maybe there is a reason no ? subcat clearly said that they were a special variant and yet, you keep going at it saying how easy they are to find, of course someone else will jump in to say you're wrong.
sometimes, you just have to read, something so in-plain-sight would be obvious to a 8 year-old ... come on dude
Maybe take your own advice and read what I said. Easy to obtain and easy to find are two completely different phrases with different meanings. Maybe I could have been clearer but whatever. I'm not on a keyboard forum to argue with keyboard warriors.
right, because when you obtain one you haven't found one ... they're not easy to obtain nor easy to find. The fact that you said they're easy to obtain means that they're even easier to find, which isn't true for this model as it's very rare.
I'm not a keyboard warrior but you had to open your mouth to tell false facts and when you're proved wrong you're on the defensive like "wow buddy are you trying to make me look dumb ?? what are you ?? a meanie ?".
P.S. What I do find funny is how you backtracked to a vague position that could mean anything to still try to have some credibility.
they are 17730¥ which is around $150. Shipping via a proxy would probably run you around $40.
note the "THEY ARE" as in they're available at any time, but then suddenly ...
They pop up on Yahoo Auctions from time to time.
damn did they run out of stock and were put on the market from time to time quickly
