit with my own money. I'm entitled to an opinion and should be allowed to voice them. If I think the thread requires me to respond, I will. Personal attack or not.
Sure wish Jaxx would communicate with his customers like he does with you.

Yeah me too...

i dint say u work 4 him bro. i say bc u mod u can post screenshot of the se channel where jaxx has post updates and option for se buyers. pls show where i say u can get photo of things. i say alu tops not exist bc he answer other q's in there channel but not the 1 abt the alu tops so i say they dont exist. y he update se buyers and not every1? u think that is good? y u not speak up abt that? no1 care how u got a board. ppl want answers. u keep sayin u wish u could do sumthing show the updates jaxx give se buyers so every1 knows wat is happening like they know. u can do that ya? i tell u how, press prntscreen button and then ctrl+v paste to thread. u welcum
considering that your account was made only a month ago you either don't have the balls to ask this stuff on your main account or you aren't in this buy and are here just to troll.
As someone how does have money in this buy.

I don't care about screenshots.
I don't care about apologies.
I just want my board.

And I really don't care for trolls who don't have any part in this buy, I'm personally getting more anxious about this buy as each day passes. And honestly, if Jaxx is reading this forum I would greatly appreciate a post in the discord just saying that he is still working on the boards or something to indicate that he hasn't ghosted the buy. I understand that jaxx is a good guy but this level of communication really isn't acceptable.

I understand that people are expressing their anger/discomfort for this buy via this thread but the people trolling need to stop. Otherwise this thread might as well end up like the discord...

Say what you want about kimchi but he has also paid his own money for this board.
I'm sure that anyone who is in the buy and kimchi himself is sick and tired of low quality ****posts like these.
Collection: Khajit 60, Leopold FC980C, Pepper, Ex. Visa, Daedalus


Offline dottt

  • Posts: 29
Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #206 on: Mon, 31 May 2021, 08:03:14 »
Jaxx replied to one of my dm’s. We should expect an update tomorrow.

Offline byakuya

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Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #207 on: Mon, 31 May 2021, 09:15:05 »
Is this the update where he comes clean about the PCBs not actually fitting in the case? Or do we still have to keep waiting for him to finally announce that?

Offline Arithmetics

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Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #208 on: Mon, 31 May 2021, 21:53:08 »
Lol RIP. We’ll try this again in a few months maybe.

Offline bigapplepietart

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Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #209 on: Mon, 31 May 2021, 21:54:10 »
From Discord
Heavy Grail (Purple DES V1) | hiney tkl one PC (Orange SKCM Alps) | Lunar II (Green SKCL Alps) | Sho S60 V2 (Purple DES V1) | HHKB Hybrid Type-S (45g Stock Domes)

Razer Blackwidow (MX Blues) | FC660M (MX Blues) | GH60 (Ergo Clears) | 8x mkI (Vintage Blacks) | Klippe (Sakurios) | Equinox (Sakurios) | MGA (Silent Alpacas) | Kei (Creamsicles) | KFE CE (Alpacas) | Rukia R1 (Durock L7) | H60 (Silent Blacks) | E80-1800 (MX Blacks) | Ottantaquattro (Vintage Blacks) | hbcp (Vintage Blacks) | HHKB Pro 2 (45g Aged Domes) | ADK64 (Blue SKCM Alps) | Palmetto (Ultraglides)

Offline thanatic

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Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #210 on: Mon, 31 May 2021, 22:03:27 »
From Discord

I don't quite understand how many offered to ship keyboard kits without PCB since I am unaware there were specific PCB issues to consider doing that in the first place. What I mean is how was this communicated? I didn't get an email and it sure wasn't on discord since it was locked up.

Offline Hrage

  • Posts: 5
Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #211 on: Mon, 31 May 2021, 22:10:54 »
There was an update sent to people who bought the SE edition 4 days ago before the update we just got.
« Last Edit: Mon, 31 May 2021, 22:12:27 by Hrage »


  • Posts: 183
Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #212 on: Mon, 31 May 2021, 22:15:07 »
" Many have offered to have their kits ship without PCB, but this is not economically feasible to offer to everyone. There are also issues with fitment on many of the now-available PCBs, and that affects a polycarb case that's designed to snap together A LOT (screws/threads, warping, etc.)"

so he is basically saying that the rukia cases as they are won't fit wonderland or other pcb also. so the case itself is  f***ed? why is this only being disclose now if something like this would be known  when he supposedly got the cases in months ago? the last part is even stranger. what does screws and threads have to do with the pcb fitting into the case. sounds more like the cases are severealy in trouble.  these are all things that would have been known when he got shipments for the cases in the first place, it is looking more and more each update like  the cases never existed. show a photo of all the cases together and i am sure it will regain some trust. he showed photos of like 5 rukias and those could have been done by himself or even worse extras from r1. would not be surprised if the kits that shipped this week without pcbs were just some leftover from the first round explaining why they are all so scratched up too. it is a whole lot of speculation but that is all GB participants can really do with this mess

if i am misunderstanding and the cases as they are will work with aftermarket pcbs then really it should be an option to have case shipped without pcb just to prove that there is something tangible in this gb.
« Last Edit: Mon, 31 May 2021, 22:28:13 by SDKCAMPING »
Blue Gray Ciel 60 with BCPs | E-white 7V (plateless) with Aqua Kings

Offline KneeDeep

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Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #213 on: Mon, 31 May 2021, 22:28:59 »
Were prototype pcbs not ordered and test fit month ago, or even after in house manufacturing started? With the mention of having to remove about 1mm from the bottom of the case, how many are done and ready for this process before being QCed again? Jaxx, please level with us, your customers, and let us know what’s going on. We’re all adults and can relate to projects getting out of hand, but please it seems like you don’t respect us enough to give us the truth.

I also have to add, how do other Alice style pcbs not fit when people have used others in the previous round rukias and also how it says that in the GB description?
« Last Edit: Mon, 31 May 2021, 22:41:37 by KneeDeep »

Offline kontradictions

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Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #214 on: Mon, 31 May 2021, 22:34:51 »
Were prototype pcbs not ordered and test fit month ago, or even after in house manufacturing started? With the mention of having to remove about 1mm from the bottom of the case, how many are done and ready for this process before being QCed again? Jaxx, please level with us, your customers, and let us know what’s going on. We’re all adults and can relate to projects getting out of hand, but please it seems like you don’t respect us enough to give us the truth.

I guess he couldn't get security clearance for those protos.  :D

Offline Gondolindrim

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Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #215 on: Tue, 01 June 2021, 02:38:35 »
Hey @kimchijody, could you please contact me on Discord regarding Rukia? Been searching for you. I'm Gondolindrim#9738
A pessimist will tell you the cup is half empty. An optimist will tell you the cup is half full. An engineer will tell you it's exactly twice the size it needs to be.

Offline solianne

  • Posts: 16
Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #216 on: Tue, 01 June 2021, 04:54:34 »

only so much u can do? y cant u just post screenshots of the se room for every1 to see? no need to wait for jaxx if he posted update there. are u saying jaxx did not post in the se channel? i hope u wont lie but u prbly just go back to being silent like jaxx
Firstly, I do not work for Jaxx. I have no access to any pictures, his warehouse, the units, manu facilities, etc. Everything I was doing in the server was just relaying information regarding updates whenever Jaxx got too busy. Because you know...that's what mods do.

Secondly, I'm in this gb just like everyone else. And to those wondering (because people asked) I paid for a unit with my own money. I'm entitled to an opinion and should be allowed to voice them. If I think the thread requires me to respond, I will. Personal attack or not.
Sure wish Jaxx would communicate with his customers like he does with you.

Yeah me too...

i dint say u work 4 him bro. i say bc u mod u can post screenshot of the se channel where jaxx has post updates and option for se buyers. pls show where i say u can get photo of things. i say alu tops not exist bc he answer other q's in there channel but not the 1 abt the alu tops so i say they dont exist. y he update se buyers and not every1? u think that is good? y u not speak up abt that? no1 care how u got a board. ppl want answers. u keep sayin u wish u could do sumthing show the updates jaxx give se buyers so every1 knows wat is happening like they know. u can do that ya? i tell u how, press prntscreen button and then ctrl+v paste to thread. u welcum
considering that your account was made only a month ago you either don't have the balls to ask this stuff on your main account or you aren't in this buy and are here just to troll.
As someone how does have money in this buy.

I don't care about screenshots.
I don't care about apologies.
I just want my board.

And I really don't care for trolls who don't have any part in this buy, I'm personally getting more anxious about this buy as each day passes. And honestly, if Jaxx is reading this forum I would greatly appreciate a post in the discord just saying that he is still working on the boards or something to indicate that he hasn't ghosted the buy. I understand that jaxx is a good guy but this level of communication really isn't acceptable.

I understand that people are expressing their anger/discomfort for this buy via this thread but the people trolling need to stop. Otherwise this thread might as well end up like the discord...

Say what you want about kimchi but he has also paid his own money for this board.
I'm sure that anyone who is in the buy and kimchi himself is sick and tired of low quality ****posts like these.

There was an update sent to people who bought the SE edition 4 days ago before the update we just got.

bro Sicowa am i still troll when i say there was se update and no1 know? i was trying to help all buyers get info but thank Hrage 4 posting. i not liar or troll. jus helping citizen. y it matter how old profile is? mayb u trust not every1 is ****post like u think n i help give u push to get money back insted of wait 4 board that never show up

Offline Ghghop

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Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #217 on: Tue, 01 June 2021, 08:55:31 »
n i help give u push to get money back insted of wait 4 board that never show up
If your only incentive for posting in the thread is to get people to bail on the GB then don't even post. Despite the frustration everyone has they are making their own choices on how they wanna handle it. What you're trying to do is f***ed.

           JJ50                   Preonic

Offline jtangjt

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Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #218 on: Tue, 01 June 2021, 09:47:16 »
So you're telling me that six months after the GB was slated to be fulfilled, we find out just NOW the PCBs don't fit into the case? Would they have fit into the cases that were stuck on the boat? how much has the design changed since December? was there any prototype testing? I'm angry and confused and still not convinced that I'm not being lied to.

Offline NOLA

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Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #219 on: Tue, 01 June 2021, 10:19:54 »
Hey @kimchijody, could you please contact me on Discord regarding Rukia? Been searching for you. I'm Gondolindrim#9738

If I recall correctly, didn't you design the Rukia PCB?

Offline Gondolindrim

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Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #220 on: Tue, 01 June 2021, 10:52:02 »
Hey @kimchijody, could you please contact me on Discord regarding Rukia? Been searching for you. I'm Gondolindrim#9738

If I recall correctly, didn't you design the Rukia PCB?

Indeed. I delivered the files in september and have not heard from him since; no prototype talks, no issues, nothing. I just assumed it was going smoothly. This week I've been receiving tens of messages a day about this PCB (some borderline moronic like "You are silent because you are covering Jaxx up" or "You should tell Jaxx you are doubling your commission charges") when I am not even getting a Rukia and I was not paid a dime of any commissions yet as no units were produced (besides prototypes). Yesterday someone pointed me towards this thread and Jaxx's updates, none of which I was aware of, and it left me infuriated that I was not contacted, warned, consulted, asked or even hinted at regarding the PCB prototypes having issues. It's my logo on there, it is my name, I take pride in stuff I do and being sidelined like this is blood boiling.

I am already in touch with Jaxx about the PCB. He tells me that it has been hard sourcing some parts for the PCB due to the part shortage, and I can't blame him there. This IC shortage is affecting everyone. What I was absolutely not aware of was fitment issues or components being too tall to fit the case; during the PCB development I worked profusely with Jaxx, supplying him 3D model files of the PCB during all stages of the design and altering the PCB to purpose and according to his recommendations, to make sure everything ranging from PCB outlines to connector fit and, ever since september, he has not contacted me about prototypes... which is rather weird because I have not even supplied him a firmware yet. So if he has prototypes they were not tested correctly.

I offered to revise the PCB design and coordinate with the factory and suppliers to swap out any problematic components in order to make the PCB cheaper and easier to manufacture, not by reducing quality but by carefully choosing components that are available at reasonable pricing right now. For every component used there are several alternatives that can replace it with minor to no modifications in the design. Fitment issues will also be discussed.

As for the case manufacturing, or the delivering, I can't say much as I am not involved in that. I am also unable to judge Jaxx on his communication or the way he's been conducting his GB because not only it is not in my realm of responsibility but also not my prerrogative. All I can take responsibility on is the PCB.

« Last Edit: Tue, 01 June 2021, 11:40:43 by Gondolindrim »
A pessimist will tell you the cup is half empty. An optimist will tell you the cup is half full. An engineer will tell you it's exactly twice the size it needs to be.

Offline solianne

  • Posts: 16
Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #221 on: Tue, 01 June 2021, 11:03:06 »
n i help give u push to get money back insted of wait 4 board that never show up
If your only incentive for posting in the thread is to get people to bail on the GB then don't even post. Despite the frustration everyone has they are making their own choices on how they wanna handle it. What you're trying to do is f***ed.

bro when business try 2 steal ur money u shoudl know u have rights 2 get it back. this being run by llc company who scam ppl it look like n i try to expose. u dont agree that fine but this seem like huge scam n ppl should know. if u not think scam then u tell what u think  it is.

Offline Diamagisk

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Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #222 on: Tue, 01 June 2021, 11:08:22 »
Preface this by saying I am a buyer, not a troll. Someone who actually has a stake in this buy.

Seeing what Jaxx has recently said and what Gondo has revealed to us, I don't think it's feasible to say that at any point along the line that Jaxx has said things were going to be shipped or were ready to go ect ect, that they actually were. For a core component like the PCB to be untested with simply fitment, never mind asking for the firmware which he has not done... I don't understand what's going on at this point.

Can Jaxx just be straight with us about what's happening as it seems like indirect answers that never really address the main issue at hand.

No sleight here, I just wish to actually be in the loop. At least to be seen in equal value to the SE buyers since for some reason they were getting information straight from Jaxx earlier than the rest of us. We ALL put our money in here, the preferential treatment on updates considering the state of the GB really shouldn't be going on.


Offline byakuya

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Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #223 on: Tue, 01 June 2021, 11:13:51 »
Hey @kimchijody, could you please contact me on Discord regarding Rukia? Been searching for you. I'm Gondolindrim#9738

If I recall correctly, didn't you design the Rukia PCB?

Indeed. I delivered the files in september and have not heard from him since; no prototype talks, no issues, nothing. I just assumed it was going smoothly. This week I've been receiving tens of messages a day about this PCB (some borderline moronic like "You are silent because you are covering Jaxx up" or "You should tell Jaxx you are doubling your commission charges") when I am not even getting a Rukia and I was not paid a dime of any commissions yet as no units were produced (besides prototypes). Yesterday someone pointed me towards this thread and Jaxx's updates, none of which I was aware of, and it left me infuriated that I was not contacted, warned, consulted, asked or even hinted at regarding the PCB prototypes having issues. It's my logo on there, it is my name, I take pride in stuff I do and being sidelined like this is blood boiling.

I am already in touch with Jaxx about the PCB. He tells me that it has been hard sourcing some parts for the PCB due to the part shortage, and I can't blame him there. This IC shortage is affecting everyone. What I was absolutely not aware of was fitment issues or components being too tall to fit the case; during the PCB development I worked profusely with Jaxx, supplying him 3D model files of the PCB during all stages of the design and altering the PCB to purpose and according to his recommendations, to make sure everything ranging from PCB outlines to connector fit and, ever since september, he has not contacted me about prototypes... which is rather weird because I have not even supplied him a firmware yet. So if he has prototypes they were not tested correctly.

I offered to revise the PCB design and coordinate with the factory and suppliers to swap out any problematic components in order to make the PCB cheaper and easier to manufacture, not by reducing quality but by carefully choosing components that are available at reasonable pricing right now. For every component used there are several alternatives that can replace it with minor to no modifications in the design. Fitment issues will also be discussed.

As for the case manufacturing, or the delivering, I can't say much as I am not involved in that. I am also unable to judge Jaxx on his communication or the way he's been conducting his GB because not only it is not in my realm of responsibility but also not my prerrogative. All I can take responsibility on is the PCB.

Thank you for this information Gondo, it is greatly appreciated. I believe it is clear at this point that Jaxx has not been truthful with us, and boards have never been ready to ship at any point, considering PCBs weren't ordered, and FW hasn't even been requested or delivered.

Offline KneeDeep

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Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #224 on: Tue, 01 June 2021, 11:31:51 »
I would also like to express my disappointment that he was raffling off refund spots knowing full well he did not order PCBs.

Offline Gondolindrim

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Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #225 on: Tue, 01 June 2021, 11:43:12 »
Hey @kimchijody, could you please contact me on Discord regarding Rukia? Been searching for you. I'm Gondolindrim#9738

If I recall correctly, didn't you design the Rukia PCB?

Indeed. I delivered the files in september and have not heard from him since; no prototype talks, no issues, nothing. I just assumed it was going smoothly. This week I've been receiving tens of messages a day about this PCB (some borderline moronic like "You are silent because you are covering Jaxx up" or "You should tell Jaxx you are doubling your commission charges") when I am not even getting a Rukia and I was not paid a dime of any commissions yet as no units were produced (besides prototypes). Yesterday someone pointed me towards this thread and Jaxx's updates, none of which I was aware of, and it left me infuriated that I was not contacted, warned, consulted, asked or even hinted at regarding the PCB prototypes having issues. It's my logo on there, it is my name, I take pride in stuff I do and being sidelined like this is blood boiling.

I am already in touch with Jaxx about the PCB. He tells me that it has been hard sourcing some parts for the PCB due to the part shortage, and I can't blame him there. This IC shortage is affecting everyone. What I was absolutely not aware of was fitment issues or components being too tall to fit the case; during the PCB development I worked profusely with Jaxx, supplying him 3D model files of the PCB during all stages of the design and altering the PCB to purpose and according to his recommendations, to make sure everything ranging from PCB outlines to connector fit and, ever since september, he has not contacted me about prototypes... which is rather weird because I have not even supplied him a firmware yet. So if he has prototypes they were not tested correctly.

I offered to revise the PCB design and coordinate with the factory and suppliers to swap out any problematic components in order to make the PCB cheaper and easier to manufacture, not by reducing quality but by carefully choosing components that are available at reasonable pricing right now. For every component used there are several alternatives that can replace it with minor to no modifications in the design. Fitment issues will also be discussed.

As for the case manufacturing, or the delivering, I can't say much as I am not involved in that. I am also unable to judge Jaxx on his communication or the way he's been conducting his GB because not only it is not in my realm of responsibility but also not my prerrogative. All I can take responsibility on is the PCB.

Thank you for this information Gondo, it is greatly appreciated. I believe it is clear at this point that Jaxx has not been truthful with us, and boards have never been ready to ship at any point, considering PCBs weren't ordered, and FW hasn't even been requested or delivered.

The only reason I am manifesting myself is because

(1) Discord server seems to be locked so I cant do that there
(2) People should know the status of the project and
(3) Albeit generally keeping my mouth shut, I will manifest if people start getting the idea I am collaborating with the situation or a part of the problem.

In no way I am judging Jaxx or his conduction of the GB. The only personal issue I find with this is that a friend of mine, UndecidedShark, sold most of his keyboards and even got indebted to be able to pay his spot on the RE and I was the one to encourage him, so it does feel bitter.

As for firmware: the way my commissions work is, I withhold firmware until the client has prototypes on hand. This is for two reasons:

(1) Control the design process and register what steps were taken and done through timestamps in PCB and firmware commits;
(2) To ensure the client has ordered prototypes, as I have had people ship PCBs with no proper testing and you can guess what happened.

I want to be crystal clear here: all I want is to be a positive force and help this group buy happen. If the PCB is the bottleneck Ill do my best to make it happen. I just wish I was, you know... Informed.

I also want to get paid, so the earliest those units are delivered the sooner I am getting my freedom paper.
« Last Edit: Tue, 01 June 2021, 12:03:31 by Gondolindrim »
A pessimist will tell you the cup is half empty. An optimist will tell you the cup is half full. An engineer will tell you it's exactly twice the size it needs to be.

Offline Gondolindrim

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Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #226 on: Tue, 01 June 2021, 13:29:25 »
Ok people, good news.

The fitment issue is not a PCB issue, so it is clear. We are just left with quoting prototypes and large-scale quantities in several fabs, and possibly  tuning the design to use components that are better available.

I have done what I could. Jaxx knows I am all his to make this happen and I will do everything in my power to see people have their keyboards.

Now guys, please stop DMing me. Unless its nudes, in which case by all means. Just know I'll send some back.
« Last Edit: Tue, 01 June 2021, 13:37:58 by Gondolindrim »
A pessimist will tell you the cup is half empty. An optimist will tell you the cup is half full. An engineer will tell you it's exactly twice the size it needs to be.

Offline thanatic

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Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #227 on: Tue, 01 June 2021, 13:55:10 »
Ok people, good news.

The fitment issue is not a PCB issue, so it is clear. We are just left with quoting prototypes and large-scale quantities in several fabs, and possibly  tuning the design to use components that are better available.

I have done what I could. Jaxx knows I am all his to make this happen and I will do everything in my power to see people have their keyboards.

Now guys, please stop DMing me. Unless its nudes, in which case by all means. Just know I'll send some back.

Ok. Thank you Gondo for trying. So when you say it is not a PCB issue that means the earlier statement from Jaxx to LE group stating PCB components have clearance issue will or should no longer be an issues from tuning/selecting the correct or alternative components to avoid clearance issues?

Is it safe to say at this time PCB were not ordered so large quantities of the PCB don't exist and need to still be ordered?

In summary, the remaining issues are in a nutshell.

1. refinish or remanufacture rukia cases & weights depending on the damage
2. order and wait ro PCB?

If only he had reached out and been transparent I'm sure there would have been quite a few individuals that could of offered help and advised as you have. Thank you again.

Offline KneeDeep

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Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #228 on: Tue, 01 June 2021, 13:59:49 »
So this group buy has made no forward progress since September of 2020 is what this all reads like.

Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #229 on: Tue, 01 June 2021, 14:01:21 »
Can we join this GB since it hasnt started yet?


  • Posts: 183
Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #230 on: Tue, 01 June 2021, 14:08:38 »
not surprised it was an issue with the case size- not warping, not threads, etc. it was fairly suspect that something was wrong with the cases when he did not want to ship boards without pcbs instead to try to pass it off as an issue with the components of pcbs instead (becos of course we could use aftermarket pcb instead if he just gave us the case... problem was those wouldnt work either)
Blue Gray Ciel 60 with BCPs | E-white 7V (plateless) with Aqua Kings

Offline shieldmending

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Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #231 on: Tue, 01 June 2021, 14:32:09 »
Long time lurker here: I have some friends who joined the GB and I'm hoping they receive their boards soon. Why does Jaxx post updates in a Discord server that has been shut down? I feel like it should be posted on Geekhack as well because not everyone is on the Discord server. My friends aren't active on Discord and check Geekhack.

Also, given the status of the cases AND the PCBs, are there plans to re-open the GB for all the charged-back spots that are happening due to the delays (assuming the board cases are done)? It wouldn't make sense for Jaxx to sit on a ton of Rukia cases.

For the people who only requested the case, what happens if the aftermarket PCBs don't work? Are you just going to sit on an empty Rukia case for months until Gondo's PCBs are complete?

Offline Gondolindrim

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Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #232 on: Tue, 01 June 2021, 16:05:33 »
Ok people, good news.

The fitment issue is not a PCB issue, so it is clear. We are just left with quoting prototypes and large-scale quantities in several fabs, and possibly  tuning the design to use components that are better available.

I have done what I could. Jaxx knows I am all his to make this happen and I will do everything in my power to see people have their keyboards.

Now guys, please stop DMing me. Unless its nudes, in which case by all means. Just know I'll send some back.

Ok. Thank you Gondo for trying. So when you say it is not a PCB issue that means the earlier statement from Jaxx to LE group stating PCB components have clearance issue will or should no longer be an issues from tuning/selecting the correct or alternative components to avoid clearance issues?

Is it safe to say at this time PCB were not ordered so large quantities of the PCB don't exist and need to still be ordered?

In summary, the remaining issues are in a nutshell.

1. refinish or remanufacture rukia cases & weights depending on the damage
2. order and wait ro PCB?

If only he had reached out and been transparent I'm sure there would have been quite a few individuals that could of offered help and advised as you have. Thank you again.

Long time lurker here: I have some friends who joined the GB and I'm hoping they receive their boards soon. Why does Jaxx post updates in a Discord server that has been shut down? I feel like it should be posted on Geekhack as well because not everyone is on the Discord server. My friends aren't active on Discord and check Geekhack.

Also, given the status of the cases AND the PCBs, are there plans to re-open the GB for all the charged-back spots that are happening due to the delays (assuming the board cases are done)? It wouldn't make sense for Jaxx to sit on a ton of Rukia cases.

For the people who only requested the case, what happens if the aftermarket PCBs don't work? Are you just going to sit on an empty Rukia case for months until Gondo's PCBs are complete?

not surprised it was an issue with the case size- not warping, not threads, etc. it was fairly suspect that something was wrong with the cases when he did not want to ship boards without pcbs instead to try to pass it off as an issue with the components of pcbs instead (becos of course we could use aftermarket pcb instead if he just gave us the case... problem was those wouldnt work either)

I know that my messages seem like I just want to cover my ass and leave Jaxx with his problems. But my realm of responsibility is the PCB I was commissioned to design, which fits the purpose of the case and fulfills specifications made by Jaxx. I can state right now that albeit PCBs were not completely flashed and confirmedly working, they have passed a very strict commission, schematic, layout, pinout and manufacturability design check which I run through all my PCBs and has worked for years now but for a few instances. Jaxx has also confirmed he has ordered prototypes and the PCBs do fit tried ordering prototypes and was not able. According to the 3D files supplied the PCB fits perfectly; manufacturing them en masse is problematic right now due to the chip shortage. I am currently back to the draft sheet, talking to factory and distributors, to coordinate what the best re-design solutions are to get this train back on its track.

As far as case design or manufacture, refunds, GB communication and distribution go, I was never involved in that, nor was I ever a part of Mint Autumn. I was hired on a design-by-case basis as a freelance professional, as I do all my commissions in this community. So I can't state anything or take decisions, hence I am not responsible for those.

In layman terms: PCB fits, it works, we just need to figure out minor changes component-wise so it is cheaper/faster to manufacture and uses components currently available. Case-wise, GB-wise, I'll leave it up to Jaxx.

There is another problem here. As a part of the design of the keyboard, I obviously have access to privileged information which was given to me under a tacit, yet well understood, agreement of confidence. Breaking that confidence leaves me in a very awkward position not only with Jaxx but also with future projects as potential clients might deem me not trustworthy anymore, effectively diminishing my value as a designer. So I will not step out of that circle of trust. I do not think Jaxx is ill-intended here, he is just having issues which causes were outside of his control; wether he dealt with them in the best way possible is up to the stakeholders, that is, people that spent significant amounts of money on this endeavour and are now (understandably) frustrated. I am a stakeholder too not because I am owed a keyboard but because I was not paid yet and, well, I need to eat, pay my rent and occasionally I need coffee. Most importantly however is I want people to have their PCBs with my logo on it and think it was a well-designed PCB.

Finally, disclosing that information here will simply not do any good. It is as simple as that. It will only stirr the pot and everyone's already agitated, me included, so I'll refrain from whatever judgement. We will unfortunately need to wait until Jaxx communicates.

So all I am saying is: as far as my PCB designer responsibility goes, my part of the design is flawless and I am going out of my way here. I am not making these public statements to criticize Jaxx, as in saying the GB has not evolved since september, or making the judgement call on his behavior. All I am saying is: the PCB I was commissioned to design works, it is going through a normal -- albeit delayed -- development cycle and I am doing my best to make it a reality. All the rest is up to Jaxx.
« Last Edit: Tue, 01 June 2021, 16:25:34 by Gondolindrim »
A pessimist will tell you the cup is half empty. An optimist will tell you the cup is half full. An engineer will tell you it's exactly twice the size it needs to be.

Offline SwitchKeys

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Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #233 on: Tue, 01 June 2021, 22:28:03 »
Just a further caveat for anyone who requests to ship their board without all the required components: We've seen instances where this is abused (See KKINGKKONG) for purposes of later chargebacks, particularly if the order is marked as 'fulfilled' etc with tracking. It's a lot harder to convice your bank weeks or months after something was delivered that it wasn't.

I would hazard anyone taking this route to ensure the package is shipped entirely seperately as a seperate order with seperate tracking.

Offline byakuya

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Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #234 on: Wed, 02 June 2021, 10:43:46 »
"more info tomorrow"

- Jaxxstatic, 5/31/2021

Offline shieldmending

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Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #235 on: Wed, 02 June 2021, 16:02:33 »
"more info tomorrow"

- Jaxxstatic, 5/31/2021

Was there an update posted somewhere else yesterday?

Offline Arithmetics

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Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #236 on: Wed, 02 June 2021, 18:28:21 »

Offline jtangjt

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Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #237 on: Sun, 06 June 2021, 01:31:06 »
"more info tomorrow"

- Jaxxstatic, 5/31/2021

This is actually absurd.

Offline lovidore

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Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #238 on: Sun, 06 June 2021, 03:28:03 »
Yeah at this point I'm not even surprised.

Offline alwaysbless

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Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #239 on: Sun, 06 June 2021, 09:34:50 »
Cmon guys be patient. Jaxx isnt stupid, its HIGHLY improbable he would run of with peoples money because you know, his reputation in the community and all.

Offline byakuya

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Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #240 on: Sun, 06 June 2021, 11:51:49 »
Yeah guys. We should just be patient. I mean he keeps updating the SE buyers in private, and "its going well. better than he even expected". so why would we ever worry??? /s

Offline solianne

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Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #241 on: Sun, 06 June 2021, 13:21:45 »
ne1 else excited 4 new pics jaxx say he working on?

Offline fishbiscuit13

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Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #242 on: Sun, 06 June 2021, 15:36:29 »
ne1 else excited 4 solianne 2 lern how 2 write

Offline thicthock

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Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #243 on: Mon, 07 June 2021, 04:07:02 »
You guys should vent your anger at Jaxx instead of fighting each other.

Despite that, I find it very annoying that a user is only here to mock the people that have been put into this situation by a
trusted geekhack member. In that regard @solianne go troll somewhere else.

Just ignore that user to be honest. this thread is bad enough without the additional mud slinging.

Offline Full

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Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #244 on: Mon, 07 June 2021, 05:03:54 »
There sure is a lot of Acrimony in this thread.
« Last Edit: Mon, 07 June 2021, 05:09:11 by Full »

Offline shieldmending

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Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #245 on: Mon, 07 June 2021, 14:02:45 »
You guys should vent your anger at Jaxx instead of fighting each other.

Very well said. At this point of the GB and with all the delays, I feel like more communication from Jaxx is needed and the customers need to push him to give the updates but he has been silent here and the Discord has been locked down. The silence and pattern of missing deadlines to write a simple update here or on Discord is concerning. Yes, he is a trusted community member and I’m sure that some of you are friends with him. However, as a business who has customer money in his hands, he has failed to provide good reasons to be trustworthy at the same level of trust he has as a community member.

Offline smoian

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Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #246 on: Mon, 07 June 2021, 14:51:10 »
As someone who has been in a number of group buys with delays, unresponsive runners, etc., the response here feels rather overblown.

Yes, there have been a several runners who have taken people's money and ran. That doesn't mean every group buy with setbacks is a scam. I can't speak too much on this particular group buy as my only information is coming from this thread and Discord, but as long the runner is making some effort (which jaxx appears to be doing), I'm fine leaving it at that and forgetting the whole mess until my board ships.

The only thing that actually annoys me here is that people who are not in this buy are spreading negative opinions and uncertainty. If you are in the buy, then by all means continue adding to the discussion. If you are not, reconsider why you are posting here in the first place.

Offline solianne

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Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #247 on: Mon, 07 June 2021, 15:11:08 »
i post to let ppl in on se chat jaxx post in but not to general gb or gh thread like he say he will. if i not in gb how i see se chat when no1 else see it? u may think i am troll but i just here to spread se chat info so every1 in gb can be updated.

Offline NOLA

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Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #248 on: Mon, 07 June 2021, 15:16:08 »
I just spoke with Jaxx briefly. Case tolerance adjustments are moving forward and progressing well. PCB parts sourcing/manufacturing has been resolved and is moving forward with Gondo's assistance. That's a summation of the conversation.

Offline shieldmending

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Re: [GB] Rukia - polycarb - round 2
« Reply #249 on: Mon, 07 June 2021, 15:20:55 »
I just spoke with Jaxx briefly. Case tolerance adjustments are moving forward and progressing well. PCB parts sourcing/manufacturing has been resolved and is moving forward with Gondo's assistance. That's a summation of the conversation.

Awesome, thanks for the update. Is this something Jaxx will post personally here and the Discord server so the other GB participants can know that things are moving along? I have friends who only check the Discord updates so it would be nice to get an official word about it from Jaxx.