Author Topic: How are Blues compared to Browns?  (Read 2942 times)

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Offline Deverica Wolf

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How are Blues compared to Browns?
« on: Sun, 18 September 2011, 17:25:06 »

I am using Buckling Springs right now. Love 'em. I am testing out my new Brown board. Quite different but I like it a lot. I think the Unicomp has taught me how to type better as the looseness is no big deal.

I am now thinking of getting Blues for myself because of the Tenkeyless. Unicomp Spacesaver does not come in a Tenkeyless...Old people.

Anyway, how are Blues compared to the Browns? Are they like Browns but with a click? I know they have different actuation forces but is that even felt?

What I'm saying is, I like the click of the Buckling Springs and the looseness of the Browns don't bother me. Would I enjoy Blues? Like said above, say I want Browns with a click. Is that what I would be getting, pretty much? Thanks.
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Offline BaconKnight

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How are Blues compared to Browns?
« Reply #1 on: Mon, 19 September 2011, 03:02:10 »
I can't say with first hand experience as I haven't had a chance to use browns, but I do have a mx clear board which I hear is like a higher actuation force brown. It's noticable higher, don't want to undersell that, but it has the same tactile but non-clicky format. And based off that, I'd say I think based on what you say of yourself, you should like the blues quite a bit. Even though the "clickyness" is supposed to only affect sound, while the tactile part is touch, there's a clear difference in the tactile nature between the clear and blues I have. I almost can't feel the tactile nature of the clears if I type quickly enough, where as the blues have this pleasant... I don't know how to describe it, but slight "ringing" sensation against your fingertips as you type. I like it quite a bit. Even when I wear headphones and play loud music, drowning out the click sound, I can easily tell the still feel the difference with the blues.

Just keep in mind, blues are nice (my favorite type actually) but to call them a mix between browns and buckling, while sorta true, doesn't mean it's a middle ground between the two. It still has a very cherry signature feel and the really light actuation force vs buckling springs make them feel completely different, to me at least.
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Offline hashbaz

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How are Blues compared to Browns?
« Reply #2 on: Mon, 19 September 2011, 03:55:29 »
This of course is a super subjective question.  For me, blues are noticeably stiffer and more tactile than browns.  They don't feel nearly as loose.

Offline duncan

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How are Blues compared to Browns?
« Reply #3 on: Mon, 19 September 2011, 05:47:37 »
I agree with hashbaz.

I have Blues and Browns on otherwise identical Filcos and the Blues do feel more sold to me. The Browns do feel a little looser. Both have roughly the same amount of use. It's not about wear, they have always felt that way, respectively, to me.

If noise is no object then, for me, the Blues are my preference for serious typing. If you can get the chance to try some Blues then you may well find them slightly nicer than Browns (or maybe slightly worse - always all so personal and subjective).

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Offline enoy21

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How are Blues compared to Browns?
« Reply #4 on: Tue, 20 September 2011, 11:07:39 »
I am SSSOOOOOOOO glad that I got blues now instead of the filthy browns......   Mr. T is my Hero.
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Offline to3-knee

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How are Blues compared to Browns?
« Reply #5 on: Tue, 20 September 2011, 12:28:32 »
He pities the fool that chose browns :P

Offline enoy21

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How are Blues compared to Browns?
« Reply #6 on: Tue, 20 September 2011, 12:42:08 »
Since I bottom out so frequently, And have heard the Filco sound board of the browns ( which doesn't really bother me ) I wonder how the blues will sound with the combination of both (click + bottom out) or if I should try the O-ring dampeners.  My Board should be in on Monday , Open Beta of BF3 starts on Tuesday ( early access ) So I should get a really good feel for gaming on the blues during that week or so.   If for some reason I have troubles with Blues and FPS gaming , I will try and sell to my GF and buy a Filco TKL in browns.

But I'm pretty sure :

Maybe that should be Ripsters theme
« Last Edit: Tue, 20 September 2011, 12:44:36 by enoy21 »
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Offline mancub

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How are Blues compared to Browns?
« Reply #7 on: Tue, 20 September 2011, 13:10:13 »

I just got a blue board myself, been using it for about a week. Love it, I think you will find it works swell for gaming. Granted I am not a fps player, but playing SC2 it is wonderful. No double tap issues for me...but I do bottom out a lot (80% of the time).

As for the sound, I love the click and the bottoming out sound is great too. Together, it just makes me want to type all day :).  Click-clack click-clack. Oh I'm at work and these rubber domes are the devil...:D

Offline sam113101

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How are Blues compared to Browns?
« Reply #8 on: Tue, 20 September 2011, 13:14:39 »
I find blues to be lighter than browns, when technically they shouldn't. I don't think they feel similar, I don't think brown is blue minus the click.
I have buckling springs, blues and browns here. I like browns the best, followed by buckling springs. I don't like blues, mainly because of the high-pitched sound.

Some find blues and browns similar in feel, some don't. You really have to try them.
All the times I've told myself "this switch probably feels like this", I was totally wrong.
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Offline dux

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How are Blues compared to Browns?
« Reply #9 on: Tue, 20 September 2011, 13:47:40 »
Quote from: enoy21;419146
Since I bottom out so frequently, And have heard the Filco sound board of the browns ( which doesn't really bother me ) I wonder how the blues will sound with the combination of both (click + bottom out) or if I should try the O-ring dampeners.  

I had the same problem. I loved the blues for the gentle click but couldn't really type without bottoming out. I did the O-ring mod and now I'm almost perfectly happy. Now I don't like the wobbly sound of the stabilizer keys so I will do sth. about that as my next mod.

Bottoming out can be louder than the click of the blues and this is somehow disturbing. Now, I hear only the click, which makes it really, well, perfect. Not too loud but very precise and clear. Think of a really quality film camera or Swiss watch, just click-click-click. Damn stabilizers:(

Offline gmorf33

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How are Blues compared to Browns?
« Reply #10 on: Tue, 20 September 2011, 14:03:54 »
I'd suggest checking out Ripsters sound clips as another factor to help decide.  He has an accurate setup and gives a good apples to apples comparison.

Offline enoy21

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How are Blues compared to Browns?
« Reply #11 on: Tue, 20 September 2011, 14:03:54 »
Which board are you using Dux ?  ( curious about the stabilizers involved )

As I said The Browns bottoming out don't really bother me. Just like a more full bodied click from what I've heard. I'm interested to see how they sound in combination together though with the rythm of typing.
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Offline pitashen

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How are Blues compared to Browns?
« Reply #12 on: Tue, 20 September 2011, 14:25:43 »
since you are coming from buckling spring, you might like blue slightly better.
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Offline Deverica Wolf

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How are Blues compared to Browns?
« Reply #13 on: Tue, 20 September 2011, 16:59:49 »
I think I am going to give them a shot. Thanks. :plane:
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Offline dux

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How are Blues compared to Browns?
« Reply #14 on: Wed, 21 September 2011, 05:47:45 »
Quote from: enoy21;419176
Which board are you using Dux ?  ( curious about the stabilizers involved )

Well it's complicated:) I have a plu ml 87, but I have Cherry doubleshot keys. Cherry doubleshot Backspace key doesn't fit on the mlu because the wire of the stabilizer is too thick so it hits the inner wall of the key. But, I bought the stabilizers from WASD keyboards which have thinner wires (and are probably the same as filco's) and now everything is OK. Except the stabilizers are a bit loose, but they are so on all boards with Filco-like stabilizers. There is special grease for this, I even have it but I'm waiting for the moogle kit to come in to use it. Complicated, as I said:)

Offline popol

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How are Blues compared to Browns?
« Reply #15 on: Wed, 21 September 2011, 06:03:17 »
Quote from: ripster;419083
Blues are in your face with auditory and tactile feedback.  Browns are laid back in both auditory and tactile feedback.

Blues are fun.  Browns are not.

Blues are the Ripster subforum.  Browns are the main keyboard forum.

Blues are unruly hair.  Browns are clean cut.  This is a slight variation of Ripsters 2x2 Quadrant.
(Attachment Link) 26973[/ATTACH]

The other indicator is how much you worry about ping, sprue marks, wobbly keys and shiny spacebars.  That places you firmly in the lower left quadrant normally.

Some say blues are a gay version of BS as well, browns are not. Were is the truth?

Offline dux

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How are Blues compared to Browns?
« Reply #16 on: Wed, 21 September 2011, 06:35:24 »
Quote from: popol;419482
Some say blues are a gay version of BS as well, browns are not. Were is the truth?

Well, if you accept that BS are a **** version of the typewriter, you can talk about blues like that:)

Offline enoy21

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How are Blues compared to Browns?
« Reply #17 on: Wed, 21 September 2011, 08:15:09 »
Having not used a mechanical Keyboard in many many years ( back in the buckling spring days ) I'm interested in this special grease and to find out how they WASD board with Filco stabilizers will feel.   According to a post in here from WASD I believe he said they grease them as they are building them for the smoothest , best feel possible.
« Last Edit: Wed, 21 September 2011, 08:20:39 by enoy21 »
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