Author Topic: Which 60% for (Linux Tiling WM + Vim + Tmux)  (Read 13422 times)

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Re: Which 60% for (Linux Tiling WM + Vim + Tmux)
« Reply #50 on: Wed, 03 February 2016, 16:15:45 »
I am a Vim and Tmux user (addicted to Vim in fact). IMO, the best 60% has to be a fully programmable one. One thing I really enjoy is dual-role Ctrl/Esc key at the place of caps lock. I also made my spacebar a dual-role fn key. It's just so convenient. No stock keyboard offers these features AFAIK.

I don't believe there is a one-for-all perfect keymap. Everyone has a different preference on keymap based on their usage. For example, for those who don't use Vim, Esc key is probably useless in most cases and not worth putting at a near position, but for Vim users Esc key is very important. The best thing about fully programmable keyboard is that you can make you own keymap that is perfect for your usage, and you have the freedom to change it some time later when you usage changes, or you simply change you mind. Before I used Tmux, Ctrl+b is a key combination that I almost never used. Ctrl+b itself isn't very ergonomic, so after I start using Tmux, I programmed my keyboard to have fn+b be Ctrl+b, so it becomes much more ergonomic.

tl;dr: get a fully programmable 60%.

Broo. braaaah... bruuuuuh. don't you know? First thing I have in my ~/.tmux.conf is remapping ctrl+b to ctrl+a:

set -g prefix C-a
unbind C-b
bind C-a send-prefix

# I also have vim-like bindings:
setw -g mode-keys vi (see man tmux for which mappings are affected and what they are)

# I also have some custom config to make pane navigation more vim-like
# For instance, for down-key (j) i have:
unbind-key j
bind-key j select-pane -D # ctrl-a j == go pane down

# And..
bind-key -n C-j select-pane -D # ctrl + j == go pnae down

Works beautifully in concert with vimux!
Some of my friends also remap ctrl+b to ctrl+a, but ctrl+a is actually a command in Vim (increase the next number). I don't use it very often but there are still cases that I want to use it, so I prefer to keep ctrl+a as ctrl+a.
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Re: Which 60% for (Linux Tiling WM + Vim + Tmux)
« Reply #51 on: Wed, 03 February 2016, 16:32:26 »
Some of my friends also remap ctrl+b to ctrl+a, but ctrl+a is actually a command in Vim (increase the next number). I don't use it very often but there are still cases that I want to use it, so I prefer to keep ctrl+a as ctrl+a
If you have send-prefix set it will still increment the number, you'll just have to double ctrl-a to do so.