Author Topic: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (70% SHIPPED)  (Read 387629 times)

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Offline Puddsy

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world
« Reply #50 on: Sat, 18 December 2021, 09:59:02 »
QFR | MJ2 TKL | "Bulgogiboard" (Keycon 104) | ctrl.alt x GON 60% | TGR Alice | Mira SE #29 | Mira SE #34 | Revo One | z | Keycult No. 1 | First CW87 prototype | Mech27v1 | Camp C225 | Duck Orion V1 | LZ CLS sxh | Geon Frog TKL | Hiney TKL One | Geon Glare TKL

"Everything is worse, but in a barely perceptible and indefinable way" -dollartacos, after I came back from a break | "Is Linkshine our Nixon?" -NAV | "Puddsy is the Puddsy of keebs" -ns90

Offline Puddsy

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world
« Reply #51 on: Sun, 19 December 2021, 17:50:04 »

i will continue to post the discord updates in this thread when i notice them/when i think to do it, but i suspect the frequency of them will drop from here out. also, since i have my board already, i don't really have motivation to pay much attention to this GB beyond CW being my friend. i remind you that i am not affiliated with this GB.

i suggest you join the discord if you haven't already, and i encourage CW (or one of the many discord mods) to post the updates in this thread as well.
QFR | MJ2 TKL | "Bulgogiboard" (Keycon 104) | ctrl.alt x GON 60% | TGR Alice | Mira SE #29 | Mira SE #34 | Revo One | z | Keycult No. 1 | First CW87 prototype | Mech27v1 | Camp C225 | Duck Orion V1 | LZ CLS sxh | Geon Frog TKL | Hiney TKL One | Geon Glare TKL

"Everything is worse, but in a barely perceptible and indefinable way" -dollartacos, after I came back from a break | "Is Linkshine our Nixon?" -NAV | "Puddsy is the Puddsy of keebs" -ns90

Offline cruelworld

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world
« Reply #52 on: Sun, 19 December 2021, 18:22:40 »
Howdy Geekhack,

Greatly appreciate Puddsy and his updating of everything in the midst of a rather hectic launch - I admittedly was not anticipating such an incredible response and found it easiest to connect to my audience via the methods they're most familiar with. Unfortunately Shopify (or most point of sale systems in my experience) is not set up for groupbuys, let alone ones with as many options as this one and much of this had to be addressed manually (over the course of a very sleepless 24 hours) to ensure accuracy. Fortunately it seems most if not at all are active in the Discord.

That said:

• Buyers purchased slots via my Shopify front with several days to update an attached google form to specify their board specifics (layout, colorway, etc). All of these invoices have been dispatched and verified by their respective buyers and the final board count has been submitted to DDS.

• Add-on components (bottom plates, gaskets, typing plates, pcbs, etc) will run until December 25th to give everyone a chance to purchase things freely. The total counts for these will be submitted immediately to their respective manufacturers as soon as this sale concludes. I will then begin the process of manually merging these two invoices to guarantee order accuracy and that each set of add-ons makes its way into their respective hard-cases during fulfillment.

• All of the original order count will be produced, I've also added a variety of units for sale as in-stock items post fulfillment.

Now we begin the (hopefully mitigated by our presale) production period - it's been awesome getting to make rectangles for you guys and I look forward to providing you with updated timelines shortly after the holidays.

Be easy and stay safe out there.
« Last Edit: Sun, 19 December 2021, 19:22:47 by cruelworld »

Offline cruelworld

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world
« Reply #53 on: Fri, 24 December 2021, 23:02:20 »
Merry Christmas geekhack! Today is the last day for add-on orders! This includes extra plates, PCBs, gasket hardnesses, accent plates, etc.

• All sequencing emails have been sent.
• Custom length JST and sleeving materials en route.
• Hard-Cases + packaging paid for.
• Machining resumes post holidays.
• In addition to extras, I've paid for some more boards in more popular layouts with an additional color/weight finishing for the in-stock sale.
« Last Edit: Sat, 25 December 2021, 12:47:44 by cruelworld »

Offline cruelworld

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (Sequencing posted)
« Reply #54 on: Fri, 21 January 2022, 16:23:02 »
Hope everyone is doing well and staying safe. As production winds down for CNY I wanted to give you all as accurate a picture as I can provide in terms of an expected fulfillment date. Much of this has been cross-posted from my Discord server announcements:

While everything is moving along at a decent pace, we're anticipating a 1.5 - 2 month delay post Chinese New Year, placing Sequence 1 fulfillment into mid-April/early May. This is in relation to a variety of factors across multiple fabricators I use (hard cases, injection molder, case manufacturer), mostly as it relates to a boom of Omicron outbreaks throughout Guangdong where all of our production is done as well as our manufacturers ability to get production back up to speed following the holiday. I'm hoping that by the time the holiday is over these rates will level out similarly to how they have here in the states.

In no particular order here is where we're at per manufacturer:

• Case bottoms and weights are mostly finished, case tops are still being milled. I'm hoping to have pictures of everything from DDS post-holiday once they move into finishing (PVD, sandblasting.)

• Injection molding is reported to be halfway finished (starting with 40A and 20A gaskets). After 60A are finished, extra gaskets will be shipped to me for packing while the remainder will go to DDS for assembly with stock plates.

• Hard cases have finished molding and are waiting to be branded. Foam liners will be laser-cut after the holiday before being sent to DDS for packaging.

• PCB orders have been placed with Hiney with plenty of extras. Once finished, these will be held at our CN warehouse.

• Micro-fibers are finished.

• JST cables have been received by me. At time of posting I'm 1/3 of the way finished sleeving and I regret this design decision immensely. I've tested the new length in both size prototypes and they fit perfectly.

• Mylar pouches, authenticity/QR code cards and bulk bump-on feet have been received by me. Bubble zip bags for plates and backplates are finished and will be shipped to DDS post holiday.

• Stickers (Skunkworxxx and standard) have been shipped to me and should arrive next week.

• Hardware (M2, M3, M4 hex, both silver and black) has been received by DDS.

• Once the above components arrive and I finish sleeving, I'll ship packed mylar envelopes (bump-ons, cabling, stickers) to our CN warehouse for fulfillment some time within the next 1-2 weeks.

In terms of fulfillment, China and Hong Kong border entry is projected to remain closed or extremely limited into the new year with speculative re-openings as far as mid-2022 given all of the new Omicron cases. I'm presently looking at fulfilling out of different locales with lighter travel restrictions and weighing my options against using an in-country quality control team as my fulfillment center maintains warehouses throughout SEA. I'd prefer to inspect everything myself prior to shipping as my focus will always be on providing a quality product with turnaround as fast as the present-day situation will allow.
« Last Edit: Mon, 14 March 2022, 11:27:46 by cruelworld »

Offline cruelworld

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (In production, slight delay.)
« Reply #55 on: Mon, 14 March 2022, 14:47:15 »
Consolidating the last few weeks of small updates for a comprehensive view of where we're at. Much of this has been cross-posted from my Discord server announcements:

As previously mentioned due to an increasingly unstable border entry situation throughout China predicted through to the next year, in-person quality control will be entirely possible at our new warehouse in Hanoi alongside some cool community members.

In no particular order here is where we're at per manufacturer:

Remaining case components are DELAYED due to a recent outbreak within Shenzhen. A short-term stay-at-home order is in effect until further notice.

Hiney has updated that PCBS ARE DONE and are en route to a warehouse space.

Hard cases ARE DONE.

Micro-fibers ARE DONE.

JST cables ARE DONE - this sucked and took forever.

All packaging IS DONE and is either with me or in storage.

Stickers (Skunkworxxx and standard) ARE DONE.

• Hardware (M2, M3, M4 hex, both silver and black) has been received by DDS.

With everything else finished on time hopefully delays can be kept to a minimum, I will keep everybody as updated as possible as the situation in Shenzhen progresses.

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (Production Update)
« Reply #56 on: Mon, 14 March 2022, 21:45:20 »
wkl 60's are by far my fav layout

Offline Puddsy

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (Production Update)
« Reply #57 on: Mon, 02 May 2022, 09:48:19 »

from 4/20/2022
QFR | MJ2 TKL | "Bulgogiboard" (Keycon 104) | ctrl.alt x GON 60% | TGR Alice | Mira SE #29 | Mira SE #34 | Revo One | z | Keycult No. 1 | First CW87 prototype | Mech27v1 | Camp C225 | Duck Orion V1 | LZ CLS sxh | Geon Frog TKL | Hiney TKL One | Geon Glare TKL

"Everything is worse, but in a barely perceptible and indefinable way" -dollartacos, after I came back from a break | "Is Linkshine our Nixon?" -NAV | "Puddsy is the Puddsy of keebs" -ns90

Offline FearsomeCubedWarrior

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (Production Update)
« Reply #58 on: Thu, 07 July 2022, 10:59:11 »
« Last Edit: Mon, 15 April 2024, 21:17:49 by FearsomeCubedWarrior »

Offline Puddsy

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (Production Update)
« Reply #59 on: Tue, 12 July 2022, 13:44:37 »

and sign up for the mailing list if you aren't already

i believe this email went out to people who ordered already (mine is a proto so i'm technically not in this gb) but just in case people are checking here
QFR | MJ2 TKL | "Bulgogiboard" (Keycon 104) | ctrl.alt x GON 60% | TGR Alice | Mira SE #29 | Mira SE #34 | Revo One | z | Keycult No. 1 | First CW87 prototype | Mech27v1 | Camp C225 | Duck Orion V1 | LZ CLS sxh | Geon Frog TKL | Hiney TKL One | Geon Glare TKL

"Everything is worse, but in a barely perceptible and indefinable way" -dollartacos, after I came back from a break | "Is Linkshine our Nixon?" -NAV | "Puddsy is the Puddsy of keebs" -ns90

Offline audax989

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (Production Update)
« Reply #60 on: Wed, 13 July 2022, 17:40:41 »

and sign up for the mailing list if you aren't already

i believe this email went out to people who ordered already (mine is a proto so i'm technically not in this gb) but just in case people are checking here

thanks puddsy. I did receive that chunky email update. we are almost there.

Offline cruelworld

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (Production Update)
« Reply #61 on: Thu, 14 July 2022, 19:54:19 »
thanks again to puddsy for updating everybody in my absence - admittedly have to get better about communicating updates on here amid all the chaos of getting settled here in VT. As he's already correctly stated:

Email updates and the most recent email sent to all buyers can be found here:

Extras pricing, quantities and a concise list of updates can be found here:

With components presently in transit and a warehouse here I'll be doing as much preemptive work as I can to streamline getting groupbuy units out as quickly as possible once received.

Offline cruelworld

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (Production Update)
« Reply #62 on: Sat, 03 September 2022, 16:35:13 »
Newest Email Update sent to all buyers reposted here. This elaborates on some reanodizing and refinishing being the root cause for a delay that's pushing fulfillment back to mid-November:
Pictures from DDS showing all units moving into finishing back in July have been added to the production album:

Screens of correspondence with my manu rep to verify updates.

I've otherwise set up our VT based warehouse and have processed and SKU'd all components aside from enclosures. Next update will feature finished anodizing and boards being prepared for export. Per Discord updates I'll be staying here until the groupbuys completion to supervise quality control and shipping.

Offline FearsomeCubedWarrior

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (Production Update)
« Reply #63 on: Wed, 16 November 2022, 12:07:27 »
« Last Edit: Mon, 15 April 2024, 21:16:26 by FearsomeCubedWarrior »

Offline Puddsy

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (Production Update)
« Reply #64 on: Wed, 16 November 2022, 15:29:48 »
Well, it's mid-November now.

from discord november 14:


• Exporting + Shipping to QC warehouse (6-8 Days in transit)
• Individual SKU + QC Process (1-1.5 Weeks Estimate per fulfillment)
• Shipping to pick & pack center, distribution of GB units. (3-4 Days per fulfillment)
• Taeha + Alexotos streams
• Extras
QFR | MJ2 TKL | "Bulgogiboard" (Keycon 104) | ctrl.alt x GON 60% | TGR Alice | Mira SE #29 | Mira SE #34 | Revo One | z | Keycult No. 1 | First CW87 prototype | Mech27v1 | Camp C225 | Duck Orion V1 | LZ CLS sxh | Geon Frog TKL | Hiney TKL One | Geon Glare TKL

"Everything is worse, but in a barely perceptible and indefinable way" -dollartacos, after I came back from a break | "Is Linkshine our Nixon?" -NAV | "Puddsy is the Puddsy of keebs" -ns90

Offline FearsomeCubedWarrior

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (Production Update)
« Reply #65 on: Thu, 15 December 2022, 22:29:12 »
« Last Edit: Mon, 15 April 2024, 21:16:11 by FearsomeCubedWarrior »

Offline cruelworld

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (Production Update)
« Reply #66 on: Thu, 15 December 2022, 23:54:46 »
Hey there!

My apologies for missing an update here, I've been otherwise very adamant about communication via Discord/email newsletter and occasionally forget to post here as I am not a regular Geekhack user. Attached is the most recent update regarding a few small delays and an update from DDS marking the end of production and assembly, boards are being packed for shipping and on their way to me for quality control and the last of product SKUing.

Due to an error in communication all LE boards were assembled with silver hardware as opposed to the black hex hardware originally requested. I’ve had DDS reassemble these with the correct screws introducing a slight delay that’s expected to be entirely resolved on Monday - Tuesday. The rest of the boards are boxed for shipping while plates and bottom plates are being placed into windowed resealable mylar sleeves so that they can be identified quickly during SKU’ing. I have been given an estimate of 1 week until the entirety of the shipment is passed off to a forwarding agent to arrive to me.

Pictures of anodizations and misc packaging have been uploaded to the production gallery below. Please keep in mind that these are factory photos that are typically not color accurate due to aggressive factory lighting.

Associated album featuring boards coming out of anodization and into assembly posted here - originally posted on December 11th.]Associated album featuring boards coming out of anodization and into assembly posted here - originally posted on December 11th.

I hope you can understand that these are all estimates that I work within and they fluctuate based on the information I am given from my manufacturer and forwarding rep. In the future I'll be sure to stay on top of posting here regularly.

Cheers and happy holidays.
« Last Edit: Thu, 15 December 2022, 23:56:52 by cruelworld »

Offline cruelworld

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (QC 100% FINISHED, PACKAGING TO START SHORTLY)
« Reply #67 on: Tue, 21 February 2023, 10:05:00 »
QC 100% finished, awaiting confirmation from our fulfillment provider for pickup and hoping to get packaging started asap. Will post when I have an updated timetable from them.

If you need an address change feel free to fill out this form:

Offline cruelworld

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (SHIPPING)
« Reply #68 on: Thu, 30 March 2023, 14:21:35 »
After many delays we are finally shipping. Tracking has been updated for over half of the GB and packaging has started, hoping to have groupbuy boards shipped in their entirety within the next week.

Extras and a few B stock will be going up on Saturday, April 1st at 12PM EST. I'll be holding onto a handful of boards for any shipping incidentals that'll be listed later in the month as well. B stock units consist of slight mismatch and small blemishes:

Thanks to everyone and their continued patience, excited to get these out to you and start on the next project  ;D

Offline cruelworld

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (70% SHIPPED)
« Reply #69 on: Tue, 18 April 2023, 21:18:39 »
70% shipped. Awaiting pickup on international orders and catching up on a few US domestic boards that didn't make it on the first two pickups.

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (70% SHIPPED)
« Reply #70 on: Sun, 23 April 2023, 09:06:06 »
Boards received thanks for the run CW. Been a long road due to outside circumstances but there was good communication throughout the way.

Hope to see some of these at upcoming meetups.

Offline FearsomeCubedWarrior

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (70% SHIPPED)
« Reply #71 on: Sun, 23 April 2023, 20:09:08 »
« Last Edit: Mon, 15 April 2024, 21:14:17 by FearsomeCubedWarrior »

Offline involuntarysoul

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (70% SHIPPED)
« Reply #72 on: Tue, 25 April 2023, 19:57:03 »
Damn, I knew I should have gotten that bordeaux on extras.

it is flooding the mm atm, you can prob find one under GB price

Offline honoka

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (70% SHIPPED)
« Reply #73 on: Sat, 29 April 2023, 04:46:59 »
why the fudge is the cutout for the board in the carry case so small? was that the reason why the cloth wasn't around the actual board during shipping and got all kinds of foam residue lodged in all the chamfers?
it's annoying dude

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (70% SHIPPED)
« Reply #74 on: Mon, 01 May 2023, 07:44:07 »
I regret I missed out the GB and extra. I read you are holding a handful of boards just in case. Will there be another round of extra in the coming weeks? Thanks! 🙏🏻

Offline airs

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (70% SHIPPED)
« Reply #75 on: Tue, 09 May 2023, 16:25:31 »
Thinking about getting an ApolloH 88 pcb for my CW88 - other than needing to solder on the JST header, anyone know if there would be an issue with using it?
Octagon v2, LZ CLS

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (70% SHIPPED)
« Reply #76 on: Tue, 16 May 2023, 07:01:26 »
The CW60 GB has now concluded the first part of its journey for me personally, almost a year delayed to date, as my second CW60 arrived yesterday. I held out hope that my second CW60 would be any different than my first CW60, but unfortunately, it was not.

The CW60 design appears fundamentally flawed, even after 4 prototypes. The JST cutout in the bottom case is too small to house the PCB's JST connector with cable and is resting on the floor, acting as a tray mount post.

Here is some pictures with measurements I took from my two units.

Here is even more pictures and videos from the Reddit link below.

This has been reported and acknowledged in the Reddit thread PSA: CruelWorld 60 has unexcusable design flaws thread 6 days ago.

The GB runner has offered temporary solutions, working towards a permanent solution while they investigate the extent of the problem. A Google Form, only available through their Discord, is set up for us GB participants to report that they are affected.

While I do appreciate that this issue is being taken seriously and addressed, I find the approach somewhat lacking. The problem has been known for over 12 days now, and shipments should have been halted for an immediate check on the extent and validity of the claims. In the process, it would be prudent to examine the TKL files and conduct control measurements on the produced boards to ensure other SKUs are not impacted. I for one asked for my second CW60 not to be sent as this is clearly not a tolerance issue.

Identifying the cause should be a matter of minutes. Open Fusion 360, measure the cutout, and if it's less than 7.1mm (a generous estimate), the design is fundamentally flawed and all units are affected. Both my two cases' cutouts measure ~6.05mm, and they're supposed to accommodate a 7mm JST connector and cable. This cutout should not be anywhere near 6mm (which coincidentally is the width of the JST connector component on the PCB). Not on prototype 1, 2, 3, 4, or let alone the GB run.

Moreover, there appears to be another design flaw in the CW60 that's masked by the small cutout: the reset button is too close to the bottom. This claim is backed by those who desoldered their JST connectors and soldered the wires directly onto the PCB, reporting that the reset button now hits the bottom case, necessitating its desoldering as well. Back-of-the-envelope math suggests that it is highly plausible. This suggests that this issue has been overlooked in all four prototypes prior to the Group Buy.

As if this was not enough, here is an incomplete list of other design or fulfillment issues that have been reported, ranging in severity:
  • USB port misaligned
  • JST cutout on the TKL I argue is misaligned, the connector has in the lower 0.x mm clearance to the bottom case (i.e. it will hit the bottom case when typing).
  • Carrying case too small to house the keyboard wrapped in fiber cloth, which is neatly folded on top of the keyboard. While this may seem like a minor issue, I can only imagine the amount of hours that have been spent cleaning the keyboards from case foam and worrying about ano flaws. I estimate I have spent easily 1h between my two keyboards.
  • Missing engravings on the Skunkworxxx editions
  • 12 months delayed fulfillment
  • No MDPC-X JST cable
  • Missing components, mine was missing bump-ons
  • Shipping by UPS rather than DHL which was what we paid for at the start of the GB. May not be such a big deal for some countries where UPS is actually competent.

If you are a GB participant, I highly suggest you join Cruel World Discord to stay up-to-date with all the latest developments while we complete the last part of this journey.

Offline Evasive

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (70% SHIPPED)
« Reply #77 on: Tue, 16 May 2023, 09:00:34 »
The CW60 GB has now concluded the first part of its journey for me personally, almost a year delayed to date, as my second CW60 arrived yesterday. I held out hope that my second CW60 would be any different than my first CW60, but unfortunately, it was not.

The CW60 design appears fundamentally flawed, even after 4 prototypes. The JST cutout in the bottom case is too small to house the PCB's JST connector with cable and is resting on the floor, acting as a tray mount post.

Here is some pictures with measurements I took from my two units.

Here is even more pictures and videos from the Reddit link below.

This has been reported and acknowledged in the Reddit thread PSA: CruelWorld 60 has unexcusable design flaws thread 6 days ago.

The GB runner has offered temporary solutions, working towards a permanent solution while they investigate the extent of the problem. A Google Form, only available through their Discord, is set up for us GB participants to report that they are affected.

While I do appreciate that this issue is being taken seriously and addressed, I find the approach somewhat lacking. The problem has been known for over 12 days now, and shipments should have been halted for an immediate check on the extent and validity of the claims. In the process, it would be prudent to examine the TKL files and conduct control measurements on the produced boards to ensure other SKUs are not impacted. I for one asked for my second CW60 not to be sent as this is clearly not a tolerance issue.

Identifying the cause should be a matter of minutes. Open Fusion 360, measure the cutout, and if it's less than 7.1mm (a generous estimate), the design is fundamentally flawed and all units are affected. Both my two cases' cutouts measure ~6.05mm, and they're supposed to accommodate a 7mm JST connector and cable. This cutout should not be anywhere near 6mm (which coincidentally is the width of the JST connector component on the PCB). Not on prototype 1, 2, 3, 4, or let alone the GB run.

Moreover, there appears to be another design flaw in the CW60 that's masked by the small cutout: the reset button is too close to the bottom. This claim is backed by those who desoldered their JST connectors and soldered the wires directly onto the PCB, reporting that the reset button now hits the bottom case, necessitating its desoldering as well. Back-of-the-envelope math suggests that it is highly plausible. This suggests that this issue has been overlooked in all four prototypes prior to the Group Buy.

As if this was not enough, here is an incomplete list of other design or fulfillment issues that have been reported, ranging in severity:
  • USB port misaligned
  • JST cutout on the TKL I argue is misaligned, the connector has in the lower 0.x mm clearance to the bottom case (i.e. it will hit the bottom case when typing).
  • Carrying case too small to house the keyboard wrapped in fiber cloth, which is neatly folded on top of the keyboard. While this may seem like a minor issue, I can only imagine the amount of hours that have been spent cleaning the keyboards from case foam and worrying about ano flaws. I estimate I have spent easily 1h between my two keyboards.
  • Missing engravings on the Skunkworxxx editions
  • 12 months delayed fulfillment
  • No MDPC-X JST cable
  • Missing components, mine was missing bump-ons
  • Shipping by UPS rather than DHL which was what we paid for at the start of the GB. May not be such a big deal for some countries where UPS is actually competent.

If you are a GB participant, I highly suggest you join Cruel World Discord to stay up-to-date with all the latest developments while we complete the last part of this journey.

One of the reasons I joined this GB was the self proclaimed 4 months delivery date and all of his yes-men shilling his product on discord. If I remember correctly I believed he said that he finished sleeving all the jst cables. I can't be for sure anymore since the discord channel is now gone but mine did not come sleeved. Seems like just another thing to add to the list of broken promises. It's unfortunate that the board ended up with as many flaws as you stated. As his first public group buy he definitely took on more than he can chew.

Offline airs

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (70% SHIPPED)
« Reply #78 on: Wed, 17 May 2023, 16:36:35 »
Thinking about getting an ApolloH 88 pcb for my CW88 - other than needing to solder on the JST header, anyone know if there would be an issue with using it?

In case anyone else is wondering about this pcb, I went for it and it works. The JST header does interfere with the flex of the board though (it touches the bottom of the case without putting any pressure on it), so I just soldered the wires to the through holes.
Octagon v2, LZ CLS

Offline DaaDaa

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (70% SHIPPED)
« Reply #79 on: Wed, 17 May 2023, 17:41:14 »
The CW60 GB has now concluded the first part of its journey for me personally, almost a year delayed to date, as my second CW60 arrived yesterday. I held out hope that my second CW60 would be any different than my first CW60, but unfortunately, it was not.

The CW60 design appears fundamentally flawed, even after 4 prototypes. The JST cutout in the bottom case is too small to house the PCB's JST connector with cable and is resting on the floor, acting as a tray mount post.

Here is some pictures with measurements I took from my two units.

Here is even more pictures and videos from the Reddit link below.

This has been reported and acknowledged in the Reddit thread PSA: CruelWorld 60 has unexcusable design flaws thread 6 days ago.

The GB runner has offered temporary solutions, working towards a permanent solution while they investigate the extent of the problem. A Google Form, only available through their Discord, is set up for us GB participants to report that they are affected.

While I do appreciate that this issue is being taken seriously and addressed, I find the approach somewhat lacking. The problem has been known for over 12 days now, and shipments should have been halted for an immediate check on the extent and validity of the claims. In the process, it would be prudent to examine the TKL files and conduct control measurements on the produced boards to ensure other SKUs are not impacted. I for one asked for my second CW60 not to be sent as this is clearly not a tolerance issue.

Identifying the cause should be a matter of minutes. Open Fusion 360, measure the cutout, and if it's less than 7.1mm (a generous estimate), the design is fundamentally flawed and all units are affected. Both my two cases' cutouts measure ~6.05mm, and they're supposed to accommodate a 7mm JST connector and cable. This cutout should not be anywhere near 6mm (which coincidentally is the width of the JST connector component on the PCB). Not on prototype 1, 2, 3, 4, or let alone the GB run.

Moreover, there appears to be another design flaw in the CW60 that's masked by the small cutout: the reset button is too close to the bottom. This claim is backed by those who desoldered their JST connectors and soldered the wires directly onto the PCB, reporting that the reset button now hits the bottom case, necessitating its desoldering as well. Back-of-the-envelope math suggests that it is highly plausible. This suggests that this issue has been overlooked in all four prototypes prior to the Group Buy.

As if this was not enough, here is an incomplete list of other design or fulfillment issues that have been reported, ranging in severity:
  • USB port misaligned
  • JST cutout on the TKL I argue is misaligned, the connector has in the lower 0.x mm clearance to the bottom case (i.e. it will hit the bottom case when typing).
  • Carrying case too small to house the keyboard wrapped in fiber cloth, which is neatly folded on top of the keyboard. While this may seem like a minor issue, I can only imagine the amount of hours that have been spent cleaning the keyboards from case foam and worrying about ano flaws. I estimate I have spent easily 1h between my two keyboards.
  • Missing engravings on the Skunkworxxx editions
  • 12 months delayed fulfillment
  • No MDPC-X JST cable
  • Missing components, mine was missing bump-ons
  • Shipping by UPS rather than DHL which was what we paid for at the start of the GB. May not be such a big deal for some countries where UPS is actually competent.

If you are a GB participant, I highly suggest you join Cruel World Discord to stay up-to-date with all the latest developments while we complete the last part of this journey.

One of the reasons I joined this GB was the self proclaimed 4 months delivery date and all of his yes-men shilling his product on discord. If I remember correctly I believed he said that he finished sleeving all the jst cables. I can't be for sure anymore since the discord channel is now gone but mine did not come sleeved. Seems like just another thing to add to the list of broken promises. It's unfortunate that the board ended up with as many flaws as you stated. As his first public group buy he definitely took on more than he can chew.

one time , i said i dont like the look of the design and he removed me from the discord. lol. you can imagine how much i love this. lol. the guy himself is ok, his fans are the real losers.
piggy60 red upgraded PVD w/ GMK umka zaku | tiramisuit w/ GMK noire JWK silk emerald | mr.suit black/chrome glossy chamfers w/ GMK minimal cow POM stem | jelly epoch w/ SA oblivion zaku | mode80 deco w/ gmk boneyard alpaca | mode 80 imperial with ePBT origami alpaca| MODE80 viridian /w CRP boba LT | RAMA thermal kuro w/ GMK muted 2 pewter | BBox60 C64 wih marshmellows and c64 keycaps | MODE Sonnet green /w MW voynich gateron ink box pink

Offline xclr8

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (70% SHIPPED)
« Reply #80 on: Sun, 21 May 2023, 00:45:32 »
One of the reasons I joined this GB was the self proclaimed 4 months delivery date and all of his yes-men shilling his product on discord. If I remember correctly I believed he said that he finished sleeving all the jst cables. I can't be for sure anymore since the discord channel is now gone but mine did not come sleeved. Seems like just another thing to add to the list of broken promises. It's unfortunate that the board ended up with as many flaws as you stated. As his first public group buy he definitely took on more than he can chew.

I'm fairly new to this hobby and was bummed for missing out on this board but after seeing what a debacle this has become, I'm definitely glad I missed it. I mean, 1300 units for his very first GB is outrageous.

Looks like Pixy is out of the running for me now. There's just way too many better options out there.

Offline Apothecarii

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (70% SHIPPED)
« Reply #81 on: Mon, 22 May 2023, 12:26:50 »
What engraving was missing from the Skunkworxxx edition?

Offline FearsomeCubedWarrior

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (70% SHIPPED)
« Reply #82 on: Mon, 22 May 2023, 14:59:49 »
« Last Edit: Mon, 15 April 2024, 21:14:11 by FearsomeCubedWarrior »

Offline Rhienfo

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (70% SHIPPED)
« Reply #83 on: Mon, 22 May 2023, 18:38:57 »
One of the reasons I joined this GB was the self proclaimed 4 months delivery date and all of his yes-men shilling his product on discord. If I remember correctly I believed he said that he finished sleeving all the jst cables. I can't be for sure anymore since the discord channel is now gone but mine did not come sleeved. Seems like just another thing to add to the list of broken promises. It's unfortunate that the board ended up with as many flaws as you stated. As his first public group buy he definitely took on more than he can chew.

I'm fairly new to this hobby and was bummed for missing out on this board but after seeing what a debacle this has become, I'm definitely glad I missed it. I mean, 1300 units for his very first GB is outrageous.

Looks like Pixy is out of the running for me now. There's just way too many better options out there.

1300 units for a first keyboard gb is insane. If I ever do a group buy it will be maybe 50 units, having a basically unlimited group buy for your first is a terrible idea without a large company backing it, and even Monokei, a large company in the grand scheme of the hobby, don't even do 1300 in the time period they claimed.

I understand that this project was probably made in order to make a nice keyboard, but it comes across as a cash grab hype project (especially with the gb being released near Christmas, though that's probably a coincidence), to bank of the hype of the Jane V2 (keep in mind this was when ME units weren't being released yet) which is just a shame cause it probably would have been good if it wasn't for the errors, and while I am patient, it must have stung for the people who bought into it, not knowing that they project would be delayed again and again.
« Last Edit: Mon, 22 May 2023, 19:54:22 by Rhienfo »
keyboard collection - fjell
cherry blacks - unlubed - filmed and springswapped with tx 55g mediums - alu Plate | pretty happy with this, the blacks were cherry picked so they weren't that scratchy to begin with, but currently breaking them in, may lube them with a dry lube like ro59 or ptfe powder.
| hhkb bt
lubed with tribosys 3203 | like topre a lot, prefer it lubed but did make less tactile but that might have been a skill issue. probably will get more tactile over time as the domes age.
| m0115
bad orange alps lol | definitely needs a restoration. planning on wax boiling them and maybe a replacement pcb because the board has only 2 key rollover apparently.
| praxis
gateron yellows - lubed with 205g0 - 62g tx mediums - pc plate | probably my favourite keyboard already, feels super nice and sounds pretty good, it's got a great layout as well. probably gonna build this with mx browns, I feel like it would suit the board more.
| camo filco
stock with silent reds | Pretty cool looking board, the silent reds are actually good, they are smooth and I don't mind the mushiness (it's not even that mushy as well). the layout is pretty weird, but is useable. will probably mod this in the future. maybe a pcb and plate swap, change the keycaps to something dolch like, and also spring swap the springs in the silent reds.
| ibm model f at
stock, needs a cleaning and probably replacement foam. Do plan to change layout so it has split bs and rs, as well as ansi enter.
| baebae tkl
Built with new nixies on pc half plate. Love this board already, probably the best looking board I own, those brass accents are so mint. Really like it as is, but I do want to try an alu build (probably with nixies as well) just to experiment with that.

collection in pixel art

Offline incrediblejr

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (70% SHIPPED)
« Reply #84 on: Mon, 26 June 2023, 11:40:39 »
Almost two months have passed since the JST connector clearance issue was first brought to the attention of the group buy runner. Since then, they've done nothing more than launch what appears to be a sham investigation to identify the cause and assess the number of affected customers. The only communication we've received are statements about how hard they're working, while they trivialize, or entirely neglect to mention, all other issues plaguing the GB.

The sole explanation they've provided is "an issue of alignment from an injection molded part and how it interfaces with the plate coupled with the 'wings' on the male end of the JST connector". But let's burst this bubble right here because this explanation isn't remotely plausible. The JST male header has always measured around ~7mm wide, while we're dealing with a ~6mm cutout in the bottom case. It's quite a stretch to believe that somehow the gaskets could have any part in the too small JST cutout in the bottom case for the CW60 and misaligned JST cutout of CW87/CW88. The plate placement is constrained; it can't be moved haphazardly without the keycaps interfering with the case. So, what's with these charades?

Their decision to make the PCB replacement an opt-in process, accessible only through a Google Form shared on their Discord, comes across as disingenuous, given that it's clear all keyboards are affected.

Six weeks ago they announced that new PCBs "should be prototyping ready within the next few days", radio silence ever since. The lack of updates and the passage of time - should we take these as indicators of the outcome?

Offline airs

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (70% SHIPPED)
« Reply #85 on: Mon, 26 June 2023, 15:37:42 »
I replaced the JST header with a Molex EZmate connector, then used a Geon EZmate to JST cable - it works well and doesn't bottom out. Not ideal, I know, but it's a solution for people who are up for it.
Octagon v2, LZ CLS

Offline SafeAtShore

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (70% SHIPPED)
« Reply #86 on: Thu, 29 June 2023, 17:21:45 »
CW said at the start of fulfillment that GB participants would be reimbursed for the difference in shipping compared to extras. Hasn't said a single thing since. I'm also still waiting on a replacement alu plate, because mine came bent. Way to shaft GB participants after 1.5+ years.

Yet another sh*thole of a GB that's beyond scuffed. This, Mechs & Co, Charue, Keycult, Aeternus, The Royal, the list goes on.

Offline yhs

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (70% SHIPPED)
« Reply #87 on: Sat, 01 July 2023, 05:40:57 »
I finally got around to assembling my CW60 LE yesterday. Aside from not seeing any “special engraving” and not having received bumpons, initial impression is good.

I’ve been AWOL and missed the option to purchase extra plates/weights. Anyone know if this will be possible at later time?

Offline Rhienfo

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (70% SHIPPED)
« Reply #88 on: Sat, 01 July 2023, 08:40:03 »
I finally got around to assembling my CW60 LE yesterday. Aside from not seeing any “special engraving” and not having received bumpons, initial impression is good.

I’ve been AWOL and missed the option to purchase extra plates/weights. Anyone know if this will be possible at later time?

I don't know about the weights but the plate files are on their discord server so you can get a plate cut if you want to. However it will probably be cheaper to find the plates aftermarket, so just pick the best option for you.

Someone may sell a third party weight for this but I'd seriously doubt it, idk if they even sold extra weights (someone correct me if they did I didn't really know too much about this until the units shipped)
keyboard collection - fjell
cherry blacks - unlubed - filmed and springswapped with tx 55g mediums - alu Plate | pretty happy with this, the blacks were cherry picked so they weren't that scratchy to begin with, but currently breaking them in, may lube them with a dry lube like ro59 or ptfe powder.
| hhkb bt
lubed with tribosys 3203 | like topre a lot, prefer it lubed but did make less tactile but that might have been a skill issue. probably will get more tactile over time as the domes age.
| m0115
bad orange alps lol | definitely needs a restoration. planning on wax boiling them and maybe a replacement pcb because the board has only 2 key rollover apparently.
| praxis
gateron yellows - lubed with 205g0 - 62g tx mediums - pc plate | probably my favourite keyboard already, feels super nice and sounds pretty good, it's got a great layout as well. probably gonna build this with mx browns, I feel like it would suit the board more.
| camo filco
stock with silent reds | Pretty cool looking board, the silent reds are actually good, they are smooth and I don't mind the mushiness (it's not even that mushy as well). the layout is pretty weird, but is useable. will probably mod this in the future. maybe a pcb and plate swap, change the keycaps to something dolch like, and also spring swap the springs in the silent reds.
| ibm model f at
stock, needs a cleaning and probably replacement foam. Do plan to change layout so it has split bs and rs, as well as ansi enter.
| baebae tkl
Built with new nixies on pc half plate. Love this board already, probably the best looking board I own, those brass accents are so mint. Really like it as is, but I do want to try an alu build (probably with nixies as well) just to experiment with that.

collection in pixel art

Offline incrediblejr

  • Posts: 36
Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (70% SHIPPED)
« Reply #89 on: Mon, 03 July 2023, 01:01:45 »
It has been 7 weeks since any form of communication regarding the promised DB shims to fix the misaligned DB, as well as the new DB and PCBs to address the fundamentally flawed keyboard design that is affecting all units.

Pixy TKL when?

Offline a_saker

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (70% SHIPPED)
« Reply #90 on: Tue, 04 July 2023, 13:48:45 »
I replaced the JST header with a Molex EZmate connector, then used a Geon EZmate to JST cable - it works well and doesn't bottom out. Not ideal, I know, but it's a solution for people who are up for it.

oooo, this is in interesting fix. Do you have pictures of the end result by any chance?

Offline incrediblejr

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (70% SHIPPED)
« Reply #91 on: Sun, 09 July 2023, 11:32:10 »
An update has been posted on the Cruel World Discord.

TL;DR: They are working hard and are very busy, so they can't be bothered to update the geekhack thread. The prototype for replacement PCBs is supposedly on the way, but it's 8 weeks delayed from the initial estimate, which is on brand. DB Shims, for the misaligned USB port, are also on their way. They also showcased their new project and a render of the PCB. :thumb:

They refuse to acknowledge that all units are fundamentally flawed (spoiler alert: they are) and seem to stick with their implausible explanation that gasket tolerances caused the JST cutout in the bottom case to be too small and misaligned. That is the best option for them financially, with the added bonus of saving face for themselves, the FnF/prototype testers, and streamers off production units ;) by virtue of plausible deniability (*). Unfortunately, that shifts the burden of getting replacement PCBs onto all the individual group buy participants. So, if you are a group buy participant, please fill in this opt-in Google form for replacement PCBs if you haven't already.

(*) Cobertt showed their FnF unit with the promised custom MDPC-X JST cable that may not have a ~6mm JST cutout to house the ~7mm connector and cable that is plaguing the GB units.
« Last Edit: Wed, 12 July 2023, 01:37:24 by incrediblejr »

Offline Cobertt

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (70% SHIPPED)
« Reply #92 on: Tue, 11 July 2023, 07:32:55 »
That is the best option for them financially, with the added bonus of saving face for themselves, the FnF/prototype testers, and streamers by virtue of plausible deniability.

I get that you are extremely frustrated and pissed. You have every right to be. The FnF and Prototype units were not plagued with this problem, so you should leave those people out of this. If you want to make wild accusations with no basis, fine. But speaking as someone with a FnF unit and the single prototype Skunkworks HHKB, I can assure you that there are no JST tolerance issues or daughter board tolerance issues. Can take photos when I get a chance to prove it. It's extremely childish to drag people who supported the product when we received units that do not have this flaw. The two prototypes that I built did not exhibit any tolerance issues with the JST cutout.

It's fine to be mad at CruelWorld, but don't be mad at the people who wanted other people to get the same chance they did in purchasing the great keyboard they did. I'm sorry that there were flaws in the production run, how would anyone that received a FnF unit or prototype to build know that there would be an issue in main production. That's an unfair judgement to cast on them.
HHKB Pro2 | Mira SE | FJELL | KARA HAZE | CW88 FNF WKL Wine | HHKB Prophet | Al.6 | Tengu | Prototype CW60 HHKB Skunkworxxx | Prototype K80 | Tokyo60 | Gingko65Midway LEKei | Frog TKL | Saturn60 | NRD Kaze | Panda Korn | Iron 165 FE | Caerdroia | Safa TKL

Offline honoka

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (70% SHIPPED)
« Reply #93 on: Tue, 11 July 2023, 07:38:27 »
I'm super looking forward to those pictures of your board.

You seem to be friends with CruelWorld. What is your take of what happened? Design file mistake? Because we have gotten no explanation of what the reason for this mess is.

I will tag and remind you to post pictures if you happen to forget.

Offline Cobertt

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (70% SHIPPED)
« Reply #94 on: Tue, 11 July 2023, 07:49:20 »
I'm super looking forward to those pictures of your board.

You seem to be friends with CruelWorld. What is your take of what happened? Design file mistake? Because we have gotten no explanation of what the reason for this mess is.

I will tag and remind you to post pictures if you happen to forget.

I met CruelWorld through a mutual friend. I was asked to build an early prototype tkl unit and give feedback, which I did for no monetary benefit, other than stream the build process. We've remained in contact and yes, are friends.

It wouldn't be right for me to comment on what I thought the issue is, because I don't know. I didn't purchase a production run unit due to already purchasing one prototype and a FnF unit. I have both a 60 and an 88 for reference. The 60 is a prototype and the 88 is a FnF unit. I built multiple FnF units and all were the same as mine. Good tolerances. It could be a production error, or it could be a file error. I really don't know. So for that, my word means nothing. When I advertised this keyboard and recommended it, it was off the basis of my own boards that were in my hand. Which for all purposes are extremely well made keyboards. My FnF unit has one known issue, that was disclosed to all FnF buyers. It's USB-C port has very tight tolerances so not all off the shelf cables will work with it. Mentioning only for transparency's sake. This was corrected for production units. Once I am home from work I'll snap some photos of the jst cutout and usb-c port.
HHKB Pro2 | Mira SE | FJELL | KARA HAZE | CW88 FNF WKL Wine | HHKB Prophet | Al.6 | Tengu | Prototype CW60 HHKB Skunkworxxx | Prototype K80 | Tokyo60 | Gingko65Midway LEKei | Frog TKL | Saturn60 | NRD Kaze | Panda Korn | Iron 165 FE | Caerdroia | Safa TKL

Offline soloplayer

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (70% SHIPPED)
« Reply #95 on: Tue, 11 July 2023, 10:29:39 »
does anyone know the black, red and clear gasket socks equivalent to ? iirc the clear one is 60A, but the others i have no idea

Offline Cobertt

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (70% SHIPPED)
« Reply #96 on: Tue, 11 July 2023, 23:34:13 »
I'm super looking forward to those pictures of your board.

You seem to be friends with CruelWorld. What is your take of what happened? Design file mistake? Because we have gotten no explanation of what the reason for this mess is.

I will tag and remind you to post pictures if you happen to forget.

Here is the Imgur album I made. The 88 has tighter tolerances than the Proto60, however I am still able to achieve movement in the gaskets over the JST area. I am on the half aluminum plate on my 88, so it is stiffer in general in the navigation section due to the lack of cutouts in the aluminum plate. As you can see in the prototype, there is ample room to allow the pcb to flex. I have a polycarbonate plate in my 60 and have full flexibility when pressing down on it.
HHKB Pro2 | Mira SE | FJELL | KARA HAZE | CW88 FNF WKL Wine | HHKB Prophet | Al.6 | Tengu | Prototype CW60 HHKB Skunkworxxx | Prototype K80 | Tokyo60 | Gingko65Midway LEKei | Frog TKL | Saturn60 | NRD Kaze | Panda Korn | Iron 165 FE | Caerdroia | Safa TKL

Offline honoka

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (70% SHIPPED)
« Reply #97 on: Tue, 11 July 2023, 23:56:33 »
Appreciate the follow through on the pictures! I don't have a CW87/88 myself so I can't attest to any issues the group buy variant might have.
I do have a CW60 though and I would love to be able to compare the jst cutout placement/size with yours.
Even only the back of the board with the cover for the cable compartment removed would be of great help.

Offline incrediblejr

  • Posts: 36
Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (70% SHIPPED)
« Reply #98 on: Wed, 12 July 2023, 01:39:46 »
Here is the Imgur album I made. The 88 has tighter tolerances than the Proto60, however I am still able to achieve movement in the gaskets over the JST area. I am on the half aluminum plate on my 88, so it is stiffer in general in the navigation section due to the lack of cutouts in the aluminum plate. As you can see in the prototype, there is ample room to allow the pcb to flex. I have a polycarbonate plate in my 60 and have full flexibility when pressing down on it.

Nice of you to join the conversation, I have updated my post. The JST cutout sure looks different, or maybe we get fooled by the promised custom MDPC-X JST cable that you are sporting. I thought I gave the blueprint of how to document the flaw.

Offline Cobertt

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Re: [GB] cw80/60 by cruel world (70% SHIPPED)
« Reply #99 on: Wed, 12 July 2023, 07:54:01 »
Nice of you to join the conversation, I have updated my post. The JST cutout sure looks different, or maybe we get fooled by the promised custom MDPC-X JST cable that you are sporting. I thought I gave the blueprint of how to document the flaw.

I don't have a pair of calipers unfortunately so I won't be able to accurately measure, but you can clearly see the entirety of the JST connector and plug through the cutout. I have no comment for the MDPC-X JST cable, as that information was not something that I was privy too. I just wanted to make it clear that people that supported the project who purchased FnF units were not part of some elaborate scheme. We genuinely got an excellent keyboard, one that we wanted other people to have the chance to experience and use.
HHKB Pro2 | Mira SE | FJELL | KARA HAZE | CW88 FNF WKL Wine | HHKB Prophet | Al.6 | Tengu | Prototype CW60 HHKB Skunkworxxx | Prototype K80 | Tokyo60 | Gingko65Midway LEKei | Frog TKL | Saturn60 | NRD Kaze | Panda Korn | Iron 165 FE | Caerdroia | Safa TKL