Author Topic: New guy with a PS\2 Question  (Read 2884 times)

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New guy with a PS\2 Question
« on: Fri, 14 June 2019, 22:43:46 »
Hello, I am an Electronics Engineer and have been working on a nifty project that uses an old HP Protocol Analyzer. The Keyboard to it uses Cherry Switches. I have ripped up all of the Traces on the PCB and hand soldered in a bunch of 1n4148 Diodes for the Rows and about to start on the Columns with Magnet wire.
The project has turned on me a bit and nowhere from my findings can help me and this Forum was the first on the search results. With all of the info I have found on Handwired Keyboards I can't find any info on if these are USB only or can I use a Micro Controller to make it use the PS\2 Protocol. Or can anyone tell me if this is possible or recommend anything? As much as I would like to use USB but the hardware I have lined up only has one USB and I honestly don't know if a USB Hub would work in this application.
I know of Sprintek's SK5126 but I don't have the tooling to do QFN ICs and the eval board is out of my budget.