Author Topic: MOITOY - 85KB // My first build - Handwired 60% + Numpad + Extra Row  (Read 2986 times)

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Offline Moitoy

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This is one of my first post in this forum and my first mechanical keyboard and also my first custom and handwired Keyboard....I always start with the simplest way  :))

The idea was to make a keyboard that fit my needs, I wanted a small keyboard a 60% but I also need a numpad as I use it a lot, my first idea was to buy one but has very few options and less in ISO layout so finally I decided to follow the great tutorials of Matt3o and Cribbit and made a handwired one.

I started with "keyboard-layout-editor" to see options, look for diferent layouts and how to match it with a complete PBT keycaps in ISO Spanish that I found in China and this lead to me for a 60% + 1 extra row + numpad in the right ride, ISO layout and cursors at the bottom.

This was easy thanks to "keyboard-layout-editor"as is simple for a noob like me. The second choice was the switches, I bought a tester and I liked the khail box and as I was unable to decide just one type and I finally mixed 3 different types, Whites for alphas, pale blue for modifiers and orange for numpad and arrows

As I need 5 rows + 20 columns I decided to use a Teensy ++ 2 (chinese version that surprisingly worked with oficial teensy loader)

For the firmware as I´m not a great programmer I used "RUIKI MAO GMK Keyboard Firmware Builder", other simple and powerfull tool for noobs

And the final decision, how to made the case, I used 1.5mm laser cut plate for the switches plate, the bottom plate and the cover top plate and to mantain a low profile I used 8x8 aluminium box profile and custom printed corners to make the 2 sandwiches. Top cover has 2 funtions, cover the keyboard and be a wrist rest

Lets go to the build process  :cool:

After file all aluminium chips of the laser cut, lets put all stabs and switches in a colourfull way

Note there is a GATERON Intruder, this is just to allow the 3mm led for the CAPS Lock status Led

All switch plate has M3 tappered holes

Color is the way  ;D

I realised that Khail box do not have a perfect fit to the plate so I had to hot glue them a little bit to ensure them and now the hard work....HANDWIRING  :eek:

Diodes rows bucling and soldering

Completed rows

For the colums I used rigid cable from a Ethernet cable donor and a visegrip magic

To wire Teensy controller I used some fancy coloured cables from a SCART trash cable (20 colours FTW)

Rainbow teensy is ready to go

Some extra wiring and a 330Ohm resistor for the CAPS Lock led

Time to cut, file and mount 8x8 profile to the case and 3d printed teensy holder, and a little bit of EVA foam to isolate the bottom plate

Some details of the teensy holder

For the visible aluminium parts I brushed them with Scotch Brite to make a nice finish, not as cool as anodizing but nice enought to me and some details of the case build

The CAPS lock led worked, not at the first time as I put in firmware the pin for NUM Lock instead and then because I wired it wrong GND + Pin instead the CORRECT one +5v and Pin

Now its a low ligt under the cap, but im thinking in made a window in the keycap

Finally the result of the build

I hope it was as entertaining as for me was the build  :p
« Last Edit: Tue, 19 May 2020, 03:29:51 by Moitoy »

Offline kkatano

  • Posts: 61
Re: MOITOY - 85KB // My first build - Handwired 60% + Numpad + Extra Row
« Reply #1 on: Tue, 19 May 2020, 06:55:11 »
Wonderful! Simple and clean looks.

I think EVA foam for isolation also has a positive effect on the sound of the board. How did you feel about it?

Offline Zustiur

  • Posts: 235
Re: MOITOY - 85KB // My first build - Handwired 60% + Numpad + Extra Row
« Reply #2 on: Fri, 22 May 2020, 00:08:55 »
The 8x8 box aluminium tubes may be exactly the solution I didn't know I needed. Thanks for the idea!