On/Off topic. I can definitely do some figures and have some interesting ideas in the work. Current cap owners. What parts about my caps other than the concept (squid/sloth/etc) do you NOT like? Are the finishes of the keys no good? Did you find one of my nose hairs? Do they smell bad?
Just trying to make stuff better for you all
I am going to be extremely nitpicky here. I actually find the cap to be of great quality, but I think you want someone with a critical eye to point out annoying details so you can improve your craft. Also, please note that my cap crafting skills are considerably more crummy, as evidenced by the defect analysis I have done of my own work. That aside: Detail-douche mode ENGAGE!
I own a Lurch collab Grape Drink Keythulhu. All photos are taken with my phone camera and a 7x loupe.
In this first pic, I have highlighted some simple tool marks. These are of low importance and are not visible to the naked eye. As an even more minor thing that irks me, Cthulhu has 3 pupils in each socket. If you are going to make a character on common lore, little things might create nerd rage. For this particular example, I would recommend looking at other works which are Lovecraft derivative. When I was making my Cthulhu mask/costume, I used the
Propnomicon blog heavily for inspiration and detail checking. Of course, the single squinted eyes may be a style choice. But like I said, I'm trying to nitpick everything here. Moving on...
In this picture, admittedly not as clear, I have used the red on top of some bad spots. It looks like you used subtractive carving to make the tentacles, and there are leftover remains of your polymer clay on the original. In the future, you might want to take a bit more care removing these. The center tentacle is the biggest offender here. The defects are macroscopic on my cap, and they really show up at the transition area between injections. It looks like the first injection was clear to make the design, and the rest of the cap has the mica flecks in it. If not, then the mica sort of floated up during the set. Hard to tell, that is just what I reconstruct happened based on the evidence.
On the side there are two issues worth mentioning.
1. The sprue location is prominent. It was hard to get a good picture of this elevation change on a dark cap with the mica reflecting so much light. You might consider moving your sprue holes to a location not on one of the smooth facades in future casts.
2. Fingerprints in the clay. Details details details.
The underside edge has a few faults.
1. I assume that these are break points where you removed polymer that had spilled over from the mold. If so, then these are cracks in the crystallinity of glass state polymer, which could be remedied by cutting excess off earlier in the setting process to prevent internal fracture. If not, then you have large bubbles in your polymer during curing. You use a pressurized system, yes? What pressure do you use? Do you need to increase it?
2. The inner lip has some extra here. Maybe just a goober.
So yeah, that is my flaw analysis. I love the cap, and I look forward to seeing more stuff in the future. If you want other pictures of something specific on the cap or with better magnification, I can get that for you. I have access to some serious equipment. 50x, 100x, 200x, 2000x-10,000,000x? I can do that.