Hello friends, it's been a while.
I want to first apologise for my absence. I know there are quite a few of you who like KOTM a great deal, and I'm sorry that I have been away from here for a number of months. I won't get into everything that has happened, but it's had it's ups and downs for sure, as I'm sure everyone's time has this year.
So what now?
Well, I want to bring KOTM back. I want to be able to celebrate those boards that have wowed you over the last 12 month. I want to celebrate this community and how it has grown since I've been gone. I want to do something for all the boards that were nominated and voted on this year, but also all that the limited KOTM competition didn't honour.
So, what I would love is for people to post in this thread one or two boards that have blown their minds in the last 11 months. I know it will be hard, and there is a lot to go through, but I will spend some time this weekend doing the same and trawling through the last few months at all the GBs, custom builds, and mods that I may have missed.
If anyone has any alternatives, I'd love to hear it, either in PM or in the feedback thread.
Hope you are all safe and well, and I look forward to seeing what you all find!